FOFs Lynne Gerhards and Lori Mulligan are giving away three bottles (approx. 180 servings) of Pure Inventions, their flavored water enhancer. Enter to win by answering in the comments below: Next to water, what do you drink most?
Anyone who has been on a diet–whether to lose weight or get healthy–knows what the beverage options are: water, water and more water. So healthy! So boring! That’s why FOFs Lynne Gerhards and Lori Mulligan, two nutritionists and friends, created Pure Inventions liquid water enhancer, a calorie-free, chemical-free, sodium-free, nutritious water enhancer. The drops–which are portable and can be added to any flat or carbonated water–range in flavor from vanilla creme and pineapple coconut to peach and chocolate cocoa. And they actually taste delicious…we tried them. “If you replace one 20-ounce sugary beverage a day, you’ll cut 9,000 calories of sugar per month,” says Lynne. We’ll drink to that! Here we chat with Lori and Lynne about Pure Inventions and staying healthy after fifty.
What did you two do before you created Pure Inventions?
Lynne: Lori was raising a family and I was running a country club. We got our certified clinical nutrition degrees and opened up a practice in September 2001.
Lori: We wanted to create something that would get our clients to drink more water.
We worked with scientists–giving them the concept that we wanted–and they figured out how to fit it all in that little bottle. In addition to flavor, the drops also provide antioxidants, fruit extracts, green tea extracts and other nutritional benefits.
Do Pure Inventions extracts contain sweetener?
Lori: Yes. Many of our clients wanted to go off diet soda, but were still looking for something sweet tasting. We use extract from the Lo-han fruit. It’s nicknamed the ‘longevity fruit,’ because it grows in countries that have an unusually high number of residents who live past 100. It’s also low glycemic, has zero calories and is one hundred times sweeter then sugar. It’s used in Chinese medicine for digestion, respiratory problems and regulating blood sugar. The other sweetener we use is Stevia. It’s from the Stevia plant, has no chemicals, and there’s no processing. It’s also great for digestion and blood sugar.
Why is Pure Inventions important for FOFs?
Lori: With menopause, your metabolism slows down, and you gain weight. You can age quicker if you’re not eating well and exercising. This can at least solve the drink issue–to get you off soda, diet soda and sugary drinks.
Do you have a favorite flavor?
Lori and Lynne: The vanilla creme. When you add it to sparkling water, it tastes like cream soda! We also like using our fruit extracts over plain yogurt or oatmeal or as a cocktail mixer.
Enter to win three bottles of Pure Inventions (approx. 180 servings), flavored liquid water enhancer by answering in the comments below: Next to water, what do you drink most?
One FOF will win. (See all our past winners, here.) (See official rules, here.) Contest closes February 23, 2012 at midnight E.S.T.
Can’t wait to find out if you won? FOFs receive 35% off all Pure Inventions products when you enter code PUREFAB50 at checkout. Valid from February 16, 2012 to February 23, 2012.
Thank you for entering. This contest is now closed.
0 Responses to “{Giveaway} Pure Inventions Trio”
Michelle says:
decaf tea is next to water, I drink 120+ ounces of water a day…it is a routine, I feel so much healthier because of it.
shultzsk says:
I feel a bit like an old pro with this parenting business, and it;s agoodfeeling, it really is. But what will really be good and golden is when our family comes together effortlessly again, falling back into conversation patterns, easy jokes. I;ll feel less small, and less like I;m carrying alone the sweet burden of our little world.
Kathleeen says:
I drink 2 cups of coffee 1st thing in the AM. Then all day I drink water flavored by 100% fruit and vegetable juice or the powders and drops made to flavor water. I try to use the products that add vitamins &/or minerals. I am 53 and need extra help with nutrition and weight maintenance. Thank you for your consideration.
Deed says:
Hot chocolate … I simply don’t like the (non?) taste of water. What a great idea!
Phyllis O says:
I love a tall glass of ice water with LOTS of fresh lemon! No added sweetener. Nothing better! 🙂 So refreshing and healthy too!
Naheed says:
I mostly drink water, green and herbal tea.
Dawn Cook says:
i drink diet soda a lot, trying to get away from that though
gmc says:
Sadly, I drink way too many soft drinks in addition to water. Flavors like these help minimize the temptation to make bad choices.
Debbie Chaney says:
Unfortunately I drink way too much Dr. Pepper, but I think these flavored water enhancers would definitely help me break that bad habit!
kakkie60 says:
I drink juices, coffee, and occasionally soda as water is so bland. I KNOW I should drink more water. This sounds as if it could help me do just that.
Christine says:
Hot teas. I wish I could enjoy water more.
virginia martin says:
Green tea, green tea, green tea! These water flavors are right up my alley and my metabolisn is excited to try them. I am a professional athlete and drink oceans of water–the best for your body!
bootswon says:
I would love to win! thanks for the chance to win pure inventions. connie danielson
Caroline Z says:
mb2432002 says:
big fan of water, I always have a mug of ice water with me,I also Like Tang, remember that stuff I started drinking it again
jeanne nelson says:
Now this is a great idea. Water is so good for everyone and this will help me drink more.
tcoyne says:
Saharaa Rao says:
I drink Diet Coke more next to water!
julie says:
I drink water and diet iced tea.
paulette akins says:
crystal light
I limit my intake of bad beverages. Drink mostly water & herbal tea.
deborahf2 says:
I know that water is so important for the skin…adding Pure Inventions water enhancer will absolutely assist me in drinking enough..
cweber405@gmail.com says:
love to trythis!
