FabOverFifty and CafeGive are giving away a $100 gift certificate to the FOF Shop! Anytime you shop through CafeGive this month, 5% of your purchase goes to one of five fab charities.
Thank you for entering. This contest is now closed.
To enter to win the gift card: Visit CafeGive to see all five charities, then comment below and tell us which of those charities you would like to support.
FOFs love to give. We also love to shop. This month, we’re partnering with CafeGive to help you give back while you’re shopping at some of your favorite stores. CafeGive will donate 5% of every purchase you make from fabulous shops such as Nordstrom, Soft Surroundings and our own store. You choose where the 5% will go!
To kick it off, we are giving one lucky FOF a $100 shopping spree to the FOF Shop.
Enter to win by visiting CafeGive to see the charities you can choose. Then comment below to tell us which of those charities you would most like to support.
(See all our past winners. See official rules. Five winners are chosen at random from all those commenters who answer the question. Contest closes April 14, 2011.)
0 Responses to “{Giveaway} Win a gift for you and for the charity of your choice!”
Ucok says:
I share all the time with people. We have yonguer parents in our church who are raising young children, and I HIGHLY recommend Plants, Cornerstone, Instruction, and If, Then to them. It is a privilage to be able to share Doorpost and not Doorpost of your House, which I shared on fb today. I post a lot of things from your books on fb, easy & fast way to send out help from our Master to those who need help and I am not even aware of it. Always get good feedback when I share that and What Do I Know About My God? Thank you for devotion to giving resources for bringing up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
laurie says:
Frankie’s Friends
geoff tad says:
frankie’s friends. animals – yes
Veronica Garrett says:
I would like to support Children’s Heart Foundation.
Sally says:
Frankies Friends because I love all animals!
Frankie’s Friends is the one I choose to support.
christy r says:
I would support Friends of the Children National.
Marianna says:
I’d like to support the Childrens Heart Foundation
Rebecca says:
Friends of the Children would be my choice to donate to.
Sarah L says:
The Nature Conservancy would be my choice.
Thanks for the contest.
Happi Shopr says:
Mercy Corps is my pick
Melissa says:
Frankie’s Friends because animals benefit our lives so much.
Pauline M says:
The Nature Conservancy is my pick. I’ve been active in environmental issues for many years now!
I support Frankie’s Friends. Love animal rights advocates.
pat says:
Mercy Charity. I think they do alot of good!
Phuc says:
I was searching for ideas since I need to ctaere a pet logo for one of my sites, and this list is just what I needed. I cannot believe how simple yet really effective some of these logos are. Thanks for collecting them, because now I have a pretty good idea what I need to do.
Sarah Matos says:
Childrens Heart Foundation
Melissa says:
Animal make our life better, so Frankie’s Friends it is!
Gloria Monroe says:
I would support Th e Nature Conservancy! TOL = Tons of Love! Pass this saying on if you like it, It is a positive saying we sure need in the world now! God Bless! Gloria
JudyZ says:
Children’s Heart Foundation
Gina P says:
I would choose Frankie’s Friends. I volunteer with animals whenever I can. They love unconditionally and there have been times in my life where I’ve been through terrible circumstances and it was always my pets that kept me going. I will forever do what I can to improve the lives of any animal.
I support Frankie’s Friends. Long time advocate for animals rights!!
Debbie C says:
I would like to support the Children’s Heart Foundation.
dchrisg3 @ gmail . com
Jennifer B. says:
Frankie’s Friends
Bram Z says:
Frankie’s Friends
Alene says:
Friends of the Children, of course. They work so hard to take care of the smallest and the sickest and the abandoned. They were the first in NYC way back when to take care of the abandoned aids and drug addicted newborns. They deserve our honor and our dollars!
Melissa says:
Frankie’s Friends because animals make our lives better.
wendy says:
The Nature Conservancy is a very wonderful charity. There is a great deal of work being done here in Wyoming.
Nancy Busick says:
The Nature Conservancy!
I suuport Frankie’s Friends. Have been an anomal advocate all my life.
Carol Foster says:
I would like to support the Cldren’s Heart Foundation
carolkfoster at comcast dot net
Elaine Gasaway says:
I’ve supported The Nature Conservancy for years, because they’re preserving the last wild places.
Carol Melodia says:
Frankie’s Friends!!
Hisako Cooper says:
Mercy Corps
Linda Lansford says:
I choose Mercy Corps
Claudia Mcgee says:
hard to choose only 1 🙁 but Frankie’s Friends would be my 1st choice .
