If you’re stressed about your thinning tresses, enter to test this 4-Step Kit for Stronger and Healthier Hair (retail value: $122) by French company, Rene Furterer. The manufacturers promise a “stronger and healthier hair and scalp,” after using this regime. Could it be true?
Rene Furterer is giving 6 FOFs the chance to test their kit which includes:
Forticea Stimulating Shampoo (retail value: $23) — Contains pure essential oils of orange, lavender and rosemary, herbs known to purify and stimulate microcirculation in the scalp. It also contains amino proteins to stimulate cell renewal. 5.1 oz.
Complexe 5 (retail value: $45) — This weekly scalp treatment contains orange and lavender essential oils to activate microcirculation while working as an antiseptic to purify the scalp. 1.7 oz.
RF 80 (retail value: $67) — A no-rinse weekly scalp treatment with Brazilian ginseng to stimulate and increase the growth of capillaries around the root bulb, and the essential oils of sage and lemon to increase blood circulation. It also contains vitamins A, F, B5, H, PP and Biotine to simulate cell renewal and promote stronger hair. The treatment comes as12 single-dose vials.
Vitalfan dietary supplement (retail value: $39) — Essential vitamins and natural extracts such as black currant, crucial for treating thinning hair at the source. One box contains a month’s supply (30 capsules).
We want you to tell us: Are these hair-apy products the creme de la creme?
6 FOFs will test these products. Click here to find out more about them, and then leave a comment below for a chance test them. (See all our past winners, here.) (See official rules, here.) Contest closes February 22, 2012 at midnight E.S.T.
0 Responses to “{Test This} Rene Furterer 4-Step Kit for Stronger and Healthier Hair”
Nicole Bruckman says:
Hi Robin,
Do you have an email address I can message you at? Trying to locate some pieces for an upcoming museum show that I believe Peter Bernard had purchased. You can message me at nicole@rrockenterprises.com. Thank you! Nicole
michellep34 says:
I would love to test this product because my hair is thin and getting thinner. I think of the older women in my family and worry that my hair is going to end up like theirs, thin and you can see their scalps.
michellep34 says:
I would love to test this product because my hair hair has gotten thinner since I turned 50. A product that could help me keep what hair I have left would be an amazing product.
MAW says:
Would love to try this product….have been looking for something to help thinning hair for a while now
anjieh says:
WOULD LOVE to test the 4 step kit for stronger hair!
Marsha Crain says:
My hair has always been thin-but now it is thinning and dry!! I can use all the help I can get!!
Auth says:
Well a chairman upon top of me is right- Only a abnudniog fundamentally get influenced by this tax (although most people have a opposite clarification for wealthy). One man we saw upon C-Span was so indignant about this tax since his family didn’t have income as well as he claimed a tax meant he had to lay- off 7 of their sixteen people residence staff Um so we can means sixteen maids, butlers, as well as alternative HOUSE stafff, though you’re poor? riiiight.Anyway approbation this tax fundamentally usually affects a abnudniog BUT I’m opposite this tax completely. When a family (even a abnudniog one) creates income they should be authorised to pass it onto their children. An estate tax is fine- though it should be no some-more than 10% we think.
beachwoman says:
My hair tends to be dry with split ends. I have also started losing more and more hair each day. This product sounds wonderful.
Soledad says:
I sure would like to test this. My hair is thinning at the hairline and I would like to see if this would fix that. I also have curly, dry hair which needs help. Besides that I like the idea of the micro circulation of the scalp. Sounds like my scalp would feel tingly! 🙂
Joan CArfagno says:
martha CrAIG says:
After chemo I need all the help I can get! Help!
mrsbootc says:
Oh…my hair is thinning too…I so would love to test this.
Roe's Woes says:
I would love to try these products. I know that I should not lament over the past, but I used to have such thick hair, and now it is so thin. It would be nice to create the optimum environment on my scalp for hair health.
darcy says:
Oh, please,please pick me! When
I was younger
Used to complain about how thick my hair was,, oh how
I wish
I could take those words back! My hair is so thin now that
I’d been known to use brow powder on my scalp to help hide that fact. I would love to try anything that might help!
proud_mary53 says:
At58 I have noticed my hair is alot thinner than two years ago,Lookes to be a product worth trying.
Michele says:
Let me know if this works! If it does, I’ll buy the package!
Leila says:
OH how I would so LOVE to give this product a test…I have thinning processed hair and I will do just about anything to improve my hair …because I have tried many brands and will continue to…i guess you could say Im already a product tester…..its not cheep! thank you.
Padma Narasimhan says:
My hair needs emergency care. I would love to test this.
Denise Catrain says:
I’m only 51 and my hair is falling out like crazy I even switched to the salon shampoo to see if they really have better shampoo, NO it sucks please help I don’ t want to be a bald grandma
Judy FREDERCK says:
For some reason my hair has just wants to do it’s own thing & be very uncooperative.
Caroline Z says:
I’ve tried so many different products. I need one that gives me volume and doesn’t weight my hair down. My hair needs something to help get it strong.
Melinda Singer says:
I’ve noticed the past two or three years my hair has started thinning and some hairs are starting to get frizzy. From the comments here I see the Rene Furterer kit would help keep my hair heathier and stronger!
Ingemar Hulthage says:
These products help with thinning hair, a common problem as people age!
Robin Solod says:
I LOVE RENE FURTERER. I used it 30 years ago when i was a hairdresser at Bergdorf Goodman in NYC. WIsh i could use it again for my 2 hairs on my head… Rob
maria says:
I would love to try and find out.
valorosa says:
I’d love to try the hair treatment products. My hair is thinning on the top of my head. Could you find something that would prevent the hair from turning gray while you’re at it?
AJB says:
Yes, I would like to be a tester for these items.
Elisse says:
I’m 52, and my hair is fine, but while I would like to try them, my mom (89) and BFF (68) could use them MUCH more; if I win, I would provide it to one of them to test and we’d write about their results!
Rita says:
I really have problem hair and I am always on the “look out” for products that will help me manage my hair at home.
BMack says:
I have been dealing with hair breakage for over a year. I’ve been to Drs, had all sorts of tests done and so far all I’ve gotten is “try this expensive goop and take these vitamins for 6 mos, then come back” Meanwhile, my hair keeps breaking. HELP!
Blondie Bayer says:
As a grandmother with very long hair, I need all the help I can get. I would love to test these products would provide a very complete and comprehensive report. Please consider me for the test. Thank you.
Marsha Crain says:
I have noticed that my hair is feeling dry lately and thinning out. It would be great to try such great products to help me!
km_maggard says:
Would love to try this. In my younger days…sans children…my hair was long and so thick. Now, not so much…lol.
gshep says:
Help. My hair is thinning.
Niken says:
NO -_- dont even fucking give apple that idea that would ruin the whole iponhe i HATE long screens like that -_- I have an LG G2X waiting for the iponhe 5 and i hate the screen for the g2x, Its long and i hate it, theres other phones with 4 inch screens but wider, but this thing is like a brick, IF they make iponhe 5 like that then ill be the maddest person ever and rage quit and buy a SG3 -_-
Jayne says:
I would love to test these products on my thinning blonde hair……
Ashley Upshaw says:
Every since I’ve had kids, my hair has been horribly dry, and unmanagable. I would LOVE to test these products!
JMeidel says:
I need something for my hair. It does what it wants. I fight dry hair.
Sharon Kash says:
I would love to test these products. I’ve tried another product line with no results. My hair has been thinning especially on the top side of my scalp for years. Thank you for the consideration.
pameladw says:
I would love to test these products. I used to have very thick, long hair. I find that my hair is getting thinner each year!
Florence Reynolds says:
This sounds like the problem is being targeted within the body with the dietary supplement, also. Hoping I will get to test these products!! Thinking Rene Furterer kit could be the key to healthier hair for me.
etangel18 says:
I am in my fifties and have seen my hair thinning and falling out in clumps in the shower. I am by no means bald and I have seen a doctor who states this can happen at my age. I would love to try these products and see if they can help my hair!
suesur says:
I love hair care products. I would love to test this 4-Step Kit. Looks promising.
Debra Sarran says:
These products certainly are the hair creme-de-la-creme! I am so interested to see how the various essential oils & herbs work to increase circulation. I have been working with essential oils for years & am very excited to see a product that supports their use.
Sheila Totten says:
I have some thinning at the top of my head.I think because of that and my long hair I would be a good candidate to test this
Debbie W. says:
I am in desperate need of these products as I am suffering from thinning hair and hair loss. A woman’s hair is perhaps the most important accessory we have!
yanksdiva07 says:
My hair is thinner than it was 2 years ago and the inside dry air is doing a number on it. I would love to test these products and give you my opinion.
Brooke Welch says:
I’m always searching for a hair system that works good so id love to be chose!
jentomsch says:
I have long hair and constantly worry about how aging is going to affect it.
kmariem18 says:
I am now nearly completely gray and the texture of my hair has changed – would love to test these to see if my hair improves.
bedford1tom1 says:
I love having beautiful full hair, and hope to find more great products to enhance my look
Donna Strudwick says:
I am 57 years old and my hair has thinned significantly in the past couple of years. I suspect it may be due to prescription medicine for high blood pressure. I would love to try this and see if it makes a difference.
Karen Bradsell says:
My hair is thinning. Would love to try these products.
ladine says:
I would love to try this product I would like a product that prevents hair loss, easy to use and good, and good for my hair..
Donel P says:
I would love to find out if these hair-apy products the creme de la creme. I am 49 and my hair has been thinning for years to find a product that would really help this problem would be wonderful.
FamilyLady4 says:
Furterer can be the answer to my mom’s prayers. She’ll be 67 this year & was deathly sick with a very serious staph infection last summer. Had emergency surgery, sent home with a pic-line, is still taking several medications and recently had a 2nd surgery to repair damage the infection caused. With everything her body has been through, she is now losing her hair…ALOT of hair. It’s thinning terribly and she finds a new bald spot every day and calls me in tears. She is so depressed from this. I truly believe that this product will give her hope. She’s signing up for FabOverFifty today!
mamavalveeta03 says:
Funny, but I use to buy these products “back in the day,” before I really needed them. They’d come in pretty handy now that I’m 51 and my hair isn’t quite as youthful as it once was.
Arlene says:
No matter what color a woman’s hair is, what makes it beautiful is its health and vibrancy. Products sound like a multi-prong approach that might work.
texaspeech says:
I used to be a beauty tester and wrote for one of the first online beauty “magazines”. I sure miss that and would love the chance to resume my testing and writing on beauty products. It’s a lifetime passion! Thanks.
padmanarasim says:
My hair is getting more frizzy. I dye my gray. I also started losing more hair.
Red says:
I guess I would like to enter for my daughter. She is very self concious about her hair. It is very thin. She is a teacher and she would like help with her hair. Please help!!
Marthasan says:
Dear Rene Furterer: My hair owner is worry because I am getting thirsty, breakable and thin. Your invention will give me life and shine again! Thank you in advance. Marthasan’s hair.
suzanne bernstein says:
I will try ANYTHING!!! However, I would most value something I learned about on FAB50! – where else can
I learn about products & places to improve my quality of life over Age 50!!! Crossing my fingers…xoxo
RarnChild says:
I’m a natural blond, and while my hair isn’t thin, it is fine. I wonder what these products could do for me?
kathie says:
I had no idea such products existed! I have only seen the big name “scary” thinning hair products that I am almost tempted to use….but I I would rather try out something like this filled with botanicals, sounds wonderful and would be thrilled if it works! This kit seems to me like the healthier more enjoyable way to go!