Melinda Singer says:
Besides water I drink a LOT of green tea, one diet coke a day-yeah I know I should stop that, and on the weekend I might have a glass or two of wine.
Ingemar Hulthage says:
Next to water I drink tea most often.
valorosa says:
I agree with you plain water is boring, but your product sounds like it might help me get that extra water that I need. I’d love to try it.
beachwoman says:
Two cups of coffee start me off in the morning. After that it’s water, water, water then a glass of wine with dinner.
Marsha Crain says:
RIght now I am drinking a lot of water but then I still have 1 or 2 cans of pop a day. These products sound great-and would really be helpful.
Lucky enough says:
I’dlove to give this a try.
Dianna says:
Truthfully I drink water the most however coffee is a very close second. The product looks great I’d love to have the opportunity to try it. Thanks for the opportunity & Good Luck!
JMeidel says:
I put crystal light peach tea in my water.
GiftedGardener says:
Next to water, I most often drink coffee, tea or water flavored with Emergen-C, which has added vitamins. My kids do not like to drink water, but will with an added flavor. Unfortunately, most of those flavor packets are filled with nasty things. My husband says he’s allergic to water and will only drink diet soda, though remarkably, he is in perfect health. This product might just appeal to him, and it definitely does to me.
nana23 says:
Coffee first thing in a.m., after that herbal teas and water.
Lisa says:
Wine, wine and more wine! No, seriously I probably drink more wine than water – I hate plain water and my doctor doesn’t want me using anything with sugar/fake sugar added to water. 🙁
Terry says:
I drink lots of water ~ would love to try this product !
sdrosha8 says:
Drinking a plain glass of water is really blah. So adding something sweet and calorie-free is intoxicating to say the least. I am a adventurer at heart and love trying new products. I drink regular soda so adding Pure Invention Trio to water, would help wean me off the soda. I love green tea, lemonade, and the vanilla creme flavor would be interesting to try…
debraanncampbell@yahoo.com says:
Grapefruit juice. This sound great cause I never drink water and I know I need to.
Debra Sarran says:
I love drinking water with Mio Energy liquid enhancer. I would be interested in seeing how this product compares! I also drink green & black tea daily for the antioxidant help.
skwilson5904 says:
I would have to say that I drink iced tea the most.
Monica says:
Other than water, I drink coffee and milk. Try to stick with water, so happy at how delicious your product makes it!
jentomsch says:
Next to water, I drink Arizona Arnold Palmer iced tea. Love the half and half flavor!
kmariem18 says:
Next to water, I probably drink coffe the most. Would love to find other healthy alternatives/additions to water. This sounds very interesting.
shellrobin says:
Red wine, of course!
Renie says:
Water and then Diet Pepsi. Something about the bubbles..
I avoid caffeine & sugar so this would be great to add to herbal tea.
Kathy Greaves says:
I drink the bottled Lipton Diet Green Tea. I would love to win the 3 bottles of Pure Inventions — sounds fabulous!
orchidlady01 says:
Coffee with 1% milk and sugar
irishrose113 says:
I would love to try Vanilla Creme, but I do drink a lot of milk.
Helen.Ho88 says:
I would love to try your product! Next to water, I drink green tea.
andrea Price says:
Diet green tea and seltzer water are my next choices after water..Would love to try your products
Carol says:
My drink of choice is diet green tea with citrus flavor.
Donel P says:
It’s iced tea for me
Mary Lee Henriques says:
I confess that I am a coffee drinker…caffeine and all. I have tried to switch to water, but I miss the full flavor coffee gives me. I work with high school students who have special needs and they can probably smell coffee breath on me… not the most pleasant of aromas, but I need something that gives me a revitalization during the day without a lot of calories.
tfairy says:
I’m a big water drinker, but also Diet Pepsi. Trying to get off diet drinks and the Pure Inventions sure would help.
Gretchen Walker says:
My Artisian well water is my drink of choice, I take a jug with me where ever I go…
In the morning I may add lemon juice and a packet of sweetener…
I”d love to sample these Pure Inventions?!
Delores Kenyon says:
Diet Green Tea by Lipton for cold drinks. (I like the mixed berry flaver) I could drink this all day long. I have to make myself drink water when I’m exercising but anyother time I have to have flavor! Warm drinks would be my Barnie’s White Christmas Coffee with Bailey’s Irish Creamer. Yum Yum
hrbeck_98 says:
Besides water, I drink a lot of iced tea, year round.
mmimilinda says:
These water enhancers sound wonderful! I drink a lot of iced tea here in Florida, as well as plain ice water.
ann79thcourt@sbcglobal.net says:
Coffee,Coffee,and than some tea please.
ouida says:
i love sweet tea down here in the south, the sweeter the better. i would love to drink more water but it has a flat useless flavor. if this can make water taste better, i will drink it. thanks, ouida
lLove this as I drink herbal tea all day long.
padmanarasim says:
I do not like the taste of water so I drink flavored water or coconut water. I would love to win this & if I like, buy this.
