NonnieLuther SAID:

I am ever so close to 50 and I have an issue with my Mother – we haven’t spoken in over 2 years and the holidays are coming up soon. Every year I get a scathing letter or FB message as to what an awful daughter I am – without going into it – my Mother is one of those poison people that sucks the life right out of you and everything she touches suffers. I love my mother but can’t have her in my life with all of her drama – she is a miserable person and wants to drag me down into her muck and mire. I have no children (by choice) and have been happily married for 18 years – My husband leaves this all up to me and doesn’t like it when she hurts my feelings tries to play the “one day I’ll be dead and gone card” – What to do or not to do is the question…

0 Answers

  1. Amy Cohen wrote on :

    What would make you feel most comfortable? We have to live our life happy with the decisions we make and not have regrets. Do what is best for you.

  2. Rosanne Leslie wrote on :

    1. Why do you love her? Why would you love someone no matter the relation if they are not kind and loving to you? Why would you love poison? What to do? Let her go. Mourn what you never had and move on. When you do, you will be able to accept her for her limitations and not get drawn into her drama and negativity. Do not react to her. Not reacting is key to not getting sucked into her drama and web…

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