Tamika Wilks says:
I Choose Mercy Corps because this group is essential for helping out during times of crisis in communities.
Melissa says:
Frankie Friends because I love animals!
LisaS says:
Frankie’s Friends in honor of my little lion, Seamus, who died of spleen and pancreatic cancer last December.
leonard voss says:
many blessings
I support Frankie’s Friends. Love animals!!
Phoenix says:
Frankie’s Friends in honour of my Tigerlily.
Nancy Krueger says:
The Nature Conservancy
Linda Owens says:
The Nature Conservancy
Melissa says:
I support Frankie’s Friends because animals make our lives so much better!
Vonnie says:
Nature Conservancy – I have several acquaintances who are employed there and know they do good work.
Vicki Wurgler says:
I picked Friends of the Children-National
SANDY says:
frankies frindz
Mary Wright says:
Check out Mercy Corps.
Great organization that I choose for donations.
Frankie’s Friends for me!
I support frankie’s friends. Passionate about animals.
Celeste Perritt says:
I have chosen Frankie’s Friends to help the precious animals that cannot help themselves. Animals are so dear to my heart and this looks like a wonderful charity.
kristen barnhill says:
children’s heart foundation
sara hauser says:
Friends of the Children–so many charities help children but don’t follow up as they get older. Many just fall through the cracks.
AJB says:
The Nature Conservancy
janet lindsey says:
Betty Vincent says:
Kirsten says:
Children’s Heart Foundation
Val says:
I choose the Children’s Heart Foundation because I have 2 daughters with heart conditions and 2 grand daughters with heart conditions.
Katie Q says:
Although all 5 of the charities have compelling reasons to support them, I would choose Mercy Corps. They seem to be in the forefront whenever disaster strikes.
beth w says:
I would support Friends of the Children. I mentor with a program locally. I have a wonderful relationship with a precious fifth grade girl, named Amie. I have told her I plan on being there to watch her graduate from high school.
hofken says:
I would support Mercy Corps
sandy haber says:
anything for the children — Friends of the Children.
Paul Busch says:
I forgot to mention that I chose Mercy Corps to support. All are good causes. I really appreciate the way Mercy Corps approaches crisis relief, helping to empower those living in the affected area.
Paul Busch says:
Shopping for a cause is a great way to increase the effectiveness of what you do. Thanks for doing this!
Debra Hall says:
I support the Nature Conservancy thats something I belive in.
Johnetta says:
I would surely give Frankie’s Friends my support! They do such great work and have helped so many lovely pets fight cancer. I looked them up on Facebook and couldn’t resist those awesome little faces! 🙂
Becky Horn says:
I would support the Childrens Heart Foundation!!
Angela Ritter says:
I think children charities need as much help as possible. While I would love to see all of the charities “win” I have to lean to “The Friends of the Children-National” would greatly benefit from donations and it’s important that children have good roll models in their life.
cranepuffin says:
A friend of mine’s son had a heart transplant when he was just weeks old. I would like to support the Childrens Heart Foundation. Thank you!
DeniseG says:
Children are foremost in everyone minds so I think another type of charity could use my personal support
Frankie’s Friends.
Karen says:
As a lover of all animals, I would choose Frankie’s Friends. In honor of Jazz, who we lost last year.
Teresa Behl says:
I prefer church charities, so will choose the Childrens Heart Foundation – appears to be the closest to what I would want.
Penny Snyder says:
They all look great, but I would have to choose The Nature Conservancy – I’ve always had a special place in my heart for nature! grammypenny@frontier.com
Susan Nielsen says:
Frankie’s Friends
JanPattersonRN says:
I’ll go with Friends of the Children- National.
I’ve got three children I mentor right now. It’s really fulfilling. My ‘older kids’ tell me often how much difference I made for them, but I tell them I’m just passing it on, because people did it for me.
Thanks for the chance!
Beth says:
The Nature Conservancy
Cat H says:
I would like to support Frankie’s Friends
Collene says:
I would choose the Nature Conservancy. The earth is our most valuable resource.
Danielle Donohue says:
I would most like to support the Children’s Heart Foundation.
lorraine says:
You made the choice difficult, but I think with all the environmental degradation that has happened in just this year alone, I’ll go with the Nature Conservancy.
Judy Brenner says:
I support the Childrens Heart organization. I have 5 kids and 2 grandkids, so this is a project that hits close to home!