Maryc Beth Cunard says:
Diet coke
janis says:
I mostly drink water, but do like Pepsi for the caffiene
ggonzal81 says:
sounds very tasty, way better than drinking sodas!
paulette akins says:
would love to try in water to make it taste better
kathie says:
Coffee and Tea!
Can these drops be added to HOT beverages to add flavor?
I have early morning coffee, then herbal tea the rest of the day.
carrie obrien says:
Coffee is beverage #2 for me!
DOTTI says:
krispy9 says:
I’m a big water drinker, but next would be my morning coffee.
lkish77123 says:
I also drink lite lemonade from Minute Maid
Lisa M says:
Well, water IS what I try to drink the most. I will drink an occasional soda. I also drink a lot of soy milk. I’d love to try this product!
Bekki says:
I recently quit smoking and drinking diet coke was my pastime. It’s the only thing I drink. I really need a change. I have gained 45 pounds since I quit smoking also.
shewalk says:
I drink coffee.
Michelle says:
I am drinking 1 gallon plus of water a day – would love some additional benefits – flavor…….I do not drink coffee or soda – …after recently getting past breast cancer and the events which go along with that, I am focusing on diet and detox.would love to try these products…….again I am drinking the water…..lots, giggles
yyoerger says:
2 cups decaff coffee, water, and skim milk, in that order for the day. don’t drink too much soda; maybe 3 a week of diet, caffeine-free pepsi or coke. herbal iced tea in the summer.
Maria Holzman says:
The beverage I drink most is Diet Coke. I am pretty sure I am addicted to it. Would love to get off of it. I know it is not good that I drink so much of it. These drops look like the perfect solution.
Jeanie says:
I drink coffee first thing in the morning. I received a Keurig for Christmas and am hooked on the coffee. I used to drink more water than I do now. I get tired of putting Crystal Light and other brands in my water so I have not been drinking enough water lately. Needless to say I have been drinking more pop. I would love to try Pure Inventions. It sounds like an adult beverage.
Kathy says:
I drink coffee and green tea.
Do you really think these drops would work?
I’m not a soda drinker at ALL.
I’m not a big water drinker. It’s not that I don’t like water or that it is is boring. I’m just not in the habit of drinking much during the day or night.
I drink coffee then herbal tea. Would love these!!
Vickie Riddle says:
I need something to replace my cola habit.
Susan Sumner says:
I drink unsweetened green tea with lemon, lots of it!
Michelle Countiss says:
Other than carbonated water, I drink coffee in the morning, then unsweetened iced tea or hot tea for the remainder of the day. This would be a nice change.
eddyrobey says:
Coffee and Tea
I drink herbal tea so this would be great to add for extra protection.
Colleen Bayone says:
I would LOVE to try these…hey, if it’s what the creaters are taking then give me a double shot, because they look fantastic!!
Michele says:
I drink mostly water followed by a close second, wine!
Hazel Love says:
I drink seltzer water when I am not drinking water. I like the crisp taste of seltzer water; I add a squeeze of lime or lemon to and punch to the taste on a hot day or when I need a pick me up at the end of a long day.
Deborah DRake says:
I drink a lot of tea, probably equal to about 50% of the amount of water I consume.
Carole Minor says:
I drink tea and would love to try this.
cynthia says:
My favorite flavor is anything fruity. Love to try. By the way, review for Glytone will be in as son build my computer. Can you please send email again for me to send review?
bison61 says:
diet coke or coke zero
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Shirley says:
Other than water, I drink coffee and tea. Very little soda or juice.
jan mardis says:
Iced tea
Linda says:
Tea with milk in the am and diet drinks after although I am trying to get away from the artificial sweeteners 🙂
rosiey60 says:
Lorna says:
Coffee slut here. 🙂
I drink alot of herbal tea so would love to add this for health.
Mary Catherine says:
I really try hard to drink lots of water. I have a cup of coffee in the morning, however I really enjoy hot herbal tea or a glass of wine with dinner. It depends on the time of year…but right now, I drink hot tea more than anything except water. A tasty yet healthy option would be wonderful since I prefer to stay away from artificial sweeteners.
leo39@netzero.com says:
Mostly -tap water. A lot.
wizardewu says:
unsweetened green tea
pmack says:
I drink zero coke
gaither1 says:
Would love to try this to see if it is actually true. Thank you!
bluegoose41 says:
coffee, coke and wine!
gshep says:
I want to try this! I love Coke ,but want to go healthy. I eat right,grow organic vegetables,exercise ,but still like my coke . Help.
joyzkim says:
coffee….i just love it.
mimi says:
After water, my favorite drink is Diet Pepsi (sorry…..!)
Toni says:
besides plain water I drink caffiene free diet coke and lemonaid crystal light
baweatherford says:
I drink diet coke and crystal light….need to cut down on diet coke, but it tastes so good.