Wanda says:
My hair has been like cotton candy since I was a child. Now it is still soft and wispy but very thin and getting thinner each day. I will be 60 in a few months, and I would love to have some hair when I get to my birthday. I would like very much to try this product.
Betty says:
Pick me, pick me, pretty please! I’m a 65 victim of my gene pool that left me with thinning, fly-away fluff for hair. But I so want to look the way I feel — vibrant and full of life!
Nikki says:
In reviewing the ingredients in these products, it looks like alot of very natural non chemical products…all for that! The chemicals the better and I am really hoping this will help the fall-out after 55! Hope I get to test this product. Thanks!
Carolyn Humphrey says:
Yes, my hair is gradually becoming thinner than it used to be – I have especially noticed this at the temple area. I would like to try this product!
carrie obrien says:
My hair’s more challenging as I age-I’d love to try this!
kim tapia says:
Would like to test this.
shewalk says:
I have had fine, thin hair all my life. I would love to rty this!
Pam Poe says:
I would love 2 test this product
CDSmile says:
I have thinning to the point of some bald spots. Years ago I had cancer and when my hair came back,it’s not the same. I would love to try this product.
Michelle says:
After successfully getting thru breast cancer – ( no chemo) I want to get my body back to great health. Would love to have strong, healthy hair and scalp. Working on getting some confidence back. Grateful to be in remission! Now I want to be better on the outside too! Yes, I would love to test this product!!!!
JulietteC says:
When I was younger, I had freakishly long and thick hair (think Crystal Gale). It wasn’t just hair, it was part of my identity — the girl with the hair… Now that I’m over 50, my hair is cut short and I find myself envying other older women so still have thick, lush hair. I’d love to test this product and find a solution to my thinning hair problem!
slinkywoman says:
I am 55 and have fine, thin hair. I would like to try this product to see if it makes a difference in my existing hair condition (this will make a huge difference as I get older).
arf032048 says:
If this works, hallaluya
Donna Brenenstall says:
I am 59 and my baby fine hair has been thinning for at least 25 years. I have PCOS so like a diabetic, i am prone to this. I have used many different products for this issue. I think maybe some of them may have helped slow down the process but my hair is still very thin and my scale is peeking through more & more. I would love to try this kit.
sjoffey@aol.com says:
I would love to be able to try the new hair products by Rene Furterer. i have a very dry scalp and have tried so many different products and none work as they claim they should. So to be able to try these new products would be awesome and especially if their claims are correct I would become a true waking advertiser for them.
Ann says:
Would love to try this. Been cursed with thin baby fine hair and now find it is becoming even thinner with age!
2ssmith says:
i have used special shampoos and conditioners before to encourage my ultra-fine and thinning hair to stop getting even thinner, but with no luck. i haven’t given up yet, though.
Gail says:
My hair stylist keeps trying to get me to try Rogaine. I’m taking Biotin and find that it helps, but I’d love to try this product.
Mary Meisel says:
A frightening amount of hair is captured before clogging the shower drain each time I shampoo. It is so severe that I drop an old nylon scrunch bath scrubber over the drain to prevent plumbing issues!
Healthy and active, I know it isn’t health related. I’d love to test a product that might reduce or stop this hair loss.
Nancy Lefton says:
I am 66 and notice that my hair has been thinning. Although I can’t see it falling put in gobs I would like to put a stop the this. Would love to try the products to see if they work. Have several friends who would be interested in the product if it really works.
kgereg says:
Honestly, I’m a sceptic when I hear of all the products that promise to grow your hair. Whether hair loss is caused by hormone changes or stress, I’m not impressed with the products that claim hair growth success. However, there are a few anti-aging products that address the dry hair issue, which are superb. So, I don’t have confidence that Rene Furterer 4-Step Kit for Stronger and Healthier Hair are the creme de la creme.
cynthia says:
I forgot to post I would like to test and review Remember Furterer hair products because they say their products can strengthen and thicken your hair. My hair is fine, thin and dry. I have tried other products and they don’t wotrk. I could use all the help I can get.
Jo Berg says:
What a great site! A friend sent me a link to the Test This since I have always had thin, fine hair. I’ve used various products, but none have been satisfactory (yet–hint, hint). And since my hair is starting to gray, it looks even thinner. I’d love to try this product. Thank you.
Pam Poe says:
It would be really great to help my thinning hair!
cynthia says:
I would Love to win these hair products. I have fine, dryhair. Could really use the help these products say they can do. I have tried.
Other products. Sorry I am doing this from cell.
Donna Witiak says:
I would like to test this product line. My hair used to be full and thick, but after menopause, the top of my hair has thinned out noticably. Help!
Victoria williams says:
Need something exciting to do on my to do list before I reach age 60 this year.
leo39@netzero.com says:
Would love to try and hopefully find the product which will actually work.
debbiehoskins says:
I was born with baby fine hair, and as I have grown older, my hair seems to be thinning near the top of my head. I have tried several different products with mixed results. Need to find something that really works!
Cristina says:
My boobs are sagging, my face is wrinkled, and every now and then a tear runs down my leg when I laugh or sneeze. I thought I’s always have my beautiful hair..but now THAT is starting to thin…it’s all I have left, for heaven’s sake! Please let me test this stuff and let me pull a fast one on Mother Nature…
carolineno says:
My hair would love to know!
ruby1dsd says:
WOW, FOF! I’ve been hearing that many of the ingredients will help stimulate and promote hair growth, but something that will actually detoxify your scalp from all the daily accumulated grunge in our lives, is truly a promising & innovative idea.
saffellw says:
I have been having a problem with thinning hair for the past four or five years. I don’t know if it is menopause, stress or just my luck. But it causes me to be very self conscious of myself. I don’t know what to do as this is not a hereditary problem. I have tried many things without success and feel pretty discouraged. I would love to try this product and would give you honest feedback, positive or negative.
Elisse says:
I’m 52, but my BFF is 68 and looks 55- except for her thinning hair… Would LOVE her to be able to test this & write about it for you, and if I win she will! 🙂
patmal says:
Wow, it would be so nice not to look in the mirror and see my scalp. I’ve tried just a couple of things and have been disappointed.
B Laurie says:
I have noticed that when I dye my hair, how much of my hair I am losing…especially around the frame of my face. I would love to give it a try.
hofken says:
This sounds like the line of products I really need. I would give you my honest feedback. Thansk!
dotsy says:
These products are rich and full of nutrients and something that would be great for my hair. I have been searching for products to help provide moisture and strength to my hair since it has always been very thin and fine, and now that I am getting older I find it harder to find products that will actually restore my hair and make it stronger and healthier. I would love to try these products!
bloomingidiot says:
I would love to test this. I’ve battled thin hair since my early thirties, and nothing has proved effective. I just leave it curly most days to hide as much scalp as I can!
AngelaK says:
I’m losing so much hair right now and would love to test these products
felicia says:
I would like a chance to test this product since my hair is continuously falling out I have really tried everything and I have to say that nothing has helped as of yet. I’m a little desperate.
lydianna says:
Would love if this would help lift my dulling hair out of the doldrums. My hair has changed and I need to find out what it needs now.
Donna Role says:
My hair is falling out each day. if you want a true and honest answer as to if the product works pick me. I will document each day with photos. I need this product so I can feel like I have full and healthy hair again. \
Holly says:
More birthdays….less hair! Maybe all the color to cover the grays. Let’s give it a try and see.
Marsha depace says:
Getting older equals gaining weight and thinning hair!
Cindy Stern says:
For years I had beautiful wavy an long thick hair,compliments of my mother. It was by far my best feature. In 2003 I was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder similar to Leukimia called Essential Trombocythemia. I was put on medication called Hydroxyurea immediately and required to take it every day, and Im olny 53 YO. To say the least it has played havoc with my hair, skin, and nails,along with just about everything else. I really would love some help here and if this stuff works it could possibly give me back the beautiful tresses I once had. Thanks Cindy Stern
maria says:
Thinning thin hair. Ugh!
Alison e says:
I would be interested in trying this
Rina karon says:
My hair is so unruly, so I’m always on the lookout for new products that will help!
Mary K. says:
I would really love to try this kit bc I need something for my hair and scalp to calm my scalp and give my hair more volume.
Phoenix says:
These look very interesting. My hair definitely isn’t as healthy & strong as it used to be, & I’m still looking for the right products.
disgusted says:
Would love to try a product to stop hair from thinning..Thanks
mspurplelady11 says:
Thinning hair is depressing so I am ready for a pick-me-up………….I will happily test it.
Audrey says:
Having been anemic my hair took a bit of a beating, I would like to see if this product could help restore my hair.
Janet lange says:
My mother-in-law had great success with these products. I would love to try them, but the cost is holding me back.
Marlene says:
I want my hair back…I would love to test this!
Marlene says:
No one tells us about hair loss when we get older. Hair loss has been the most negative side effect of aging. I am ready to test Rene Furterer!
ablepoet says:
my skin very dry and ages..please send me products to assit me
L Carcaise says:
Would love to try something like this. I’m tired of trying to hide the “bald” truth of aging…. I need help!
vskidd says:
Would love to have my mom test this out.
Christine says:
I would love to try this! I have been battling thinning hair since hitting menopause. I’ve not been happy about the amount of hair in my comb!
Brenda McCormick says:
Surgery caused my hair to thin and become quite limp. I would like to go back to the thick, healthy hair I had prior. I’ve tried several different products with not success and had finally given up until I saw your ad.
Norma Axel says:
Unfortunately, my hair is not what it used to be and I would love to test this kit. Thinning hair has been a problem for a long time, so I would certainly know (and let you know) if this kit works. Thanks for the opportunity.
Susan C says:
Would love to try these products
Janet Udelhoven says:
I need this desperately! Since chemo and radiation ten years ago I am losing my hair , scary to see my scalp all the time. I am at wits end on what to do next and wigs are no fun to wear. Help
Linda Hill says:
I would love to be included in the hair thinning study. I have been trying a lot of products for hair thinning and would love to try this.
novastorm says:
I’d love to test this to see if hair products really make a difference.
Becky says:
My mom is 79 years young, works two jobs…she dosn’t want to rust…..She “secretly” wears a wiglet. If you really want an honest answer to “if it works” contact me! Mom will be your best person to test this, and give an honest answer to you.
Virginia says:
I would love to test this.
My menopausal hair has been breaking off for some time.
Nothing seems to work anymore!
Janet says:
This would be great to try before one spends a small fortune
Kara Allan says:
Years ago, I damaged my scalp while attempting to turn my brown hair blond. It didn’t turn out so well. Would love a chance to have it filled in!
Roxy says:
It would be amazing to find a product that really would help my thinning hair. I used to have thick hair which started to thin early in my life. Although I have gotten over the embarrassment of having such thin hair, it would be fun to try a product that really works since I have spent a lot of money and time and hope trying products that did not work.
Catherine Davis says:
I was very ill from ’02 to ’04 and had to take medications that caused my hair to fall out; I was almost completely bald before that stopped. Since then, my hair grows very, very slowly and it’s extremely fine, thin, and limp. I would love to be able to have a beautiful head of hair again and would love to test these products.