Valerie Clark says:
I would pick Friends of the Childrens National as a charity of choice. Why? It’s simple. Have you ever paid attention to a child? Have you seen the light in their eye the swelling of their hearts and the tear they didn’t shed. Mentorship gives that type of attention to someone who needs it. Having someone pay attention can make a world of difference in someones attitude, fortitude and life decisions.
Cynthia Stetson says:
Childrens Heart Foundation
Beverly says:
Nature Conservancy
Melissa says:
I support Frankie’s Friends because I am a dog lover.
sherry pincus says:
I like Children’s Heart Foundation
Valerie C. says:
I’d choose Frankie’s Friends. Animal charities need help. Most sorely lack funding.
Billie Everly says:
The Children’s Heart Foundation.
Kathy Carpenter says:
My favorite charity is Goodwill Industries!
Diana Prewitt says:
Frankie’s Friends, but all such great choices.
janice joyner says:
I love the Children’s Heart Foundation!! Great charities, all of them!
Holly Robinson says:
I would support the Children’s Heart Foundation. I couldn’t choose anything else because I have three boys of my own.
Sharren Sattar says:
All the charities are great, but I would choose
Nature Conservancy, so much gets destroyed it would be nice to preserve for generations to come.
joyzkim says:
They are all good causes, but my favorite is Frankie’s Friends
Gloria Monroe says:
I liked them all ” The Nature Conservancy” is my final choice, we need to protect nature so it will always be their for our future generations to enjoy! God Bless! TOL! = Tons of Love!
desertkid says:
Mentoring trouble children is a noble cause. It could change a whole family tree. I support Friends of the Children-National.
Gabrielle Barrett says:
Frankie’s Friends because I am a great animal advocate, and with today’s economy, so many of us today can’t afford to take care of our pets.
Vanessa says:
Children’s Heart Foundation!
Pat Franco says:
I would choose the The Nature Conservancy.
Cynthia says:
I’m already a member of the Nature Conservancy, so that’s already my choice. I support National Parks, the Red Cross, Scouting, the environment, and children’s medical needs.
Randy S says:
Mercy Corps
barbara wicklund says:
childrens heart foundation!
Debbie S. says:
Frankie’s Friends would be my choice. More people need to be proactive when it comes to saving the lives of abused animals. Food for thought: If everyone who wanted a dog or cat went to their local animal shelter, instead of seeking out some designer or pure bred dog/cat, then we wouldn’t need those shelters within a very short time.
Lisa M says:
I would support The Children’s Heart Foundation. So many heart defects go undetected in children. My daughter has a heart murmur that, thankfully, was detected when she was little and is monitored at every check-up. You would never know she has a heart problem. She’s always been very athletic. She was a former elite competitive figure skater, does martial arts and badminton.
Jacquie says:
I support the animal cause. We need to speak up for them as they can not do so for themselves.
Jody J says:
I would be proud to support all groups but the one I support is the Children’s Heart Foundation because everyone deserves a chance.
cynthia marriott says:
I choose MercyCorps as we need to start at the beginning in our wonderful USA and our world. Change comes from within and we need a complete overhaul in our thinking and doing in all aspects of our earth.
deb says:
I support Friends of Children. Progams about kids
always seem to get cut first w/budget cuts. We
are cutting so much out of education in PA right now.
Marie says:
Friends of the Children-National
Deborah says:
I would support the Children’s Heart Foundation because as a kindergarten teacher for 32 years and a Mimi to 7 grandchildren and twins on the way, children are my life!
Joan says:
All these charities are worthy and need our support. I’ve selected the Nature Conservancy because it fundamentally impacts everyone/everything through its efforts.
I support Frankie’s Friends. Have always loved animals.
Kim Cage says:
I would support Frankie’s Friends. I love all animals and they need all help they can get!!!!!
Debbie Chaney says:
I would like to support the Children’s Heart Foundation and bring health, hope and happiness to children impacted by congenital heart defects, the number one birth defect in the United States.
Patrick says:
“This would be a great cause to be supported”
Anita Mitchell says:
I would most like to support the Children’s Heart Foundation. Children are our greatest gift, yet so completely vulnerable and dependent on others for their lives, while giving back through their lives many times over the love that they are given.
Kristine P says:
So many good charities to support, but I’ll go with The Nature Conservancy. I think focusing on that can help generations to come.
Eugenie says:
I would support the Nature Conservancy.
Lisa Brown says:
I would support the Children’s Heart Foundation. This is a good foundation and any chance to help our helpless children is very important to me.