Soledad says:
I drink diet sodas or juice if I don’t drink water. This product sounds great! I would love to try it; fewer calories and you get to drink what you should, water. I would love to win this.
Marilyn says:
Aside from plenty of water I drink green tea.
56at55 says:
Coffee for the first couple hours of the day, then I alternate between Diet Coke and seltzer for the rest of the day.
kmcnich says:
This is so bad to say….but, soda. I know! I need to make a change, would love this to be my leap into becoming soda free.
Wonda Pearson says:
Next to water – I drink more diet Coke. I feel so much better when I drink water, but it takes discipline to chose it over diet coke 🙁
Frasier5 says:
I will try anything ONCE Could be really fun and interesting
Maureen O'Neal says:
Next to water, I drink FLAVORED water most, but it has ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS, and I’m not too happy about THAT! I would LOVE to drink something GOOD TASTING that was GOOD FOR ME, at the same time!
Anice Stonerock says:
when I am not drinking water I drink Crystal Light or iced tea. no soda drinker here!
debbiehoskins says:
I have my morning latte, and then stick with water or ice tea
Katie5 says:
I drink berry flavored Propel Zero in place of regular water; other that it would be coffee or diet soda.
ellenherbert says:
hmmm. herbal tea.
audrey dirisio says:
this is a case of show me…. I do not believe it
Laura Borud says:
After water my next ingested beverage is coffee.
gmc says:
Sounds very interesting.
hofken says:
I drink a lot of iced tea.
Bernice Llewellyn says:
I usually try to drink green, white, and herbal teas, and flavor water with fruit.
emom says:
Next to water, which I don’t drink enough, I drink iced tea the most. One of my Lenten disciplines is just to drink water for forty days.
Tannersmom says:
I drink diet soda.
novastorm says:
My complexion could really use some help
nancdep5 says:
I drink coffee, second to water. I should drink more water, tho.
mintjulie says:
i’m addicted to soda :-(( Help!! I need to drink more water and no soda.
Tracy Ann Schwartz says:
I do drink water over pop but I would have to say next to water, milk.
saffellw says:
I don’t always drink as much water as I should but when I do I love the water to be slightly frozen. As long as it is cold I can drink two or three glasses at a time. Recently I have started drinking distilled water, I love the pure taste of it. But when I am not drinking water I drink ruby red grapefruit juice. As a matter of fact, it is the only juice I drink. I would really like to try your product in hopes that it would help me increase my water intake. Thanks!
Kai W. says:
Next to water, I drink tea the most.
mlh125 says:
Next to water, I drink milk the most….coffee comes in 2nd. would love to use this stuff instead of pop I indulge in.
Gail White says:
I drink tea as often as water. I do enjoy fruit in my water and tea. Used crystal light for years but as everything else, gets boring eventually. Help!
GypsyBleu says:
I only drink pop when out and about…usually drink coffee al day, and various teas at night. I could use something to break me out of my daily habits, but haven’t found anything I like, et. I would love to give this a try. Anything that would help me lose the winter weight gain would be wonderful! I’m usually housebound in the winter because of snow, and having to walk with a cane.
rachel says:
Sounds fascinating.. I would love to try this. Let me give it a try
jasmin says:
net to water i drink tea the most
thank you
ruby1dsd says:
I’ve been searching and searching for something that will help me lose the straight water blues. I enjoy teas quite often and find the Greentea and Tranquility very intriguing. I am anxious to know if they relieve thirst without leaving aftertaste.
Jan says:
I drink a lot of water every day and most days that’s about it. It would be wonderful to have an interesting flavor and it be good for me too!
Patricia Caradonna says:
Next to water, what do you drink most? I drink decaf. tea with lemon.
msortet says:
It’s so funny that I’m reading your email because I just sat down with a glass of water with Pure Inventions in it!!!! I bought the cranberry + elderberry extract as Lynne and Lori recommended it for weight loss. What a coincidence! Well next to water, I drink beer (which is why I invested in Pure Inventions in the first place! Would love to try these flavors!
donna brenn says:
I would love to get off the diet coke…I do try to fit in water during the day but it gets boring after a glass or two. If this would help I would love to try it.
Darlene says:
Sounds like a great alternate for my coca cola habit!! I do incorporate water into my daily routine; but it gets boring.
Jill57 says:
coffee & herbal tea
Debbie Phillips says:
I drink a LOT of hot green and oolong tea during the day. If I drink water, I like to add a little lemon juice to it.
glorious says:
I drink coffee , but water is my drink of choice.
ctgal says:
Mostly, I drink coffee, decaf and regular. We have an amazing machine and our coffee is delicious. In the summer, Diet Coke. Love, love.
ROBYN E says:
Next to water, I would say lemon lime drink.
This would be wonderful to try !
Doreen O. says:
Besides water I mostly drink herbal tea. I use stevia when I need the tea sweetened, but I would love, love, love to have more options. Variety is the spice of life!
