swoogietwo SAID:

How can I deal with social anxiety. I was a NYC Police Officer for 2o years and now that I am retired suffer from social anxiety. I have been through some personal ups and downs but was always a confident individual while on patrol. Now I have seem to lost my role in life with kids leaving nest and all.

0 Answers

  1. Mike Halsey wrote on :

    Wow. Your post really strikes a chord with me, and not just because as a Manhattan local I see and admire your former colleagues serving on the streets every day.

    Your description screams of an opportunity for MAJOR life-enhancing shifts in the way you relate to your self and the world around you. You may not have gone looking for it, but this anxiety you are feeling could be a catalyst for fantastic change — seriously! Much more fun, warmth, and full living than you may have allowed yourself up to now.

    I would love to explore this with you in a free consultation, but for now will offer a few inquiries to explore:

    1. What do you imagine is in people’s minds when they see or meet you for the first time? How is this different than when you were working? How real is either version?

    2. What great parts of yourself can you now reveal and play around with now, that you may have kept under wraps while a Police Officer?

    3. What IS the fear? You’ve faced real danger many times before. What happens if you stare this anxiety straight in the face and record its description as vividly as possible?

    Thank you for your years of service. Please call if I might assist in making the next years even better.



  2. Amy Cohen wrote on :

    Anonymous – we live our lives dealing with ups and downs and over time, it begins to affect us emotionally in different ways. Its affecting you by feeling anxiety – which probably moved you to social anxiety. You are out of balance, and can easily be moved back into balance. Was there a trigger that brought you to the feeling of social anxiety? Were you dealing with other challenges emotionally before this? You feelings of “lost your role in life” – tells me something as well. You are at a place where you get to experience a new beginning – one that is especially for you now! Although you may not realize it yet, it is an awesome place to be! What hobbies do you have? Have you thought about your next business venture or have you always dreamed of traveling? Tell me more and let me recommend a few ideas to move you forward and bask in the place of acquired wisdom, next steps, and creating the person you would like to be now!

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