Millions of Fab Over Fifty women are entrepreneurs, and superb entrepreneurs at that. Why not? We possess all the qualifications necessary for success: We come up with great ideas backed by drive, passion, creativity, resources, diligence, industriousness, emotional security, wisdom, contacts, personal and professional networks and a willingness to take risks, to name a few talents.
Some of us became entrepreneurs when we were young. Lois, one of my oldest friends, left her editorial job at Fairchild Publications when she was 26 to open her own public relations agency. Over 35 years later, HWH Public Relations is as vibrant as ever. Lois plunged ahead while her co-workers at Fairchild (including me) were too timid to leave secure jobs.
Others waited. I got the entrepreneurial calling when I was 51 and had spent 23 years with Fairchild. The company was good to me and I to it, but I knew that if I didn’t finally “do my own thing,” I’d never leave. It was one of the best decisions of my life.
Once we become entrepreneurs, we also have the magical ability to reinvent ourselves at a moment’s notice. Lois calls her PR firm HWH Public Relations and New Media. As the media world began changing, Lois knew she had to change right along with it. Now she’s become an expert in social networking. I mean an expert. She could have run the Obama campaign. If John McCain had known about her, he probably would have won.
Sandy, whose thriving interior design business was impacted by the economy, came up with a brilliant idea this year called Interior designers will be offering their samples and unsold merchandise on her site at great prices. It will be launched soon, but you can sign up now.
And I happily spent most of this year conceiving of and working on, which will be the first social networking site and resource guide for smart, stylish, accomplished women over fifty. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or work for someone else, raised a family or raised the glass ceiling, dress in designer duds or don’t know Dries from Dior, it will be the place where we can share the things that make us so fab—the shops we love, the creams we swear by, the books we can’t put down, and the wisdom we’ve amassed.
We’re the best group of women in history.
It’s time to let the whole world know.
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