Mary W says:
Next to water, what do you drink most? Coffee- strong black coffee.
dmnyes says:
I am not a fan of water unless it is flavored. The other beverage I prefer is Coffee! I love all types of coffee.
Kim Cage says:
Next to water, I drink a lot of coffee, only so many with caffeine, then switch to decaf!! In the summer I add Crystal
Light and Mio to my water to get in more servings.Would love to try this!!!
Mary Anderson Griffin says:
I do try to drink water, but find that I drink mostly iced tea, and Sassy water when I have time and ingredients to make it.
katie says:
I know this is the wrong answer, but it is the honest answer…..coffee. I do flavor my plain or sparkling water with a dash of juice, lemon or lime but unfortunately my love for coffee overpowers my judgement.
lorraine says:
I never was a soda drinker and never used sugar in my tea or coffee.. After water, it’s tea w/lemon or coffee, then wine!
heartagold says:
I went ‘cold turkey’ quiting diet sodas. I drink alot of water now. I’d enjoy using your product!
Michelle says:
Wow, sounds great. I love mixing up my water. It can get quite expensive, so this would last me awhile. What a terrific promotion!
Kathleen Edillor says:
I mostly drink decaf ice tea; homemade, light on sugar, mixture of green tea and a flavored tea~ usually raspberry or apple. I don’t like plain water much and force myself to drink it. This sounds like a great alternative.
ISIS360 says:
kathyi55 says:
I usually drink Vitamin Water or add Mia to ice water. I also dink a fair share of ice tea with lemon.
smfsprout says:
Next to water, I drink hot chocolate on a daily basis. I’m not a big coffee drinker so my morning jolt comes from my chocolate.
carylanne says:
I like to drink water and especially flavored water but it’s hard to find flavor enhanced water that tastes good and also has health/weight benefits. My daughter is on a restricted diet and she is leaving for study abroad and this would be perfect for her as well.
Terrie says:
I almost exclusively drink water except for my morning coffee and evening sleepy time herbal tea. These sound interesting though and would love to try.
Naomi says:
I am a total Diet Coke addict. Sad but true!
Susan Cassano says:
I need all the help I can get! lol
Cecilia says:
I usually have juice. I buy the 100% Blueberry Pom juice, and mix it with water 60/40….
Leslie Petersen says:
Crystal Light and Mio! 🙂 This sounds de-lish! Would love to try!!! 🙂
Karen Hansen says:
I would love to win this. I got sugar out of my drink diet years ago when I switched to Unsweetened ice tea but now my doctor wants me to stop with the tea so my only choice is water or sparkling water and this would help immensely as I hate just plain water. Thanks so much
lynne cahill says:
What a great way to keep water in our diets and the harmful/toxic chemicals that are in diet sodas out of our diets!! Brava!
Dotsy says:
I try to drink about 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, but besides that, I drink a lot of green tea and herbal tea. Would love to try a product that flavors the water and saves calories sine I am trying to drop a few pounds and finding it hard to do.
mrudoni says:
I try to drink my share of water but it’s tough without flavor. I have tried my share of a product by Propel on warm days, which contains citric acid and is not great for the teeth. Fresh lemon juice in the H2O is nice on a warm and cold day, but again not great for the teeth. I turned to hot tea, green tea, white tea, black tea, blah, blah, blah… without sugar so no extra calories. Is Pure Inventions extract a God send? I would love to try it and find out! Cutting any calories and not losing flavor sounds fantastic.
David Linsley says:
Tea is my fav. , lemon is delicious too.
Sheila Chaffins says:
Next to water I drink Gunpowder Green Tea and Rooibos hot tea.
kathy says:
I drink diet Pepsi during the day, or iced tea. At night I have my 2 cups of tea, just to wind down and relax.
carla fellers says:
I would like to win the pure inventions.
Melissa says:
I would love to try this! I usually drink carbonated water, but that doesn’t take care of any calories!!!
Lisa Richardson says:
Unfortunately it’s often soda.
Laurie says:
I drink iced tea the most. I prefer to stay away from pop as much as possible as too much causes me stomach problems. I use Splenda but I need to reduce my usage of the artificial sweeteners. I would love to give this a try
Cheryl says:
Since I don’t drink carbonated drinks, it would have to be coffee, then tea. Most of the time I drink just water….which gets really boring!!!
AngelaK says:
After water, I drink tea the most!
Ann Stewart says:
I have been working on taking care of myself, change in diet and eliminating soda. What is most bothersome is the weight and hot flashes! HELP!
Julia Lowy says:
Elder flower cordial
Cynthia says:
I love, love love Green Tea Honey Ginseng, but my husband brews a pot of coffee every morning so I have a cup and a half every day. I might not have tea every day. I know I’m supposed to drink water, but I only do when I’m thirsty (it really is boring). Flip side – I don’t drink soda at all.
Phyllis Fleming says:
I drink mostly water but I occasionally drink A&W Diet Cream Soda. I love the vanilla flavoring. Would love to try the flavored water enhancers!
Sharon Cherro says:
Deborah says:
I have a lot of allergies and I would like to try this to see if I could even use it before buying it. I drink a lot of green tea now, but it is a different brand. I think this probably would be better for you.