ACeeKayWa says:
Interesting ingredients! I’d love to see if this would work. It would be great not to have to unclog the shower drain all the time.
Marla Davis says:
Boy, am I ever the one to test this! I have fine, thin hair and have tried shampoos and similar things to grow thicker, healthy hair. My hair would be a good test site! So, thanks for the chance. 🙂
Cindy Swanson says:
I’d love to test this product!
Marilyn says:
Would love the opportunity to test these. My hair is getting thin in spots from dying it for so many years.
elizabeth says:
I have definitely noticed my hair getting thinner in the past few years. I think some of these products could work.
Lauren says:
I would love to be able to share with everyone the wonders of these products! I would also love to have the hair that I did when I was 25! So, I am hoping to be picked and hoping that the products are the creme de la creme!
Donna says:
My hair is getting thinner every day. I would love to test these products!!!
Kai W. says:
My hair has been shedding a lot whenever my hair is dirty or when I wash it. I feel like if I was balding.
ilenep says:
would love to try this new product, sounds amazing and would be very beneficial to my hair!
diane mary says:
I have used Nioxin but had to switch to a cheaper follicle booster from Sally’s Beauty Supply. The booster is applied with your finger tip and is not exact and tedious 2 x a day. I would love to try it and report back the great news!
cynlynn78@yahoo.com says:
Would love to test this for you. My hair was thinning anyway (now that I’m 52) but when my mom died last May after losing her battle with cancer and nearly losing my job of 21 years – its been coming out more than it used to. I’ve wondering if I should try minoxidil or hope as the stress decrease my hair will come back. Unfortunately the stress at work is still there! Would be happy to try this out and let our readers know the result.
Diane says:
My hair as always been fine. I would love to try anything to give me some actual volume!
Jewel Hopson says:
I’m literally wigged out over my hair loss. May I test this, please?
suecastro says:
Have struggled with fine har all my life and how thinning hair as well. Would love to test this to see if it gives my locks thickness!
Mary Sue Finnerty says:
Hair is a very sensitive issue as we age. It disappears in the strangest places. Like many, I would love to try this product. If it works it will make so many women so happy.
Tammy22 says:
Like so many other comments, I am struggling with changes in my hair. It has not grown in many months, except for select spots, making it uneven. I would be more than willing to test these products and provide an objective opinion. Thanks!
Koot says:
I have thin hair and would like to try it. But… my hair is colored, does it work on colored hair??
Toni says:
I’d love to have more hair!
Mary Kelly says:
I would love to try this product. I begin experiencing hair thinning and loss after returning from Desert Storm. My hair, or I should loss of my hair, has continued to be a problem. Most products show young women with long thick stands as the standard, I would love to show that women of a certain age could also possess the same. I have tried wigs, weaves, and numerous promising products which have failed to live up to what I expected. I just want to be naturally tressed again.
Tannersmom says:
Wow, at these prices I would hope my hair would perk up and take notice. My tresses are used to the single dollars products.
Susan Skidmore says:
My hair is thinning on top and I’d love to test these products to see if it makes a difference…I don’t like menopause, and the facial hair, and thinning hair that comes with it…anything that can make my thin hair look better would be wonderful..
rachel says:
thinning and flat. I would love to again enjoy my once thick bouncy hair. Please please let me test this product
innisinsx says:
I have been going through color correction and damage control for two years now following a visit to a teaching salon. I won’t mention the name here, but I need all the help I can get to get my hair back to what it once was. It is amazing the damage that was done…I literally had all the color stripped from my hair to the point of being like “fishing wire.” I would love to test the Rene Furterer products.
kcirebreh says:
I’ve had baby fine hair since I was a baby… but being FOF doesn’t mean Fine Over Fifty. I’d love to try these products to become Fabulous… Great hair makes you feel great and I’d love to report the wonderful results!
Vharris4 says:
I am going on 54 and I’m dealing with all the things from surgically induced Menopause. Thin hair, dry skin, itching. This would be a God send for me. I really need to test this product
Maureen O'Neal says:
I would LOVE to try this and CERTAINLY NEED IT!! My hair is thinning and it’s fine, and I’ve tried about EVERYTHING else, including different Yoga POSTURES, EATING DIFFERENTLY and COUNTLESS HAIR TREATMENTS!! I NEED HELP!
cheryl bennett says:
At age 61 I experienced sudden loss of hair in spots. Although 2 years later those spots seem to have recovered I am left with overall thinning. As I have always had thin flat hair it was the last thing I needed! This product seems to address my issues and would be more than willing to test it out.
ladine says:
I would love to test this product it sounds great. It would be great to find a product that would make my hair stronger with out chemicals…
Linda says:
These hair products sound fabulous! I would love to try to enhance my fine, and definitely thinning, hair. And the shampoo sounds as if it must smell luscious!
laclay says:
This looks wonderful, bet it smells great too. Would love to try it.
MorganaJoy says:
I have lost over half of my hair. I’m shedding like a cat. I would love to test this product.
Lisa says:
I would love to test this product because I’d like to believe there’s something out there that works. I had a bad reaction to women’s Rogaine years ago and have been hesitant to try anything since. The gal who cuts my hair has been after me to try a process she swears by ($$$). I’ve used Nioxin products but don’t see much change. My poor mom’s hair is so thin, and I’m scared to death mine will look the same. Help, I’m only 53 and I don’t want people to feel sorry for me in the future! Thanks.
Katherine says:
I don’t think anything can help me other than transplants. I have male pattern baldness. The way I work with my hair it doesn’t show as bad.
Gayla reiter says:
When I was young, my hair was so thick, the hair stylist always had to thin it when she cut my hair. Alas, no longer. My hair is so thin, the glare on a sunny day would blind you. Woud love to try these products. I promise to carefully evaluate and write up every effect from utilizing these products. Thanks.
joy says:
I have had thinning hair since my 20’s. Help!
Faith Moeller says:
I am now over fifty and am noticing that my hair is not as thick as it was when I was younger. I would love to have my thick, strong hair back! And, the sooner, the better!
Susan says:
I would love to test this product. I used to have such long, gorgeous hair. Now it is so thin I just can’t seem to wear it long anymore, makes me very sad as my husband loved my long hair. It is about shoulder length now and I have to wear clip-in extensions so it looks presentable. HELP!
dianne kushner says:
so how do i go about signing up to test this?
Cathy says:
Being over fifty is when things start happening. Thinning hair is one of them so a treatment that helps would be especially nice. I have tried a few and am now ready to try something new. I would love to test this product.
Cindy Hymel says:
I lose so much hair that I don’t know how I have any hair left on my head. I even wrap my hair when cooking so I don’t get any in my food. I would love to find something that would help me and hopefully these will be the products I need.
Sheila Chaffins says:
I have salt and pepper so I would love to test this for you. Please pick me
msortet says:
This sounds too good to be true! It is so embarrassing when everyone can see your scalp in between thinning strands of hair…yuk! I would love to try these products!
Jennifer Essex says:
My hair was super thick when I was young, but started thinning in my 30s. I’ve now been wearing wigs for the past 6 years. I’d really like to be able to go back to my natural hair again! Help!
Eileen5 says:
As the hair started growing on my chin it started leaving my head. Being raised on the “hair is your crowing glory” theme I am so distressed and embarrassed by my ever increasing hair thinning.I take my handicapped husband to a swim therapy group and live in fear of getting my hair wet; no amount of styling can hide anything when my hair is wet. I would love to regain my “crown,” even just a little and this product sounds new and innovative. Please select me as one of your testers. Thanks for your consideration.
auntaud says:
Ineed stronger hair and would love to test this
dalynn3 says:
I have always had fine, straight hair with no body to it. Now that I am older (almost 62) my hair has been thinning. I have tried different products that are supposed to add body without weighing my hair down, but so far have not been satisfied with the results. I have a long face and do not look good in straight hair, so I have to keep a perm in my hair for body and as my hair is thinning, the perms don’t last as long as they used to. Thank goodness my hair hasn’t gone gray, too, so I don’t have to color my hair or I would be living in my stylist’s chair! I would love to try this combination of products!
cynthia says:
I would like to ,review these hair products because I have dry, thinning hair. I would like to see if they do what they say do. My hair needs help.
Diane f says:
Please, please, please I want o test this product. I have tested so many, nothing perfect yet. Multi step products just what I am looking for.
Diane Smith says:
I would love to try this product. I am 56 and have never had thick hair, but as I’ve aged and now take a medication that also increases hair loss, I would like my hair to look fuller and thicker.
Thank you for considering me for this trial offer.
tom bedford says:
Appears to be a quality product, who would not be interested in more beautiful hair
proud_mary53 says:
I’m 58 and my hair is really thinned over the past year.I’d love to test these products to see if my hair will become full again.
Karen says:
I would love to test these products. My grandmother was nearly bald when she passed away in her late 80’s. My mom’s hair in her 70’s is very thin all over. Since I entered my 50’s my hair seems to get thinner each day!
Raven says:
OMG,,,I”ve been waiting for the “Holy Grail” of natural hair products,,,but what I’ve really been waiting for is natural products that “actually perform” as stated.
My hair is coming out alot in the shower,,when I brush,,its just awful. I used to have nice hair,,now its getting thinner and finer,,ugh! I’ve had my thyroid checked,,is this what its going to be like to be “50”!! I need help now!! Oh ,,also,,,I’ve been a licensed hair stylist for many years,,so for me to be a “true tester” ,,I would definately give an honest and professional opinion.
fhoagland says:
I started getting thinner hair, on top, several years ago. I’ve tried shampoos and other treatments promising to improve the hair thinning but have not found good results. I’d love to test this product especially with the natural ingredients.
7mineuxs says:
At this point, I need all the help I can get. Cher’ Rene Futerer, I will be your spokesperson for the 59-62 crowd!
Thank you!
irisvillagegirl says:
Would love a chance to test these. My hair is thin and thinning.
mprimo1 says:
Ready to put this product to the test
Leona Gibbs says:
I am a hair product junkie and started losing hair when I went through menopause. Would love to try something to get back my crowning glory.
Deb says:
I am 60 and my hair is thinning. Would love to try this!
kellykat says:
my hair is thinning while my body is thickening— would love to try this product line for my hair.
I would love to try these hair products. I have very fine and thinning hair..I have tried several products for this but yet to find one that i really see an improvement with.thank you
Roberta Renkiewicz says:
As a breast cancer survivor I am taking medication to prevent a recurrence. Unfortunately, one of the side effects is thinning hair. While I’m extremely grateful to be alive and promised my bald self during chemo that I would never again complain about a bad hair day, I can’t help but think what a wonderful feeling it would be to find a treatment that works!!
rexterrier1 says:
I’d like to try something different on my thinning hair.
francesgram says:
Reading the comments I see I am not the only one with thinning hair problem. Would love to give it a try!
rexterrier1 says:
I’d like to try a different product on my thinning hair.
Lucille says:
Wouldn’t this be wonderful if it worked, we like to look nice even if we are getting older.
Linda McGarrah says:
Would love to try this product. Hair has gotten so thin on top. Would love to be chosen .
Karen says:
All my life I had thin hair. I have tried every hair product on the market with the hopes of getting thick lush bouncy hair, but no such luck. My mon has very thin hair and my sons do as well. So much for that genetic pool! I would be willing to try these new products, since it is all natural and no chemicals. It would be awesome to finally have a product that works!
