Want to learn how to listen deeply and ask really good questions, to acknowledge the saboteur thoughts that may be holding you back from being all you can be, to look at the world with curiosity and without judgment? Win a transformational two-and-a-half-day course, given by the esteemed Coaches Training Institute (CTI). It can help you change your relationships with your family, with your work and even with yourself.
The CTI Co-Active Coaching Fundamentals Course ($725 value) is offered at many locations throughout the U.S. “Whether you’re interested in using coaching skills in your current profession, considering a career in coaching, or just want to improve your communication with the important people in your life, Co-Active Fundamentals has something for you,” says CTI.

To enter to win, visit our “Ask a Coach” section
and submit a question concerning
something you’d like to learn about yourself.
1 FOF will win. (See official rules, here.) Contest closes December 4, 2013 at midnight E.S.T. Contest limited to residents of the continental U.S. Transportation, lodging, and other travel expenses are not included.
0 Responses to “Win A Spot In A Course That Could Change Your Life!”
Tracey S Hooks says:
It has been 10 years since my Divorce and I can not seam to find the desire to meet anyone else. In the past, I would never want to be alone! At this stage in my life (I just turned 50) I have a hard time even considering dating! I don’t think that’s what GOD intends for my life, but I am so comfortable living alone! Just the thought of ,someone else living in the same house with me… makes me nervous! I know that’s awful! I don’t know how to get through it! Surely I don’t want to be alone forever!! Besides, I am working on becoming a Child Advocate and Relationship Mediator with the hopes of receiving a degree in Family and Marriage Therapy. How can I rightfully do that when I don’t want to even have a relationship?
Michelle N says:
I would like to know his to get my groove back, after breast cancer, feeling so less then….would like to look forward to the rest of my life with my husband…I am sure he would love it too….please help
L Petitto says:
I lost almost all sight in my left eye and now have diplopia. I am also having problems with my right eye. I worked in the medical field, but am unemployed now. I need to reinvent myself and put myself on a new path career wise, finding something I can do and actually enjoy.
karen mazza says:
I would like to figure out why I procrastinate and then work like a maniac to get things done
The Nan says:
There are some many people out there that deserve a chance for this – surely not me. I am a suburban housewife, part-time engineer and mom of four daughters. I am going through the typical phase of questioning my existence not that the reasons for it have all moved away. I would love some fresh insight and motivation to to get me unstuck. I’m at a point in my life where I want to serve my community and give back to the universe a measure of the blessings that were given to me.
Bless all the lovely hardworking women who leave messages on this forum!
Deanne Helgesen says:
This year has been one of constant changes for me. I am learning to let go of some things and hang on to others. I feel like I am entering a new phase in my life, so my question would be how do you step out on that ledge and become the person you were destined to be?
Samira says:
Hi Deanne,
Please submit your entry in “Ask a Coach!” –> http://faboverfifty.com/ask-a-coach
Carol Lawman says:
I went through early menopause at 42. Since then my life has been a downward spiral; I don’t take care of myself; I’ve lost most of my friends and while I still work full time I am slowly becoming a hermit. Once in a while the fog clears and I become frightened about what’s happening to me and I realize I need help.
Alex says:
Hi Carol,
Please submit your entry in “Ask a Coach!” –> http://faboverfifty.com/ask-a-coach
Kathryn Gritts says:
I am in a transition phase of my life both personally and professionally. My youngest child is a senior in high school. My others married and on their own. My parents, who I adjusted my working schedule to help tend the last seven years, have both now passed away. My work place has gone through a major reorganization and is in upheaval. I’m ready to move on with my life but need some ignition to get it going. I’d like to spend some time on getting myself healthy both physically and emotionally. How do I stay motivated on a daily basis to move myself forward instead of dwelling on the “what ifs” and “whys” and the people who no longer need me?
Alex says:
Hi Kathryn,
Please submit your entry in “Ask a Coach!” –> http://faboverfifty.com/ask-a-coach
marji busa says:
Please award this to Leslie Petersen. Thank-you/
I would like to learn how not to be so trusting in humans. To select the people that do work for me and acquaintances my life more carefully. I’m tired of getting ripped off all the time.
Alex says:
Hi Donna,
Please submit your entry in “Ask a Coach!” –> http://faboverfifty.com/ask-a-coach
Tom Bedford says:
I am developing the tell-tale sign of future dark circle under my eyes.. what is the treatment or correction procedures?
Teri Brajewski says:
I was riding on the subway going over the Manhattan Bridge – one of my favorite moments in this commute – and looking out over the river I thought to myself – “I could close twb DESIGN” … my business of over 19 years and I felt okay saying that. After ending a 27 year marriage, owning one business and starting a new one 2 years ago, and raising 2 teenagers with my ex, there has been a lot of change in my life! While I am ready to give my business another big college try – new, focused vision would be amazing! and perfect timing to help me move forward …
Alex says:
Hi Teri,
Please submit your entry in “Ask a Coach!” –> http://faboverfifty.com/ask-a-coach