Linda Kish says:
Children’s Heart Foundation
Joann Bally says:
I would support The Nature Conservancy 🙂 and love love to win the GC
Thank you so much
Hannah B. says:
I would support Frankie’s Friends. Animals are so important to us, yet when they get sick, many people just don’t have the money for their veterinary care, which is quite expensive. Frankie’s Friends helps to alleviate some of that burden but their support depends on donations. I am an animal-lover and their well-being should be a priority. They depend on us for everything & love unconditionally.
sherie says:
they are all wonderful charities! but if i have to pick only one…The Nature Conservancy would be it! thank you for the opportunity to support any charity! the shops have such great things to choose from too! happy hunting for just the right things!
Christine Norman says:
Children’s Heart Foundation, absolutely.
Lynda C says:
That was tough, but I would support Friends of the Children-National since that has such a great impact on society and the future.
Janice says:
I would like to support all five but will pick the one I think would be least supported which would be Frankies Friends.
Brenda says:
I support the Boys and Girls Club of Monterey County for providing a safe after-school place for inner-city latchkey children. This organization has been helping children fulfill lifelong dreams for decades, and I’d like to help them continue their indispensible mission to our communities.
Susan Lockwood says:
The Nature Conservancyn receives my vote – for our children and our children’s children.
suzanne says:
We would support Frankie’s Friends. My daughters and I volunteer to help Animal Advocates Alliance here in LA. Hundreds of pets are dropped off at shelters, are rescued or stray…and so many of them have to be put down. Animal Advocates Alliance raises awareness about the importance of neutering, helps with animal rescue and hosts countless adoption events to find these pets homes. Helping at these events has given me a chance to involve my girls in philanthropy and giving back.
Darlene Williams says:
The Children’s Heart Foundation. A friend’s darling eight-year-old was supposed to have relatively simple heart surgery, but it was more serious than expected and she died in surgery. We were all devastated. I support any research that will prevent that kind of heartbreak and tragedy.
Irishstar says:
On Jan. 6,2011 I was blessed by the birth of my 7th grandchild, AvaMae. She was whisked away that same day to Chicago Children’s Memorial where she underwent surgery to rebuild her heart. She was hospitalized for 6 weeks on a respirator and feeding tube. My choice for a charity is Childrens Heart, Thank you FOF from the bottom of this grandmother’s heart!
Beth Lowe says:
The Nature Concervancy gets my vote to help protect our environment and nature.
ogden says:
i have to say red cross for Japan right now, the country is a disaster and i don’t want the world to forget, so many people, so many lives, there are many many fine charities, but right now we need to help japan
Jacqueline says:
Undoubtedly, I would choose a children’s charity…our children’s lives are so precious – The Children’s Heart Foundation.
susan says:
I am most comfortable supporting Mercy Corps
katie says:
Assistance League Girls club
G B says:
Children’s Heart Foundation would be my choice.
sherry stewart says:
I would like to support the Children’s Heart Foundation. I was a teacher for 30 years and I love helping children. Life is precious.
I support The Nature Conservancy. Passionate about our environment.
Kai W. says:
I would support Frankie’s Friends after having lost two of pets from kidney failure and one from cancer. The cancer was the one that really hit me hard.
chie says:
The Nature Conservancy would be my choice. we need clean air, clean water. it is important to keep it that way.
Jackie Ennett says:
I wish to donate to Frankie’s Friends. Animals Rule! I have three rescue dogs now. They are my life. Pets give so much and all they ask is that we be provide them with the very basics. They are so thankful (especially the rescues) and give so much more than we deserve. In honor of Arlo, Tess and Ferris!
Robyn Ely says:
I would have to say Frankie’s Friends hands up !
I am devoted to animal’s .
Frances says:
Having just lost my beloved Bitie the main man in my life, my long hair cat – I would support Frankie’s Friends. It was some type of cancer that took him from me too soon.
Deborah Truss says:
Nature is my choice. Bless & preserve our beautiful earth & all the gifts it holds!
june eggers says:
I would support Frankie’s Friends. I care deeply for stray animals. I volunteer at 2 shelters in our area. One has over 250 cats. It is a no kill, spay/neuter shelter and they do amazing things. The other is our Humane Society. I’ve adopted kitties from both of these shelters. Some kitties are just so easy to fall in love with.
Madeline says:
I would support the Children’s Heart Foundation as this seems to be a very worthwhile cause. I would love to
win the $100 gift certificate!