Gaye says:
Oh to have my thicker hair back again. I’d never again complain about how thin it was. Will this do the trick?
Suzanne Unger says:
I have spent so much money on shampoos, conditioners, treatments, vitamins, and the like trying to find the right product to restore my once thick hair. It would be nice to try a product that has the potential to allow me to stop having to do “creative” combing so that my thinning hair and scalp is less noticeable.
Christine says:
I would love to try the products to see if they really work. My hair used to be thick and full but I’ve noticed in the last few years it has really thinned out.
Carolyn Karwoski says:
I would love to try this for my very thinning hair, especially on top. Hope I am chosen.
Judith Klos says:
I have been having trouble with thinning hair in the front of my hairline for about ten years now. I have been using a special shampoo, which has slowed the thinning process down but I would love to try something that increases hair growth
Irene Grundy says:
I was going to investigate what might help with hair loss, & this sounds promising. I will follow test instructions explicitly. PLEASE choose me!
Weena says:
My hair is thinning overall and especially at the back crown. Other products I’ve tried just leave a coating on the hair, but do nothing for the condition of the hair and scalp. I would love to try this system!
fs says:
Would be great if it worked, the company would make mint! I won’t hold my breath though…
Denise says:
I have tried Nioxin but didnt stick with it… too much work and too much money.
I would love to be one of your testers
Pat says:
I would love to test and see if this works.
1wicket46 says:
I have a balding spot right in the back of my head. It is thinning and you can see my scalp through the area. I NEED to try this product! I am always so self-conscience of this area. I always have to make sure my hair is pulled over in such a way that the area is covered. “It’s a back comb-over” HELP ME PLEASE!
elaine low says:
my hair’s been thinning for awhile, using Rogaine w/little change
Cindy says:
Would love to try these products.
Over 50 with an underactive thyroid that has resulted in thinning hair will really test these products!
Ruby says:
My hair is very thin and I would love to try to improve the look and quality of my hair
Susan says:
My hair is thinning a lot and I have tried everything over the last few years. I haven’t had any luck and my self esteem is going down. I am getting self conscious on how my hair looks. I really need help.
kathie says:
my hair has been thinning for several years…i am now at a point where i am thinking of trying a wig or hair piece….if this product helped thicken my hair i would be ecstatic !!! not looking for miracles ….just a little improvement !!
darlenecom says:
I could test because my hair is thinning!
cynthia says:
I would love to try Rene Furterer klt for thinning hair. At 58 I have thinning hair. I agree to review it. If it works I will continue with it.
beauty844 says:
Here’s hoping that this product works on all people and hair types. I’ve been thinning for a little while having tried powders and such none of which were successful. I would love to test these products.
Posey Thomson says:
I would love to try these products. I am 56 years old and have noticed the thinning of my hair for about the past five years. I have tried every organic and non organic hair treatments but most just coat the hair and do not nourish the hair at all!! Hair is supposed to be “a women’s crowning glory” but for women like me…..it will never be. These products that you have mentioned, if they really work, could help so many of us women whose
self- esteem has gone down the tubes with the loss of hair.
Helen says:
Would love to try it. I really think the problems I have are hormonal – or lack of them – and would love the chance to have the products prove me wrong.
Victoria says:
Thinning Hair what can’t I tell you about it! Would love to try this and get some fulfilling results!
Trillion2 says:
Just what my daughter’s looking for! She’s a nurse practitioner and has tried all sorts of “remedies” on her own thinning hair. She’d love to see the positive results and then be a huge promoter of the product.
valorosa says:
I would like to try your hair treatments. My hair is thinning on top and I periodically have bald spots in back. Anything to help would be welcome.
Linda Friedman says:
I lost a lot of hair in the front and crown from hair integration units. I also had forehead lift many years ago and the hair didn’t come back. I would like to test the Rene Furterer products.
Soledad says:
My hair has been thinning for a while and I do want to try something. Hope I’m one of the chosen. 🙂
AJB says:
Seems like this system would work for some people given the price!
justjana says:
I have been trying to grow out my hair for 1 1/2 years and it seems to be taking forever. I would love to try Rene’ Furterer’s 4 step kit to make my hair healthier and stronger. Pick me Please…
starsmom says:
This truly sounds like a miracle!! Who would have ever dreamed that thinning hair would be so prevalent and such a problem??
vpurpleharley says:
Yes, I would definitely love to try this. I never had thick hair to begin with, but with menopause, and the resulting thinness, it is becoming extremely problematic to conceal how positively spindly my hair has become.
glorious says:
These products sound awesome and because they are from all natural ingredients I do believe they would be the creme de la creme!
Eric says:
I would love to try this to try to keep some hair as my 1 year old twins (boy/girl) grow.
annebmclean says:
I need all the help I can get re: anti-aging!
Sue says:
I have been looking for a product just for this purpose.
My hair has been thinning from my early 30s and I would
Be so grateful to be able to try these products.
Hope I get the chance to give it a go!
Thank you so much.
Linda Gray says:
My hair is really thinning, especially on top, and I would love to try your product and report on it. Have many friends with the same problem. We’d ALL like to know if this works.
Debbie Shirley says:
Would love to try the products in this kit, and report to you how well it works!
Jane says:
I have to color in my scalp in certain places because my hair is thinning on top! Like I don’t have enough to do in the morning to get myself ready to face the world! I would love, love, love to test this product, and I would be even happier if it worked.
Rebecca says:
I would love to test this product. Recently I have noticed that my fine hair is even thinner, oh no! I have been considering some other products, but have not yet tried one yet. Is this safe for color-treated hair?
Linda says:
I really need to try this…..I have Lupus and have not been able to wear my own hair for the last 7 years….HELP!
Ali Moss says:
I have lost so much hair that I don’t go out of the house
without a scarf on my head or a wig. I would love to see
if this works.
brmstone says:
I have shoulder length striking white hair that is thinning. It would be great to use a product that would allow me to keep it long.
Michelle says:
I sure would love to try these products. I never had this problem until about 2 years ago. I have tried vitamins and many different hair products. Sure would be nice to have thicker hair in my older days.
mell says:
I would like to try these products.
tarheel4ever says:
I would love to test the Rene Furterer 4-Step Kit for Stronger and Healthier Hair products – thanks for the opportunity!
Janet Atchley says:
I’ve always had baby fine hair but alot of it. In the past 6 years or so it has begun to thin. So, the combination of fine and thin is horrible. There’s nothing I can do but keep it short and messy. I would love to test these products. Always looking for something to help.
Susan Cassano says:
I would love to try these products – I am desperate!!! I have always had thick, healthy hair. In the last year, my hair began thinning on the crown – very despairing! It was coming out in clumps. The added stress has not helped the situation. I think I would be the perfect candidate to test these products.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the contest
Wendy Leviton says:
Coincidentally, I just bought a tube of the Forticea Stimulating Shampoo on Saturday. It was suggested by a clerk at my local beauty supply store. I’d like to try all the products in the 4 step kit, but I can’t afford to buy all of them at once.
jigga32 says:
After years of having beautiful hair I had my hair ruined by a hair stylist who did not know what she was doing. It has not been the same since. I tried WEN, but that did nothing for my hair either. I’ve tried a lot of the products from different stores , I just don’t know what else to do.
lynne cahill says:
I’d love to try this product to see if it meets up with its promises. I sure could use some help with my own thinning head of hair.
Celeste Crago says:
I’ve had baby fine hair all my life, and my hair has thinned a lot since my 40’s. I had my last child at 42 and that was a turning point, for everything! I am eager to give these products a test. I especially like that they contain essential oils of orange, lavendar and rosemary. Those are pleasing scents. Rosemary especially is known to stimulate the hair follicles. The vials in the study cover a 3 month period, but the supplement is a 30 day supply. I suppose you would want a tester to go for a full 90 day test period to get a better idea of the efficacy of the program. I’m very willing to give it my time and attention!
teresa says:
After a surgery, I started losing hairs, triple what was typical, daily. I started the 3-Step Nioxin. I would say I have lost about 40% of my hair. Its been four months, and still losing every day. I would love to try this and be hopeful it would work, as losing this much hair is so distressing.
Ogden says:
Yes please, cheveaux, chapelle, hair,hair, help my hair!!
Elizabeth says:
I too would love to test these products and if not selected, I will still keep my eyes open, to see the reviews. After having triple hernia repair surgery at age 50, my hair started to thin dramatically and noticeably. I have tried nioxin products and they not only did not work but, left my hair very dry. I have had some success with supplements and Men’s Rogaine, (Dr. gave the okay for me to use). Maintaining what I have has become a reality. However, it wold nice to find a product line that can maintain and add to my hair.
karen hunter says:
I would like to test and comment ab out this product. I have dry damage hair and it seems nothing I do helps it. Please pick me to test this product
Chrissy says:
This opportunity is ripe for my circumstances, as aging has no place in the music business and, having just released my first CD last March, I’m in the throes of promotion and gigs! Thinning hair has been an encroaching problem and my golden, crowning glory has become much more difficult to maintain in a healthy, bouncing state.
The second reason I should be considered among the most worthy is that I am extremely sensitive to chemicals–a virtual Draize test rabbit since childhood–Mommy’s mineral oil based eye shadow made me weep at age 7. On this ever growing list of ingredients I react to I have learned to pronounce and understand each chemical name along with its attributes and/or faults….AND I’ve been an herbalist, aromatherapist and purist since the late ’60’s!
If you want an educated subject with a keen sense of observation, who cares about ingredients, product efficacy and accurate reporting of results, I’m your gal!
deborahe says:
Yes, I would love to try this. I used to have very thick hair, not so anymore. Please let me give this a try.
Deb says:
Oh, if only there were great products for women that do not have systemic hormonal adverse side effects due to absorption by the scalp. I would love to try this system. My hair is thinning, particularly when my hot flashes appear with a vengance!
Kim Bennett says:
I would love to try this product. I have used various vitamins and supplements to no avail. Sure wish something would work for me.
As a female who has to look for her dangling follicles each morning, trying to revive them, I would love to test this four-part love feast for thinning hair. Alas, I do not know if they are the creme-de-la creme until they have gently cleansed and bravely fortified each shaft of tender hair.
I would love to regrow my hair! I have lost sooo much.
The hair pins that I used for just the top now hold all my hair!
piercerswife says:
as I get older, I find my hair is thinning. I tried expensive treatments but can’t afford to replace it. This would be PERFECT for me to try.! : )
Dotty McKinnon says:
I had very thick hair when young but it’s definitely thinned as I’ve aged. I’ve been tempted to try a product like this but just haven’t done so. I’ve used Rene Furterer products in the past and they’re fabulous so I would expect the same from this line.
kalee123 says:
Who wouldn’t have the fullness of hair like in your 30″s
Clara says:
I am at the point of no return I have tried everything for hair loss I would love to try this
carla fellers says:
Ieally would like to test the vitafan for my thinning hair. Since I have gotten older my hair is really thinning fast. I have tried several things but nothing seems to help. I would give anything to restore my hair.
Maria Elena Uribe says:
I am 65 years old, and I would give ANYTHING to recapture the feeling of having nice, thick hair. After a while it gets very difficult to try to cover the thinning spots specially in front of your face where its the first thing people see! Yes, I would love to try these products faithfully and report digillently.