Janet Keyser says:
I drink alot of milk to keep my bones strong.
Judy Brenner says:
I drink milk!
sattalia says:
Mostly water and one diet coke a day.
MAF says:
Wow! The Pure Inventions Team is definitely on the right path with this new product line. As an H2O gal adding anything pleasant tasting w/no calories is a no brainer. Send the product my way and I will advocate for Pure Inventions if it proves to be a winning enhancement to plaino H2O!
reba says:
Diet Soda
elizabeth says:
I just got into coffee so I like trying new brands and flavors.
mtwheat says:
I’m a Big Iced Tea drinker. Carry it around with me all day. These drop would be great for that!
swhite says:
I drink green tea and non caffeine herbal tea varieties
erica says:
I drink Coke Zero even though I KNOW I shouldn’t. I get tiredtiredtired of just water and even the grocery-store add-ins aren’t great. This sounds interesting. I really like the longevity part…
MARY says:
I would have to list coffee & tea as my primary beverages.
KIM says:
I drink lots of water and lots of iced tea with sweetner. It would be nice to have other options that taste great.
musicmn11 says:
Ginger Ale and Orange Juice. Would love to try these!
carolineno says:
Whatever spring water is on sale.
Margaret Pflug says:
Decaf coffee or decaf green and herbal teas followed by more water.
Mary says:
Fab55 says:
Water only tastes good when served by waiters in restaurants! Otherwise, it must be camouflaged by Cystal Light … or this wonderful new invention!
Now why didn’t I think of it! I will order it and hopefully win some, too!!
Ianete says:
Bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles!
Marla Davis says:
If this works, how wonderful! I’ve literally been on a plateau for over a year! Have tried everything. Thanks for the chance!
MerryLady says:
I drinkl tea and coffee (but yes sadly sometimes add sugar) So this seems like a great alternative I would drink more water!
Janet Atchley says:
I would love to win the three bottles of water enhancers. I drink water all day long except for my one cup of java in the morning and a cup of chai tea in the afternoon and it does get very boring.
fhoagland says:
I tried other flavored additives and my main drink is water…I’d love to test this!!
Cynt1 says:
Next to water, shame to say I drink a little Pepsi. Just a little!
Trisha says:
Tea. Or in the evening – red wine!
mink says:
caffeine-free diet Coke
lydianna says:
My drink of choice is a fizzy….half club soda and half cranberry juice.
MaraKaplan says:
I basically drink ice green tea Would love to have other options.
MaraKaplan says:
I basically drink ice green tea (diet) Would love to have other options.
fzoltanetz says:
After water, I generally drink green tea or add energy boost to my water. Would love to try the Pure Inventions especially with the Lo han sweetener.
pmernick says:
Unfortunately, I’m hooked on soda. I’d love to try this alternative!
cindy says:
dixiefree1 says:
Crystal lite tea
Viney says:
unsweetened tea.
Ro says:
Everyone knows that we should get away from all of the diet soda but how do we get away from it? Tea mixed with fruit juice has been an option but still contains calories. These drops sound like a miracle. No calories. Good taste. Antioxidants and you can take it in your carry on. Sign me up!
ktpotat says:
next to water I drink Black tea
EDreyer says:
Coffee, sparkling water, tea and wine.
patricia mcnew says:
need to loose some weight lease help already walk thirty minutes a day and lift small weights
Mary McGill says:
Unfortunately, I drink Coke the most.
Joanna says:
In my case the question should be besides diet coke do you ever drink water? Seriously addicted to diet coke and seriously need to amp up my water intake. Please help me.
Carolyn says:
I drink cold tea if I am not drinking water. I would love to try some flavors for water.
Pat says:
after water, I would have to say…coffee or wine 😉
Michelle says:
Unfortunately I am not a big water drinker – I just don’t like it. Very boring. I usually drink coffee in the morning but mostly tea the rest of the day. Would love to try something that makes water taste good!!
roch4tc@aol.com says:
Next to water, I drink green tea. However, I recently bought a machine that can make water alkaline, acidic, or purified. The alkaline water is better for you and actually tastes better than tap or purified water. Your concept for flavored water is intriguing. I would like to try it!
Clara says:
Next to water, I drink milk, coke, and ginger-ale.
Barbie says:
Unfortunately for me, but very profitable for Sonic Drive-In, I drink more Sonic Sweet Iced Tea more than anything, including water….
Heather Rudy says:
Next to water I drink coffee and Vitimin water Glow (tie). I
began a diet and exercise plan at the new year so this sounds very appealing.
Nancy Jachcik says:
Next to water I drink soda and would love to kick the habit with a healthy substitute.
Barbara S says:
diet Pepsi, McDonald’s frappe, and then coffee——time to do a better job
Sandy says:
I drink a lot of diet soda and water. I love a cold cold drink.
Sandy says:
I’ve always wanted to try something with Lo-Han in it! And Stevia. I’ve been doing a lot of research on Stevia in particular to bake with, so I’m eager to check this out.
