12 Small Acts In 2015 That Could Kickstart Big Differences

Talk to at least one friend or
relative with whom you haven’t
communicated in years

Attend one religious service
of your choice, no matter what
your religious beliefs

Give one of your favorite items
that you always use to someone
who you know will love it

Volunteer at one local charity
to which you can bring your talent
or passion for a day

Travel to one city within
300 miles of home that you’ve
never been to before

Go to one museum for a day
and concentrate on getting to
know a single artist

Stop one of your vices (smoking,
drinking, eating carbs) for a day

Surprise one person you greatly
appreciate with a gift on a day
other than her birthday

Rearrange the furniture in
one room of your house

Study one new skill for a day
that will help save you either
time, money or anxiety

Donate one valuable thing
you never use or never wear
to someone who can use it

Abandon all responsibility for
one day and do things only
for yourself

0 Responses to “12 Small Acts In 2015 That Could Kickstart Big Differences”

  1. Anita Blackwell says:

    I thanked a police officer for choosing to risk his life for public service, and I didn’t believe all police officer were bad cops. He told me thank you and it made his day because after these shootings lately, sometimes he feels uncomfortable in public due to the possible negative opinions from those he wants to serve.
    Anita J.

  2. Laura Arevalo says:

    I love these! I love doing random acts of kindness…it could something as simple as buying coffee, or walking someone across the street who is shakey. It doesn’t take much to put some happiness into someones heart ♡

  3. doreenmcgettigan says:

    These are fabulous suggestions!

    • Geri Brin says:

      your comment makes us happy, Doreen!


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