Kristi Austin says:
Please! my hair has gotten so thin and won’t grow longer; not sure if it is age (53), cancer surgery a couple of years ago, or what, but nothing seems to help. A real solution would be really wonderful.
stacey says:
I have tried everything for my thinning hair without results. I stress about it every day and pray for a miracle drug to help with my problem. Could this be it?
SEnebrad says:
I would love to test this hair thinning fix it kit! No one warned me that menopause meant thinning hair and in such an obvious place— up top and center! Please pick me to test. I would love to find out first hand if it works.
Viva la France!
Patricia Taylor says:
I would absolutely love to try these products, especially since my past very thick hair have gotten increasingly thinner, probably due to a thyroid problem.
Thank you.
Sounds good. Would love to try it out and see if it really works
Barbara Thompson says:
I would enjoy testing and reporting on this product. I like the additional amino proteins. I suspect I will be able to see positive results quickly.
Laurie Fritts says:
If it works it will be a miracle. I would love to try this.
Dareth says:
I have always had thin hair, but at 50, I am actually starting to see some scalp and it is AWFUL. I have been researching the best products for thinning hair and am just about to order some Nioxin or rogaine to see if it helps me. I would be the perfect candidate for this trial. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Linda says:
I used to have very thick hair – had to have it thinned on a monthly basis as a child and teenager. After wearing my hair quite long until I was 30, I noticed significant thinning and it’s never been the same again. I’d love to try these products. Please pick me!
sussexr says:
I would likentontry this product.
Margarita says:
Yes, would love to try. I’ve try many things, to no avail. Turning 50 on 2/25 and it would be a wonderful birthday gift.
ginger says:
I just turned 50 and my hair started breaking off by the handfuls. Hope this will help.
catherine lawton says:
My hair is starting to part and thin, I would love to give the products a try.
Katrina Hooper says:
I would love to test Rene Furterer kit for Healthier hair I have always had a problem with thinning hair 🙁
Cheryl says:
Always had thick hair, but with menopause, moving, husband losing job after job…..my hair has taken a “LEAVE of absence” from my head. I noticed thinning in front. Would love to try these products!
terri l says:
I would love to try this. Need all the help I can get!
gailnyc says:
would love to test these products…..how wonderful to all women who deal with thinning hair, if indeed they work and are affordable!
Nancy says:
What a shock to see my once uber-thick hair thinning! I would love to try this.
Dana Rodriguez says:
I am curious if these do actually work.My hair is fine and thin and if it does work..well that would be awesome!Thanks for the chance to try them.
Connie says:
Wow…judging from the comments..I see that I am not the only one that is having a thinning hair problem…my hair has always been very fine and now that there is thinning….I am afraid that before long I will look scraggly…and I agree with one of the previous comments made…hair is everything to a woman…would love to try these products
christine novitski says:
i was introduced to r.f. products in 1980 or so,when i was20,by my hairdresser”nicole” and turned my tobe husband on to using their products. At the time,a combination of rf1 shampoo,complex5,and,i think,rf41was the system i used. They were ahead of the times on understanding what helps to prevent hair loss and promote hair loss. upon having kids…wasn’t focusing so muich on myself and finances didn’t allow for me to continue buying the products. Since,ironically,my son has been trying different ways to fight hair loss and i have asked him to look to r.f. products guide by a local salon(spitale). I would be thrilled to commit to trying the new system because i have faith in the products based on experience with them and my personal beliefs and understanding of using herbs,vitamins,minerals…I am 51 now,do not abuse my hair.is longer and complimented,have struggled with hair loss and rebounded through taking better care,but am frustrated with all the different things out there and have coincidentally recently come 360degrees to looking into r.f.but wanted some guidance because i saw that they have many new types since i used them
JoAnn says:
I always had baby fine hair but now after menopause you can see right through to my scalp! I use a product for alopecia patients to dull the scalp shine and have tried many thickening and hair regrowth products, always searching for “the one”! I’d love to try this as the next step for me may be a hair transplant 🙁
gmlehman says:
Wow, how timely. I’ve tried Ojon, Full, Fekai, you name it. My hair is thinning on the sides and it is very fine already, so this would be a no brainer for me to test this for FOFs.
Susan says:
I would be thrilled to try these products and report back to other FOFs. My hair is growing by leaps and bounds on my chin, but appearing thinner as days go by!
dansin says:
Bring it on! If this works for me, then I would definitely be a salesperson for this product. My hair is my pride and joy and lately it hasn’t been at its best. It is the frame for one’s face and is extremely important. So that being said, I would LOVE to try this product.
Judy Detty says:
wow !!! could I use this. almost 70 and having to curl my hair over thin spots. if it helped me, and I would sure tell others about it . thanks for the chance to test this. Yours Judy
Theresa Buchle says:
I am so tired of my thin hair. It is aging me at least 15 years. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to have people refer to your husband as your “son”? Ugh. Help me!
Hannah1206 says:
I love the packaging and the description of the fragrance sounds invigorating. My thinning, somewhat fine hair has become more noticeable as time goes on. What next? I am always looking for a way to be a better me.
Marianne Spain says:
Thinning eyelashes, brows and hair are the bane of my self-esteem. I tried to win the Clique mascara tube test, but will have to purchase it myself. Would love to give this a whirl!
Rosielle says:
I have a double-whammy:inherited female-pattern thinning and cancer treatment. My hair is such an embarrassment that I am considering a hair replacement system, which is prohibitively expensive. I would welcome the chance to give this a try!!
kathy says:
I have very thin,baby fine hair. In my late 40’s I was given Hormones that made it even thinner! I have tried everything to get it back to what it was, which was hard enough to get to do anything but just lay there. Would love to try this it seems like it would help
sorrygnat says:
It was the best of hair, it was the worst of hair, thus the history of my beloved strands who are leaving for places unknown. I am having a modicum of luck with eyelashes growing, and just this week thought, now if only i could stop my hair loss and enter a hair renewal contest. along comes Fab.com, that Hair Angel that we, hereinafter called “Legion,” cry out for. May the best persons (6) win! Like Scarlett O’Hara, I will say, “Tomorrow is another day.” But gentle reader, waht if that “day” included a, “Help is on the way. You are one of six…..” hmmmmmmm balding in Pasadena
Theresa Bowles says:
Where oh where has my hair gone?? I hate the thinning, especially around my temples. I have always dealt with fine, straight hair but this thinning is driving me crazy…vive la france!!
sgrissom says:
I am just starting to see the thinning of my hair and it totally distresses me. Would like to be one of the test subjects.
mollyann says:
I would love to try this products,
Mary Moore says:
I would love anything that helps my thinning hair. It looks so bad. It is worse at the front of my scalp, which can be seen through my bangs. It looks so terrible.
FabGirl says:
I would love to use something that would really help my thinning hair. All my life I’ve been complimented on my beautiful thick hair. But never anymore. My hair is thinning at an alarming rate, something I never expected. It is the one thing about aging I find so humiliating and embarrassing, it makes me depressed about getting older. I’ve tried a number of products but have had no real success and it has been disheartening. I would truly like to test this kit, and find the help I have been dreaming of.
Terrie says:
Would love to see if this and see if it helps my thinning hair.
sattalia says:
I have tried many products without much success. I would love to try this out.
1955nurse says:
I would LOVE to test this!!! Over the last few years, my hair has begun thinning, especially the front 1/3 of the top of my head! It’s right where it’s most difficult to disguise – it takes a great deal of work to hide, & I’ve been searching for a remedy!!! Thanks for the chance….
mceleney says:
This is such an issue for so many women. Would love to try but if I am not one of the lucky chosen I really look forward to hearing the results.
dar w. says:
where did all my beautiful lovely locks go now that I turned 62??? … Help … would love to try this product!
LuminousBeing says:
Oh to have thick, luxurious tresses again and compete with Rapuzsel… Please choose me the test this product.
victoria o. says:
I wash my hair daily with a blow dryer and hot rollers…at 56, I know the toll this has. If it has “immediate results,” I will have ‘immediate results. Bring it ON!
mlh125 says:
I have tried products for thinning hair and nothing has really worked…would love to try something else that just might be the product I’ve been looking for…tired of parting my hair odd ways to cover up my thin spot.
paula says:
My hair has been falling out more lately..I would love to try these products to see if it will stop the shedding.
Nancy Jachcik says:
At age 65 I keep seeing more and more of my scalp! Would absolutely love to test this product group to see if there will be any improvement with my hair.
Sydney Barrows says:
I’ve used Rene Furturer products in the past, and they’ve always done what they said they’d do. I’m really impressed with how comprehensive this treatment plan is; they appear to be attacking it at every level.
I’d be thrilled to be a test subject for this treatment, because my hair is thinning out for about three inches back from my forehead and is very noticeable and distressing.
Margaret burke says:
I am 68 and my hair is getting so thin, I have tired almost everything out there and nothing is working. I would love to try this product,please give me a chance to do this
Irene says:
Have been dealing with thinning hair for a few years, have tried many products so far nothing has worked…Maybe this will, would love to try it!
elizmor says:
I really would like to try this. I no longer color my hair, because the weight of the solution pulls my hair out. I wait as long as I can to shampoo as I lose so much hair. I was lucky to have thick hair as I would be bold by now.
betty wolf says:
I tried Rogaine and added a prescription male testerone to it (given by my dermatologist) and within 4 weeks noticed facial hair! EGADS that’s not where I wanted it! I’m desperate…would love to try it.
mary jones says:
I have tried everything and would love to test this out to see if finally something helps.
sherry says:
Just saw the endocrinoloogist on the suggestion of the dermatoloogist for my thinning hair. His solution? Well, you are a menopausalo woman, what do you expect????
I need help for my thinning hair. It’s just so depressing!
sherry says:
Just saw the endocrinoloogist on the suggestion of the dermatoloogist for my thinning hair. His solution? Well, you are a menopausalo woman, what do you expect????
I need help for my thinning hair. It’;s just so depressing!
cathiecoats says:
As part of my head to to “new me, new life,” I would love to find help for my thinning hair. Women’s hair thinning products are tricky due to our homones from what I understand. Something natural would be a welcome addition to FOFers don’t you think? So I’m in.
cathiecoats says:
Ouch: “head to toe”. Hate those typos. Time for a refill on the java.
Phyllis says:
I am in tears as I write this. My thinning hair has been such a disappointing aspect of aging. My hair used to be my pride and joy. Now it just makes me sad….I would love to try this product line out and I can only pray that it would be my saving grace!
sgruenig says:
I have tried Viviscal, Phytoceuticals and Curage – Nothing yet seems to be truly effective. I’ve been thinning for many years and have been truly discouraged by the products on the market currently.
Donna says:
I would really like to try this product because I need help in this area.
Mary says:
Would love to try this product. Hair is everything!
beth5222 says:
Do wonder about “immediate results” but would love to find something that works. My part is looking wider and the bald area at my crown is growing.
shebren says:
I sure would like to test this Furterer hair thinning product. I am using products from the salon, but I don’t see any significant results and I was shocked to find a truly almost bald spot near the front right side of my scalp. YIKES! Getting old is hell, but getting bald would be worse!
belindabg says:
I’ve lost 3/4ths of my once-gorgeous head of hair in the last five years, probably due to a combination of hormonal changes, aging, medications, and stress. I’ve tried EVERYTHING I can get over-the-counter so I’M AN EXPERT on this stuff and would LOVE to test this one as well.
