“Lentigines are notoriously stubborn sun damage/age spots (also known as “liver spots”) that occur on sun-exposed areas such as the face, chest, arms, and hands. They tend to be stubborn and recur after treatment, but can be improved or removed with fairly good success via ruby laser, alexandrite laser, or other pigment-targeted lasers, and sometimes do well with a small amount of freezing by liquid nitrogen spray. Excessively aggressive treatment can leave red spots. Excessively gentle treatment will fail to remove them. Tell your children and grandchildren that lentigines can be prevented by using sunscreen with SPF every day, starting in the teen years or even during childhood.”
0 Responses to “8 Skin Conditions That Pop Up After You Turn 45”
rebecca huff says:
why do we have to click 9 times to read the article? Why not let us read it all on one page. No thanks! won’t be reading!
Tired Gramma says:
I laugh ruefully when I read articles like these. Only the very rich and pampered women can even think about anti-aging help like this. The rest of us, well we go to the drugstore shelf and buy lots of hope in jars….. LOL and it DOES pay, no matter what, to take care of yourself. The BIGGEST thing is stay OUT of that SUN. don’t smoke! use butter, coconut oil, trust me, your skin will look better for it. The one thing I wish wish I could have done is to lift my eye area… you know, the skin is falling over my eyelids? What will later? I won’t see for the skin folds? ha