TFabglam5 says:
Anything that can enhance the flavor of water and also help to more efficiently burn calories (i.e. the green tea), is on my radar to try! I need to drink more water every day and using these enhancers would definitely help to keep my tastebuds happy while quenching my thirst and hydrating my cells!
Thereislightonthehorizon says:
My favorite drink (shamefully, before water!) is decaf coffee! I have been decaffeinated for 25 yrs !, yet I still drink coffee all day! If Pure Inventions has coffee with cream or chocolate flavors, sign me up! Even a cherry chocolate added to the mix would be fun 🙂
Pamela says:
I’m afraid I drink lots of regular soda because I don’t like plain water. I would give anything to be able to lose some post-menopausal weight by drinking water that’s flavored with good ingredients and naturally sweet. That’s the thing that could break me of the soda habit.
I have tried diet drinks and sweeteners and get headaches from them. These flavorings sound great. I would LOVE to try them out.
bclaxton says:
Next to water, I drink caffeine-free diet pesi the most.
suri40 says:
Next to water, I usually drink green tea.
Nancy says:
I stay away from anything carbonated. Kills my acid reflux!
Catherine says:
I live year-round on Crystal Light Iced Tea. I always have several boxes or canisters of the stuff in my closets because I never want to be without. These are so small and portable, I’d probably keep one in my bag to flavor water at restaurants and at work!
mceleney says:
GINGERALE-I like the bubbles every so often and it doesn’t have caffeine. I am always trying to drink more water.
Debbie W. says:
Next to water, unfortunately, I drink too much soda. Would like to stop drinking it!
barb m says:
I believe next to water, Crystal Light, tea and then coffee on that list. I do drink a LOT! I live in a dry climate and I’m always thirsty!
Ooohhh…cream soda flavor; that sounds like my new fave! I’d love to try this!
ticki566 says:
I am a die-hard coffee addict and trying to cut back. I am looking for something to add to my water when I am on the go. Looks like Pure Inventions fit the bill…I can keep it in the glove compartment!
Ruth Bousquet says:
I drink sparkling water.
Cindy Henderson says:
Next to water I drink coffee most and then hot tea. I do use flavored drink mix sticks in my water, usually something with vitamins or minerals added. I would love to try something else that’s healthy and losing weight is ALWAYS a plus for me…as I am a PLUS size gal myself!
Faye says:
I really only drink two things – water and TaB!
Gayla says:
I drink tea almost as much as water but would love to try this product. I know it would help me drink more water
Kathy Castillo says:
After water, the next highest liquid consumed on a typical day is coffee. A switch to flavored water might help me reduce the coffee (and therefore caffeine).
cath anello says:
I am constantly drinking crystal light ice tea……..
Theresa Buchle says:
Living in the South, I drink a TON of iced tea. I also love my morning coffee. I try to steer clear of sodas, although I will indulge every once in a while.
Ellen says:
Coffee and red wine.
AJB says:
Diet soda
ashleigh walls says:
Decaffeinated Tea! I replaced most of my coffee with tea to try and cut down on the caffeine.
Cindy says:
Sweet ice tea, sweeted by splenda.
Sandra says:
I tend to drink a lot of diet Dr. Pepper. It is the one diet drink that I actually like. I would love to give Pure Intentions a shot…
cindysan says:
Next to water I drink white tea.
tami says:
I drink the “throwback” sodas made with sugar instead of HFCS, but limit those to one a day… which is still one too many. I’ve been looking for a product like this!
tdark27 says:
I drink diet soda, but i would love to stop. Very excited about a good tasting, nutritious alternative!
Kathleen says:
How refreshing it would be to drink a flavored water that is not too sweet, chemical-free and actually tastes good. I don’t drink sodas or other calorie-laden drinks, but I also don’t drink enough water because it gets so boring.
I would love to try the new Pure Inventions liquid water enhancer.
Melitta Prows says:
Love your concepts, especially with the natural sweeteners and their low glycemic responses.
I love fresh lemon in water and start my morning with a big glass. Raw juices is my next choice and herbal teas. I find great success with these choices for ridding myself of excess fluid retention, arthritic pains, etc.
Ann says:
Diet Coke with Lime is the death of me,,,, I love the stuff, next to water…
Terri says:
Next to water, I drink coffee most, then tea.
Pat says:
Next to water I normally drink hot tea: green, white, black, etc.
bvolker says:
diet coke
joyweave says:
Next to water, I drink herbal tea the most. I like how easy and convenient it would be to just add drops to water!
Talex says:
Next to water, the liquid I drink most is green tea. Actually the tea runs a close second to diet soda (it would be good to be able to eliminate that from my diet). This sounds like a wonderful product, I would love to try it.
Mary K. says:
Next to water, I like to drink “hint” flavor enhanced water. It adds a nice healthy flavor to the water with zero calories.
Debbie Chaney says:
Next to water I usually drink Dr. Pepper most, but it’s showing up on my body so I sure would like to break out of this habit?
Cathy Mayer says:
I drink a lot of teas. I would love to try this plus I think it would get my husband to drink more water!
Felina M says:
I drink a lot of herbal teas.
Annette D says:
I drink mostly water and I like my Diet Coke.
dogladydi says:
Next to water, it would be hot tea and coffee. Gave up sodas some time ago.