Heather Rudy says:
I would like to try this. I struggle with hair loss and thinning due to lupus and I have a cabinet full of products. I am trying to just feel beautiful as I am , but seeing some progress in my little patches would certainly be nice.
gshep says:
I need to try this! My family is commenting on some bare patches, probably due to stress and the work load. Sounds like Furterer products could work.
Penny says:
I am 60 y/o and had very course thick hair when young. Now after surgeries, children and age, it is thinning. I want to see if this can help. Thanks.
Roxyd says:
Dry skin – check! Thinning hair – check! Being FOF sometimes sucks – would love to try this product on my own hair!
lucy trallo says:
Would love to try the product, have used their line in past. I would be a great tester, if it works I will tell many with similar problem, so many women I know need something to promote hair growth.
Marcelle Cole says:
I have started to notice thinning right at my hairline at my forehead, and I so prefer the natural ingredients these products contain to the chemical laden alternatives on the market. I would LOVE to testify to the benefits………
lucy trallo says:
Would love to try the products. I have used their other hair care products, would be great to find something to promote hair growth. I would be a great tester and if it works, can tell many others with similar problem.
Karen Transue says:
Oh Yes I would love to test this, I have been getting very concerned about my thinning hair, always trying different ways to wear my hair, so it looks like I have more, so much hair in my hairbrush after I brush it, my husband even mentioned it nicely
thanks so much!
Glenda says:
I already had fine thin hair and the older I get the less hair I have. Would love to find something that works.
Shar says:
I would really like to try something that actually works. It’s tough to watch what little hair I have get thinner .
Shelley Steinberg says:
I have been testing by numerous doctors to find the cause of my thinning hair. I have had cortizone shots and tried several thinning hair “kits”. Right now I am using a stick on hairpiece from my beautician. If I could find a system that works it would be the answer to all of my prayers! Really, I can deal with almost everything else!
Kim says:
My hair was never thick but as I’ve gotten older it seems it’s thinning more each year. I’ve tried everything from vitamin supplements to shampoos. I would love to try something that actually works!
ann0254 says:
Because of a tumor, I had surgery and was slammed into menopause. One consequence was thinning hair. I can color it to hide the gray. It would be amazing to recoupe the thicker hair I once enjoyed.
Matty says:
I have been battling thinning hair since the age of 30. I have tried numerous products with no luck. I have gotten to the point where I just wear it up all the time so that the thinness is not so noticeable but, it takes a toll on the psyche! Would love to give this a try and see how it compares.
Doris Hamilton says:
I am 65 and now experiencing hair loss gradually. Would love to try these products as I have always had a full head of hair. Never colored, just salt and pepper as the good Lord made it. So this would be a great way to see if these products is for real. Would be willing to purchase if they work.
survivor27 says:
Would LOVE to try this product. I have some hair thinning in the front of my head and it’s so embarrassing!!
Mary Grace Gallagher says:
I would LOVE to test this product! I have considered taking Barbara Walter’s advice with this issue and dying my hair much lighter to match my scalp so my thinning hair is not so glaringly obvious .
JunieB says:
Yes I would love to try this! Since menopause my hair just seems to get thinner all the time!
Vicky DiNetta says:
If it works sign me up!
Marianne says:
I would love to try these products!
Since becoming hypothyroid over 20 years ago my hair has thinned out quite a bit. There’s an enormous population of women with thyroid disorders that would most certainly benefit from a product suite such as this should it prove to be effective.
Nothing I’ve tried to date has worked. Thank you for considering me.
Sharon T. says:
Please consider me, as I need HELP with my thinning forest hair! With your New products Furtherer; and Vitalfan, and Fortica. I look forward growing a garden! Thus shedding my bandana and wiglet.
Pat says:
I was just about to order Viviscal… but this sounds even better! Would love to try. Thank~you for the information!
suefromview2 says:
I have tried so many products and nothing seems to work. I just tried Ovation without any noticeable changes.
Linda says:
I would love to try these products the ingredients sound great. Think this might just be the answer
goodw021 says:
“Immediate results!” “Stronger, healthier hair & scalp! Since turning 50 the coarse texture of my hair has changed to very fine and my thick, long hair is half of what it used to be. I’ve cut it short trying to find a style that suits me – no luck. This could be the answer to my prayers, as nothing else I’ve tried has helped. The description of the different steps of this process sound wonderful. I would love to be one of the 6 lucky women to test this product – please choose me!
Peggy says:
I would love to be chosen to try this product, My hair has become so thin that you can see through it and I have to style it every which way to cover the balding spots – so please pick me to be a tester.
carol v leclair says:
it would be nice to have thicker hair does it work on colored hair?
NoreenB says:
I’ve been desperate to find something like this – a natural solution!
Ritarn1 says:
Oui, these appear to be the creme de la creme according to the research I’ve done on the ingredients listed. I would love to have the chance to now evaluate the product in reality. Otherrwise, I may be forced to resort to using face powder on my scalp to avoid becoming a hazard to others’ eyesight! I’ve been told the glare is quite unbecoming to an FOF!!!
Terry says:
I am constantly reading about products that can reverse or halt the aging process. I am all about staying young as long as I possibly can. I would be excited to test this product so that other women could have the advantage over thinning hair ! Thank you for your consideration.
{Tested} StriVectin-TL Tightening Neck Cream | Fab Over Fifty Style Blog says:
[…] text-transform:uppercase; color:#43003a; display:block; width:100%; text-align:right;} {Test This} Rene Furterer 4-Step Kit for Stronger and Healthier Hair 167 comments {What do you think of this look?} Grammy's Edition 6 comments {Style Scout} The very BEST […]
Carol Harrity says:
Yikes!!! My forhead is growing and my hairbrush could be used to make a wig. I am really pretty desperate to avoid going bald. I have given up blow drying, hot rollers and my curling iron-but the hair still looks awfully thin and flat. I would really love to try this set of products. Who knows, maybe they are the answer to any womans worst fear.
Cathy Lanyard says:
If only there was something that would work….
Between age, post menopause and the sudden onset of thyroid…I am lucky I have any of my original long tresses left! I miss my formerly thick hair and would love to try this special French line!
deb preston says:
please oh please
Ann says:
I have been really upset because I can not find anything to help my hair, I have places on my head that there is no hair…. I need a miracle and would love to see if this was one…
Karen Hansen says:
Please Please please. I need hair, my hair is so thin, would love to see if this can help. It would be nice to see if it works since I also have a grown daughter whose hair is thinning anad I’d love to help her too.
MaryLP says:
Hair today, gone tomorrow….would love to find a product that actually works…losing too much hair in the shower and when drying..
Valeen says:
I am definitely intrigued! I’m always on the lookout for help with my thinning hair and this is a completely new approach. I like the thought of treating thinning hair from the inside and the outside! I’d love to be considered for this trial!
olene mccoy says:
I for one would like to try this, i have thinning hair right on the back at the crown, i have to pull back front and use hair clasp and i let that part fill in on the back. I would make a good tester. thanks olene mccoy
arlenes says:
Stress can play some mean games on us. After loosing a job and not finding work, my world seemed to fall apart. Tai Chi and yoga have been a tremendous help, but I have also noticed more hair on the brush than usual.
I would love you try these products.
Just imagine thicker, stronger, and healthier hair could just be several treatments away. Hope this is also good for color treated hair. If so, I’m all in!
Nancy says:
I need this! Hormones have werecked my hair!
Megan Sterner says:
I have such thinning hair that I would love to find something that works.
Bernice says:
I have just started taking black currant for my thinning hair. I would love to try this kit.
Susan says:
I think I accept the aging process with a fair amount of grace but what is really difficult for me to accept is my thinning hair. It’s not so much about vanity as it is about looking as vital and healthy as I feel. My little bald spot does not reflect that- only the sun!! Please let me try this product. I have tried a lot of things with little or no success.
Vicki McClure says:
The older I get, the thinner my hair becomes. I’d love to try this system to see if really works. I don’t expect the hair I had in my 20s, but almost any improvement would be significant for me.
Maria Holzman says:
I have tried many products on the market, would love to try something that just may work. This product sounds wonderful!
Cynthia Chambers says:
These ingredients seem to have the natural assests to help hair. I think they should promote some hair benefits I would love to try these products!
MARY says:
It would be nice to find something that works.
Cheralle says:
Help… I’m afraid to be a bald FOF!
Janice Hoffses says:
I will be turning 54 in a little over a week and am not happy with the changes to my hair. I have had thin, fine hair all of my life, never able to grow it past my shoulders. All of a sudden it is dry, very very wavy underneath and I am getting many, many more strands of hair in my brush and off of my clothing. I would just LOVE to try this product, I sure hope that I am picked.
Fern says:
As an investigator, I am trained to be objective. I would love to be one of your testers, and to be able to give FOF members and readers an unbiased report.
Thank you.
Pamela says:
I have very fine hair that is visably thinning and what I have tried so far has not made one bit of difference. The sooner the better if this product works..kind of spendy..
but if it works it would be worth it!
Theresa E Miller says:
Count me in!
lynskies says:
Have been using Biotin and Sea Kelp for over a year now. Maybe it has stopped the thinning – who knows – but it definitely hasn’t caused any new hair growth. This product sounds promising and I would love to try it out!
Ellen says:
Please Please Please Please Please!
Aliens came on my 50th birthday and left me with thin, lank tresses!
Anna Lapping says:
I NEED to try this! My hair has always been fine, but I had plenty of it. Now, however it’s fine and thin.
edge says:
Let’s just say that I’m really glad that my daughter’s hair clearly takes after my husband’s family. Can’t wait to try this package of products!
BJRose says:
Would love to try this. Need need need it.
brandbedandbreakfast says:
I’m at the gym every day but the only part of me that’s getting thin is my hair! If you pick me to review, I promise to broadcast my joy far and wide….so many would appreciate these products.
wizardewu says:
My hair has been thinning for a while now. I would like to try these products and see if they can help.
Deborah says:
Just the product that is needed. I loss 1/3 of my hair from the effects of chemotherapy, now that I am off my thinning locks can use a boost of energy. Send it ASAP!
Abbe Gail says:
This looks very interesting. Is it vegetarian?
cindysan says:
I alway aspired to be just like my Mom in every way but her hair and I am afraid my hair is getting thinner and thinner every day. I need to try something that will make it healthy. Thanks
Patricia says:
Yes, it has come to this. I have the part that I just cannot hide on top of my head, and it looks like I cut a path there.
Mahala says:
I would love to test this! I have lost quite a bit of hair in the last few months and am very distressed. I am looking for anything that would help.
mary says:
Would love to try this product. This thin hair makes me feel like everyone is looking at my thinning hair.
Sandy says:
I’ve been using other products as I’m starting to thin at the front — classic. Would love to try something of really high quality. Looks like it goes at it from all sides, too: inside, outside, hair, and scalp.
Irene Heuneman says:
As the years progress, so does the “thinness” of my hair!!! I have tried vitamins but they have not helped. My hair is thin and the top crown is getting thinner even faster. I just turned 66 years and I hope I will not wind up wearing a wig “in my old age” as I think the wig may annoy me!!! I have tried so many volume hair washes and hair thickeners, but none have worked. I am certainly ready to try something that I hope will work.
Betty Torrell says:
I love the idea of a natural botanical solution for thinning hair. How European! No chemicals!
pattib says:
Oh for just the chance of having thicker hair that isn’t baby fine. Would love to try this product and give it an evaluation! Have tried what I could afford to try but nothing has helped…….
sheryl says:
My hair has always been thin- and seems to be getting thinner as I get older. WOuld love to try something that could help!