Kathi says:
I would choose Frankies Friends, I Love animals So Very Much! I can’t handle when I hear such horror stories about animals and the face that they can’t express theirselves and tell us about their discomforts and they grin and bear it ,But when we are ill they are right by our sides! Loyal as Loyal can be. So I feel any way that we can help Our Furry Friends I am All For It !!!
Amanda S says:
I would support Frankie’s Friends because animals are so therapeutic and they count on us to take care of them because we are all they have!
Sophia Sutton says:
I support mostly environmental groups and Smile Train but would like to support Mercy Corps with all the upheaval going on in the world. Thank you!
Aisling says:
Certainly they’re all very worthy. I’d choose one that benefits all of us – The Nature Conservancy, Protecting Nature, Preserving Life.
Alice F says:
I would support the childrens heart foundations
Lisa says:
Friends of the Children, definitely!
jean ray says:
Frankie’s friends all the way! I love all animals and we need more research.
Mary Wright says:
I choose to support Mercy Corps.
Go to mercycorps.org to see the amazing work they do.
Julie says:
I would support Mercy Corps for global aid.
Beth Elder says:
Nature conservancy and thanks for the opportunity.
Nancy says:
Frankie’s Friends! I volunteer with 2 local humane societies and The House Rabbit Society, plus foster and rescue dogs and rabbits. A percentage of the proceeds from my children’s books is donated to various animal organizations. And my wonderful furever dog battled cancer (and is in a dog book about this terrible topic) so it’s a cause near and dear to my heart.
Eddy says:
Frankie’s Friends
Debbie W. says:
I would support Friends of the Children-National. Thanks for the chance to win the gift certificate.
Diane says:
Friends of the Children-National-connecting vulnerable children to long-term mentors.. I work with Autistic children and it would be nice to have mentors who can be supportive. There is such a big need.
Diane says:
Most definitely, I would choose The Nature Conservancy! This generation of young adults is so busy making a living and sitting in front of a computer that they forget to learn about/enjoy the wonderful free things nature gives us. And if they don’t start paying attention there may one day be no more Honey Bees. Something as simple as that. And if we have no bees we will have little pollination which means much of our food supply will disappear. If we do not start thinking about these things now, one day it will be too late. I love nature.
Maria U. says:
I would like to support The Children’s Heart Foundation because I believe that it is a very worthy cause.
Cassi Jensen says:
They are all worthy causes, but if I have to pick one, I think Frankie’s Friends appeals to me very strongly. Animals cannot tell us of their pain and suffering, so they need our caring and love and help. I lost a beloved cat to a cancerous tumor and I still miss her and mourn her loss after two years.
Pamela Hansen says:
childrens heart foundation because a friend lost her baby in Dec from an undetected heart defect
Dee Seahawk says:
Frankie’s Friends!
Deborah says:
I would support the Friends of the Children as I volunteer in a similar program here called “The Circle Program” for children at risk. It’s sometimes the only normal time they have so I think it’s important to keep it going!
deb preston says:
Was hoping for Breast Cancer – my younger sister died 10 days ago but I need to support the children
Barbara says:
I would support Frankies Friends the Animal Charity. I totally support many kinds of animal groups and feel they often get left out in the shuffle for charities with other ones taking the forefront.
Animals need love and help too!
smfsprout says:
The Children’s Heart Foundation is near and dear to my heart. This gets my vote!
Melissa says:
I would support Frankie’s friends. I love dogs!
Susan P. says:
The Children’s Heart Foundation since my daughter and I were born with heart defects (that healed on their own) and I’ll always have heart problems.
Patricia Assanowicz says:
I choose Frankies Friends, for the majority of my life I have taken care of abused and abandoned animals. I work with a vet when another animal joins our family, so they can be throughly checked out and make sure they have their shots and also neutered. Eventually I find loving homes for either a dog or a cat to live their lives to the fullest. My Mom, Bless her soul belonged to the Humane Society and she also helped me care for our abused animals. I strongly believe animals know when you save their lives, Frankies Friends is a place we really need, the research and care means so much to help further lives for our Angels with furry wings. Bless you Frankies Friends
StChienne says:
Frankie’s Friends is working to find cures to pet cancers, and helps those with life-threatening diseases find the right care. Our animals lead very short lives as compared to our own and their illnesses shorten them further still. I’d like to help fund research and care for our pets.
Vera J says:
I would support Friends of the Children-National and would love to win the gift certificate.