Ruth Wherley says:
I drink hot or iced tea
Margaret Gabriele says:
I drink defcaf diet iced tea.
Phoenix says:
Other than water, I drink mostly fruit juice & tea. This sounds like a great invention!
Debby says:
My blood runs “diet coke”. I get water in during the day but yes, it is boring! My adult sons are constantly on me about the amount of diet soda I drink so I know they would be thrilled for me to find an alternative. I’ve lost 45 pds in the past year with 10 more to go and something with flavor is the only thing that keeps me going. Sounds like a break through product, can’t wait to try it!
heightshike says:
Soda is my absolutely favorite drink, but I have been wanting to give it up for years. It is one of my biggest dietary struggles. If Pure Inventions will get off soft drinks then I am all in to give it a try.
Bev Erasmus says:
Next to water, I drink coffee. But this product sounds awesome to add to water, I should be drinking more water but have a hard time doing that, I believe this product would be a huge help. Thank you:)
Dee Barcham says:
Sounds great!
Sherri Gorbey says:
I drink unsweetened mango black tea – so delicious!
Cindy Tschetter says:
I love my coffee and try to drink lots of water. It would be so much better if it were flavored!
sandram says:
Next to water, I drink tea the most. I would love to try Pure Inventions.
1955nurse says:
I drink waaaay too much Coke Zero, love to try this!!! Thanks for the chance….
Jeanette says:
I add fruit juice concentrate to soda water to create sparkling juices, delicious but still the calories of juice.
Diana Verner says:
I consume green tea by the gallons…..
Michelle says:
I would love to ty this – I drink a gallon plus of water a day – why not add this ? I do not drink soda or coffee …… mmmmm .. to loose alittle mjroe weight . sure !
bkrauss says:
I drink a lot of tea. I would love to try this product and see if what it is like. I am very curious!
Andy says:
Well, how neat is this? Talk about creating a “whole new me”!
Lisa says:
I’m in the process of weaning myself off Diet Coke. Next to water, I drink coffee the most, followed by green tea.
Susan says:
I actually drink filtered water the most.
Deborah Young says:
I have never been a water drinker. I would love to wean my self away from diet sodas. This seems like an ideal way to do it.
I have never been a coffee drinker either so I think I would really like to try this product.
I drink herbal or green tea without sugar. Very healthful & refreshing. Love this idea!!
khebertdms says:
Next to water, I drink coffee or diet cranberry juice. I would love to try something to enhance the flavor of my water because then maybe I would drink my 8 cups a day for sure!
mawk313 says:
I would say tea.
Kathy M says:
I drink 2 good size cups of coffee in the morning only! I have a lot of health issues so make sure I drink a packet a day of pure cherry juice in a large water bottle and try to drink cranberry juice inbetween, but most of the time it is water. Water to fill me up so that I don’t eat so much ;/. I could really benefit from your fit and also tranquility, as sleep does not come easily. Sounds great and would love to try this product!!
disgusted says:
I usually only drink water but mostly with crystal light, would love to try a different water enhancer..Thanks for the chance to win it!!
Lori Lyons says:
I have cut out my sodas and started drinking tea. I would rather drink tea or flavored water that drink high calories.
Penny Boyer says:
Next to water, I drink decaf hot tea, especially at bedtime to help me relax and sleep better.
jean ray says:
I drink lots of ice tea and coffee.
Jo Beth says:
Can’t wait to try it……if I’m not drinking water it is unsweet iced tea……….gallons of it!!!! I need to drink more water and this would definitely help I think!!!
vicki lorenz says:
The only drink other than water that I consume is coffee. I would love to try these flavors. Great idea!
Audrey says:
I drink water or tea, would love to try this.
Janet N says:
Southern Sweet Tea…my all-time favorite. But I’m trying to cut back, just need something that taste great to help.
Angelia Howard says:
Next to water, I drink sweet tea the most.
This looks like a great option to flavor water so I would drink more1
Kristin Gilbert says:
I need a plan to get back on track- I would love to try out this product and share it with my friends if it works. Next to water I mostly drink Lipton Diet Green Tea Citrus
SUE says:
Besides water, I mainly drink 100% fruit juices.
Audrey Beaudry says:
I feel like I carry around excess pounds due to blotting.
ksaucedo says:
I drink alot of Crystal Light Iced Tea…
Margarida says:
I am British, so after water, I drink hot tea most often.
Teri Manning says:
Net to water I drink tea..usually black tea but green tea also.
Marlene says:
I drink water, water and more water. Green Tea at Breakfast…..Does this product really work??? I would love to test it.
Tracie says:
I drink soft drinks most often.
Leomozz says:
ablepoet says:
I am a new member, and I really need help with my ageing skin…please help me
Arlene says:
I love diet colas.
Anna Marie Pavlov says:
I would have to say it is a tie between coffee and tea for my second choice. I would be willing to give this new product a try.
tom bedford says:
sounds like a fun new product idea, I will try it
proud_mary53 says:
I’d love to see if this actually worked.I want to teat this product.