Julie says:
I’ve turn 50 and would love to try it, I’ve noticed hair loss/ and thinning in the front and top part of my scalp. I’ve tried so many different products to hide it.
Marcia Elwood says:
I’ve tried lots of products and lots of shampoos. I have “something” in my right breast so had to go off hormones. I really need to do something. I would love to try this system. Thanks
Linda says:
I would love to try this product. My hair is very fine and now it is also getting very thin. I would love to find something that really works. I hope this is it.
jkbartist says:
I have tried many products and I’m always hoping to find one that will save my hair.
fzoltanetz says:
As I get older, I notice the thinning hair. If I can stop this process, that would be something I would like to do. Would love to test these products.
Geri says:
I have been to the Dermatologist for my thinning hair and have tried several products. I would be willing to give these products a shot and a review!
SUSAN says:
This would be a great product to try on my hair.
jkbartist says:
I would love to test these products. I have more hair on my hairbrush than on my head.
Shirley Turner says:
I am in my sixties and my hair has gotten really thin on the sides. So much so that I am having to do some creative styling to cover it. I have always been very particular about my appearance so this really upsets me. I would love to give the Rene Fourterer 4 step kit a try.
TBear says:
As an FOF, I am experiencing thinning hair. I would love to try a product that may improve my condition.
Penny Boyer says:
Yes, I have thinning hair. Thyroid problems and age have caused much of it. I would LOVE to try these products to see if they help my hair.
Sylvia says:
Help,help, help. Please convince me that your product will be the last one I will ever need. I have tried just about everything out there to get my hair thick n healthy. But most important to stop going down the drain. Hope you are the answer to my prayers.
Bernice Llewellyn says:
I would like to test these products!
wendystine says:
Help! I have more hair in my hairbrush than on my head!
Deb says:
I would love to find that miracle product that can stop the thinning of my hair. It has gotten thinner each year since menopause.
fran says:
My hair has thinned so much my pony tail as about 1/4 the size it used to be. A Barbie doll I was dressing has thinker pony!
I went to my doctor about the thinning and he said it’s an ” age thing” ( I get so sick of hearing that!!).
Told me to take BIOTIN and that nothing much else to do.
SO I am definitly in need to something to help -before I end up needing to wear a hat at all times-in door too.
BTW- the BIOTIN hasn’t helped a bit-
Alice says:
Wow – a chance to get rid of “bed head” (That flat swirly part at the crown) in the middle of the day? Sounds great to me. My hair stylist said it happens to most women as they get older – oh what ELSE can go wrong!
casey04 says:
I tried the Wen line.
Terrible results..itchy scalp with bumps..
I would try this and report back.
Debbie Huckeba says:
Have always had thick hair and now the front part is thinning. Would love to test this product!!
Debra Webb says:
I would love to test these products!
Elizabeth says:
My hair is apparently like that of many women my age (76) – it’s THINNING! I have always had thick medium texture hair. Now it has gradually become fine and thin (especially on top and in the back where my head rests on a pillow. I’d shout it from the rooftops if this product worked!
micita says:
OMG! What I would give for more hair! I used to have thin hair shafts, but LOTS of them. Now I just have thin hair shafts. :0(
Marie Raperto says:
I have these issues and nothing has worked.
Would love to try these products
Phyllis says:
I would LOVE to test these products for you!
whitewateradf says:
My blond hair at 64 is getting thin and dull! I’ve tried so many products. I hope this one works! If I don’t get the sample I will buy it.
Kim Cage says:
As I have gotten older my thin, fine hair is getting even thinner.
Would love to try these products to see if there is any difference and review for Fab Over Fifty!!!
pamela adams says:
would love to try something that actually works for thinning hair, have tried others with no lasting results
Nancy says:
I have tried different hair products to stop thinning my hair, but non have worked. It seems that if they stop the thinning process you have to deal with the side effects of a dry hair. Not fun :(, hopefully I could try these products and get an amazing hair 🙂
Louise says:
Would love to try anything that helps with receding hairline.
Patricia says:
Anything that can make my hair thicker I would love to try.
patatwell says:
PLEASE, I would love to try this! My hair is so thin! Its like how a man goes bald. I use a product to hide it, would love to find something to reverse it, or stop it. I’ve even looked at hair pieces for just the top of my head. People say they don’t notice it, but then you catch them looking at the top of your head. It just keeps getting thinner, every time I get my hair cut, my hair dresser comments on how much thinner it is. Would love to test this product!
Mary says:
PLEASE let me be a tester for this product!! I would love to try to correct my thinning hair issues which have been getting steadily worse as time goes on.
catz2457 says:
I’ve been searching for and trying SO many products to fortify my thinning, baby-fine hair it’s ridiculous! I’m pretty much getting desperate to find something that WORKS for me. I would love to try this product. Pick ME!
Rita says:
would love to test this…noticing thinning and it is bothering me..
midnight4567 says:
I have had thinning hair for a while and tried different products that have not worked I would love to give this a try and see if they will make a difference.
Char Brooks says:
Oh heavens, please let me try this! I am so self-conscious of my “see through” hair and I have tried different length haircuts, “say you will” products and either my hair gets extremely dry or they just don’t work. I want to be able to feel pretty again and even accept a date but until I can like what I see in the mirror, neither happens. I am 64 going on 84 by the looks of it! Please, please let me give your product, and myself, a chance!!!
katie says:
I seem to suffer from many of the symptoms of my Faboverfifty sisters. My family is constantly complaining about the hair in the drain which seems to be coming out in clumps. I have tried many products, vitamins and other natural remedies. I am thru menopause and hoping there is an end in sight and I won’t wind up wearing a wig.
julie says:
I now have a receding hairline and thinning hair. keep testing products that will help thicken what I have.
Sharon Haas says:
Wow! Talk about timing, this is so about me.
I have always had longer hair and now that I am 60 and my hair is thinning, I thought it was the weight that was doing it but now that I cut my hair I can see that wasn’t the problem. Switching products to find one that helps build my hair up just seems to make it worse and I never really know what is in the stuff I use.
I would love the chance to try these products and give my honest opinion about them.
Myfoursons says:
I’m a black woman, and although I have thick, curly hair, the crown of my hair is beginning to thin (front, middle, and edges) where you can see my scalp clearly. I would like to find a product that work’s for my type of hair and scalp.
deborahthedancer says:
Thinning hair runs in my family and for the past 10 years I have noticed it getting worse and worse. My favorite Aunt’s hair was so thin her scalp showed trough. She has passed away but as I look at her photos, I am always caught off guard and remind myself that I could look the same in a few years
I would love to test these products.
Sharonsue says:
This is WONDERFUL that you are offering such GREAT products! As with many women, wth aging, I could use some help with hair thinning also. I would LOVE to try these products and then write a GLORIOUS review about how well or not so well this product works!
Olivia says:
I wonder if coloring my hair has caused the thinning over the last 6 years. I’m 55 and have always had fine hair but plenty of it. Now it seems I can see my scalp more and find that more strands of hair fall out everyday. I am a healthy , active woman and am concerned about this problem but don’t know what to do about it. I would love to try these products and would be willing to give honest and appropriate responses to any questions. Thank you.~ olivia
cjohnson says:
What? A solution to rid women of having to resort to the notorious “comb-over”? That would be great! Sign me up!
Nancy says:
I want my beautiful thick hair again. I am rebuilding after illness. I want to be the best I can be at 62 and that includes my hair. I would love to try these products!
kgritts says:
I have been using hair thickening products trying to hide the fact that my hair is thinning. I would love to test this. Thanks.
Arlene Reese says:
Is it menopause, thyroid, diet, environment, heredity? Doctors have not provided an answer, and I’ve tried many products to prevent further thinning of my hair with some degree of success. I’d even appreciate a product that just gives the appearance of fuller hair! I’m an engineer and would give an unbiased test!
Catherine says:
Thank goodness I have found a “freeze” hairspray for my hair to keep it in the carefully placed way I have for hiding my bald spots. Would love to try this product and see if it really works. If I don’t get to test, I’ll be especially interested in the results the testers achieve.
Annette S says:
Imagine my shock when my beautiful hair started thinning! After I had a heart attack in 2010 at young age of 54, my hair began to fall out and become much thinner, dryer, and hard to manage! I believe it’s possibly due to “stress and anxiety” (worry!) and the medications I have to take! I have tried several hair products, with not much results. I would love to try this product and see some fabulous results!
latebloomerbeauty says:
I would love to stop collecting the ball of hair that plugs up my bathtub drain every time I wash my hair. I would love to see if this four-step product can naturally restore the former luster and thickness to my now “natural” color of silver-gray!
Jan Marshall says:
Yes I want this fabulous treatment since chemo sessions long ago left gapping spaces on parts of my scalp that now can be used as a night light. Bad news is when your hair falls ou; But the good news is IT GROWS BACK…on your face I am kept off walking the streets as I am so busy plucking the hairs currently gathering above my lip.
Jan Marshall
Ruth says:
I would love this to be good – wow has my
hair thinned out!
Yogibear says:
I would love to try something that may work for my thinning hair. My thin fine hari could really use a boost.
kathyire50 says:
Like the other ladies I have very fine, thin, annoying hair. I have tried every product on the market. yes, I try lots of new things and they just don’t work as promised. My hairdresser said I have enough hair its just thin, ok now what. I have found 1 or 2 products I have been happy with the results and of course in a few months they are taken off of the market with poor substitutes. My sister is in the same boat, so there is 2 of us looking for something we can use that works and will stay on the market. Send those bad boys here for a real workout.
debbieleet says:
I have tried everything you could imagine, so let me try this too. Perhaps it will do the trick!!
pat says:
I used to have enough hair for 5 people–wavy, coarse, thick auburn hair. In high school I prayed for sleek, straight thin hair. Since menopause more than half of my hair is gone and I have tried every supplement, shampoo and volumizer on the market. I would love to try this system. Puleeeeeze!
thebutlerdidit says:
I struggle with thinning hair, especially in certain areas. I have a spot in the back that I struggle with because I have a sort of cowlick that enhances that thin spot if I’m not careful when styling. I’ve tried Biotin, which has seemed to help, so I’ m thinking that this has a possibility of helping. I’d love to try this! Ooh-la-la, from France no less!
Arlene says:
This thinning hair is for the birds, I’m thinking bald eagles. Like the other comments, I too have some thinning beginning at the crown and sides. Would be nice to see some improvement there and a fuller hair appearance would certainly be welcomed.
Jacqualin says:
For me this would be a cause celebrere. I have had a lot of hair loss over the past two years. Bringing my locks back naturally would put a smile on this face.
joyweave says:
Immediate results? Wow! That seems like a very bold claim. I’d love to test this.
Susan says:
If my hair doesn’t look good, I don’t really feel good. And my hair was so think when I was younger. With aging and a thyroid condition it has become thin. Would love to try and get that head of hair back.
Lorri says:
With chronic underactive thyroid problems, I’m always looking for products that will help keep the breakage and loss to a minimum. This looks like a great product to try.
Christa Drews says:
I would love to this hair care product!
Mary says:
Women and hair
Blonde, dark or fair
Wish it to be
Thick full and…free.
For me to test
I’ll do my best
Apply the wrench
Then tell the French:
Your solution
Reached fruition!
You took my dare
And grew my hair!
spurnky says:
I would love to try this! I have fine and thinning hair, along with sparse areas.
VJ says:
For about a year my hair has been thinning and becoming weaker. But over the last couple of months it has gotten really bad. Each night I lose several dozen individual hairs. I know this because they are all over my pillow and sheets. I now wear a wig daily because there is no way if fix this thinning mess.
I would love to try these products.
scole1809 says:
I would so love to test this product. I have very fine and thin hair. I am always trying products that claim to give volume to fine, limp hair, but they never work. I have recently thought about giving Minoxidil a try to see if it would make my hair thicker. I spend so much time on my hair to try and make it look fuller, only to end up hating it and it still looks thin. Often thought I should just shave my head (of course I would not do that).
Kathy M says:
I would be grateful to try this product because I have never really had a full head of hair for over 20 years now. My hair is thin to begin with and now that it is thinning out sure doesn’t help. Thanks for the chance to try this product.
brantley75 says:
Bring it on! Let’s see if this does the trick!!
gloria starita says:
I have always had fine, thin hair which grew progressively thinner after the birth of each of my 5 children. I have tried all sorts of vitamins, topical and herbal supplements with varying results. I would be thriled to find something that really worked!
Cathy Niswonger says:
I have been mourning every morning for over a year and a half as I step out of the shower and see all the hair that has literally slipped from my head laying in the drain catcher. I have fine hair and losing even a little I can ill afford. I am taking Biotin Forte, Spirinolactone (maxmum dose), using Monoxodil and paying for Wen hair products all to no avail. I have a wonderful partner who tells me he loves me in spite of my thinning tresses. It eases the pain a bit but nothing will take it all away until this agonizing exodus is stopped. I would be grateful to be able to try this regimen if it can turn the tide of my tresses falling as my tears.
Megan tainer says:
Not that I have ever had tons of hair, but turning 52 seemed to be the automatic “turn on” switch to make my hair start falling out. It’s ridiculous! I’ll try just about anything! I hope they work.
melanie guinn says:
As I’ve gotten older my normally thick hair is visually thinning rapidly. Being a natural blonde it is very noticeable and I’ve been doing some research into products to help with this. I only wanted to use natural products without harsh chemicals or drugs. This line of products sounds PERFECT.
Gerri says:
My hair is my personal trademark! A good chunk of who I am! While I am a lawyer in the banking industry, and of a certain age (I am 55), it is almost waist length and quite thick. Our family greys early, so the medium brown/auburn is very, very significantly grey (completely so in front — I am trying to get used to calling it “silver”). In the last few months, I seem to be losing more than the usual amount of shedding and I am just about panicked. It’s just too much a part of my identity — Please do let me try these products. Will write a straight-up honest review and, if they’re effective (I usually am a fan of M. Furterer’s products.), I’ll spring for the investment . . . . Best regards to all — Gerri
Kate Burton says:
Between the long term side effects of chemotherapy and the joy of Instant Menopause my hair is not the same as it once was. It used to be thick and naturally red, now it’s thin and more of a sandy blonde. Let me try this out and see if we can at least bring the thickness back.
Kathy says:
My hair is very fine and seems to be thinning more as I age. I would love to try something that works!
Brenda says:
I have been searching and experimenting for the last couple of years to find something that would stop my thinning hair. I would love to try these products and see if they are for real.
Mary Dailey says:
Would love to try this. I am in my sixties and my hair is starting to thin. I can’t stand the thought of having to wear a wig.
LilyBiscuit7 says:
I’ve noticed a lot of thinning over the past year. I’m just starting menopause and always had tons of fine hair….not so much now. I’d really LOVE to test this. My stylist recommended laser treatments, but, they are not in the budget 🙂 thanks!
Cindy says:
Sounds interesting.
Gloria Leon says:
Dear FOF,
Went to the doctor about a year ago in a panic, certain that I had some thyroid problem because I was losing so much hair with every shampoo.
Tests revealed that there was nothing wrong. Just mid life hair loss. But, I’m still in a panic!!! It hasn’t stopped falling out! I’ve tried vitamins, supplements, and shampoos. So far no improvement. I’m ready to go to “Rogaine”, but would love the opportunity to try Rene Furterer first.
Bobbie Gillette says:
I would like to test 4-step kit. Thank you for the opportunity. I am in my early 60’s and my hair continues to get thinner(:
This would be great. After menopause my hair continues to thin.
Luvofvintage says:
Oh, I would love to try this one, I have a thin area around my crown, and also the part line on my scalp is getting wider and wider. I am very self conscious when I go out in publix. My daughter even commented about seeing my scalp on skye! Yikes, I was lost for words. When she realized I was embarrassed she just laughed and made a joke hoping I would feel better, though her efforts were sweet, I really felt like crying. I need help!!!!
mtwheat says:
We won’t be able to tell you if they are the creme de la creme–or a French flop until we give them a try. I promise I’ll be totally honest cause my poor hair is getting thinner every month!
Carol Sorensen says:
Help! Already fine, now thinning, hair in serious need of rescue. Please consider me for Furterer testing.
Cindy says:
I have apurchased shampoo and conditioner for thinning hair, vitamins for hair, etc. I would love to try this. Thanks.
Chris Dowling says:
Will it also reverse graying? Worth a shot, I don’t doubt!
gkim says:
I have been looking for that “miracle” to help my hair’s thinning condition. To give this a try and see if it can fix this would be a welcomed opportunity.
Schmidty says:
Thinning hair – one of my big disappointments as I age. I’d love to try these products!
Ellen says:
Having gone through chemotherapy about 4 years ago coupled with the usual hair thinning that accompanies aging, my hair is thin and limp I would love to try something that might improve the thickness and appearance of my hair. Please consider me seriously for this tryout. Thanks
Darla says:
My always fine textured hair is thinning, my Mom has very thin hair now so I suspect I’ll have the same. I’d love to give this a try.
Melissa says:
I would love to try these products. I have been interested in herbs and essential oils for years and noticed these products use them.
oangelia says:
i am just beginning to see my hair thin as I get older. I would like to believe these products could work. Can’t wait to hear the results of testing.
Gail says:
My hair is so thin and turning gray….this product would be perfect to use! This would be a great 60th birthday present!
Muzzik says:
This could be something great. We all experience, to some degree, thinning hair or other issues. I note the company promises healthy hair, but did not specifically say thicker hair.
Rochelle says:
After several years wearing hair extensions to cover my thinning spots, I would find a new confidence if this worked.
Debbie W. says:
I have thinning hair and it has undermined my self-confidence. I would love a chance to try these products.
Jill Montgomery says:
OK now I really need to be selected to try this Rene Furterer 4-Step Kit for Stronger and Healthier Hair. And I will tell you why. I workout everyday to keep my body strong and in shape, I take good care of my skin to keep it youthful and moist, but my hair is a different story it is thinning big time and the only thing I can think of if this does not work for me is going to Wigs. Please let me try these products. Help me. Thanks
Barbara says:
I have tried everything short of implants. If this works, then it is worth the money.
Pamela Ray says:
I would love to test this product. I have very thin hair and alot of it was some acne medicine I took. I have been trying to get it to thicken up, but nothing seems to work. Maybe this could be the magic fix for me.
Debra Jaramillo says:
Always love to try out new products… most especially now since my hair is “aging” right along w/ me…. graying, thining in the front, and getting harder to manage.
Frances Herzig says:
Of all the sad results of aging, losing my hair has been the most difficult to accept. I had lovely, lush hair at one time, my crowning glory. Now, however, it is beyond pitiful. Not only am I balding at my crown and temples; each strand is also thin and brittle. Please let me try this product. Please.
petersen141 says:
Due to two deaths in my family, dad and brother and taking care of my mom, my hair is thinning on top from stress and other areas and it is soooooooooooooo upsetting. Need help in this area BAD.
Donna W says:
I always had the best hair – full, thick, naturally curly. People would comment on how great my hair looked. Over the past few years, I have experienced some thinning, especially on top. I have tried all kinds of products, and sometimes I get a little improvement, but the thinning is still fairly obvious. I would love to find a product that would help improve things.
Papertiger says:
I would love to test these products for thinning hair….I lost about 1/2 of my fine hair about 2 years ago due to stress and menopause….I would be great to find something that really would work! Thanks!
JayneRae says:
Would love to test this product on my fine, gradually thinning, blonde hair…..
Judi says:
I would really like to test these products. My thinning hair in front is becoming more and more obvious buy my budget cannot afford anything other than basic hair care needs right now.
Mary Sutherland says:
Help! My hairline is thinning and the part in my hair also appears to be getting wider… not the look I’m going for~ Would love to test these new products.
Stormy Smith says:
Part of being Fabulous over Fifty is having great hair. I would love to test this product. I’m eager to see the results!
julia schreib says:
As a result of Narcolepsy I was put on Provigil. Only after a year did they explain that my thick locks would now be thin locks. They told me I had 2 choices, awake with thin hair, or asleep with thick. I am now off the meds and struggle some days, but my hair is still thin. Maybe this would help and I would love the chance to find out.
oliver1221 says:
I would love to test these products, I have always had fine thin hair and as I get older it is getting worse. I would definitely give you an honest opinion I have tried so many it would be great to have one that really works.
Ellen says:
I always had beautiful thick hair, but now, due to age, my hair has become much finer and very thin, with some scalp beginning to show at the front and the crown. I’m a sinble business woman and must look my best, so it’s extremely frightening and depressing. I would LOVE to try these products. They could be a Godsend!
sweipert says:
I have very fine hair and seem to find a bunch in drain after shower so worried that i will be bald some day. Not a pretty look. I would like to try this to save my beauty.
TuKute says:
I a waaaay toooo Kute for thinning hair. Desperate
Barbara says:
would love to test this product on my crown area
shela says:
At 67 I need need need this!!!
Barb says:
Wow! That would be wonderful!
janicesun says:
This is exactly the product I need to test! My long hair has been thinning considerably over the past year and I need a solution…and fast. I’d be delighted to be selected to test this and report back to you how well this works as a solution to the thinning problem so others may benefit from this real life trial also 🙂 Thanks!
Karen Cunningham says:
I’d like to try products that would help with a little thinning spot in front and also be generally beneficial to my hair.
Dorothy borgese says:
Would like to see if this will keep my locks locked into my head.
melgooch says:
oh I would love this my hair is just starting to thin in the
front it I think it will grow back with help
poohsnuggle says:
I have very fine hair and have problems finding products that does t weigh it down but that keeps it from having fly aways and give it body.
SGAwalkvt says:
I have thin, fine hair to begin with…and now I have less! It seems to slowly be thinning and I’d love to stop it in it’s tracks. I would be so happy to test this 4-step product and see if can work. Hair is such an important feature in feeling good!
MoonRae says:
I recently noticed a couple of thinning spots, not a big deal yet but would like to nip it in the bud….thanks for the opportunity!!
LaurenM says:
I would love to have the opportunity to experiment with these products. My hair is thinning, turning gray at the temples and is leaving me with a feeling of “getting old”. So I’ve scheduled an appointment with my hair stylist and we are going to go for a new look and possibly, a new color. Along with getting the chance to use Furterer, will make my day!
OcalaRose says:
I have fine hair that is showing the scalp in the crown area. I know, coloring my gray hair would give
it more control, but I like the blend of my natural hair.
I would love to try these products and see for myself if
help is readily available.