Sleep, Skin… And Strategizing Your Future!


The kids, at last, are adults! You’re no longer working from dawn till dusk. You finally have time to rest…yeah right!Read More


Meet Caris…With A Dash Of Pepper

Caris Vujcec is smart, savvy, and sexy. Yes, very sexy.

The American-born actress of Sicilian-Croatian descent recently celebrated a defining birthday, and knows well how the entertainment industry-at-large turns a blind eye to mature actresses. “The roles aren’t there. Our country, in particular, doesn’t think a woman is sexy after a certain age, or that anyone is interested in stories about women our age,” Caris says.

She references a five-minute comedy sketch with Amy Schumer, who stumbles upon Julia Louis Dreyfus, Tina Fey and Patricia Arquette while they’re celebrating Julia’s Last F**kable Day. “In every actress’ life, the media decides when you’ve finally reached the point where you’re not believably f**kable any more,” Julia explains to Amy. “It’s a humorous, sobering look at what the industry thinks of  women over forty” Caris adds. spacer (more…)

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We Know What REALLY Pisses You Off




Trash-I hate trash! I go through trash bags like crazy.”–Sylvia Marie


“People that when you open the door for them act like it’s their right-no acknowledgement or thank you!”Pamela June Diaz (more…)

This Free Online Course Could Change Your Life

It may be a long time since you’ve set foot in a classroom, but today you want to learn as much as you can, as fast as you can, to be successful in our dynamic world.

You might be on embarking on an exciting new challenge. Perhaps you’re changing jobs or your career. Or maybe you’re going back to work, after years, now that the kids are far from kids.

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“There is no substitute for hard work.”-Thomas Edison

Labor Day is just around the corner, so we thought it would be apropos to celebrate the people whose jobs give others hope, joy, and charity; comfort, sustenance and shelter.

1. Teachers



7 Ways To Improve Yourself This Spring

Spiff up your home without breaking the bank.

Snap up 4 cool spring fashion looks for less!

Sharpen up with 5 leading beauty procedures
(and a knife is nowhere in sight)!

Sign up your face and neck for a skin care soirée.

Snuggle up with a suspenseful new book.

Jump up into a 3-minute-a-day exercise program.

Up the return from the creams and gels you’re using.

Could You Support Yourself During Tough Times?

This post is sponsored by Edelman Financial Services.

Chances are, you know a woman who was left financially strapped after her husband died,
or she went through a horrible divorce.

Don’t let that woman be you.

Last fall, we learned about important seminars that empower women to take control of their financial futures. No, these are not “get-rich-quick” schemes, but are valuable lessons detailing nine steps to help plan your financial future and retirement. Not only will you learn the skills to protect yourself in both good times and challenging times, but also your loved ones as well. Can one 90-minute seminar help a woman take control of her financial future? Absolutely! Consider how Rose Bach did it.


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A Woman With Exceptional Style Opens Her Closet To You!

Terry Gibralter is one of those women with exceptional style.

You wouldn’t simply say she looks “pretty”, “beautiful,” or “put together” because she’s wearing a lovely—and flattering—outfit, accessorized with a nice handbag, shoes and necklace, and her hair and makeup look good. Her style actually is, well, just one of a kind, and no single adjective can adequately define it. I put a scarf in my hair and it looks like a schmatta (rag); Terry wraps a scarf on her head, and she, literally turns heads. That kind of style.

As a self-professed fashion addict, who inherited her mother’s and grandmother’s style genes (“My grandmother looked gorgeous until the day she died, at 101. She was still doing her nails and they were beautiful”), Terry has long been a fan of vintage clothes, accessories and jewelry, long before it became as fashionable to shop flea markets and thrift shops as it is today. It didn’t hurt that she lived and worked in Paris and Singapore for years, when her husband was transferred abroad. “Paris is a vintage haunt and Singaporeans are just plain insane about shopping. When we left Singapore, I put an ad in the paper for a garage sale we were having. People lined up outside our house at 5:00 AM!” Terry remembers. As a fashion stylist for Elle Magazine Singapore, Terry had suitcases of goodies that she preferred not to take back to the States.


Meet The Woman Who Will Make You Glad That LA Writers Went On Strike In 2007

I have one favor to ask any woman who is reading this, whether you’re a lady of means and wouldn’t be caught dead shopping anywhere but Bergdorf Goodman, or watch your pennies and swear by Marshalls.

Next time HSN features MarlaWynne apparel, pour yourself a glass of wine (if it’s nighttime), settle into a comfortable chair and “meet” a woman with Bergdorf’s tastes and style, who designs clothes that sell at Marshalls prices, often for even less. I’ll be surprised if you don’t buy at least one piece from Marla’s collection. By the way, her great clothes are one thing; her magnetic personality is another.

Marla Ginsberg, 58, used to shop at the chichi stores all over the world, thinking nothing of buying a $300 pair of slacks here, a $1,000 sweater there, and goodness knows what in between. That’s when she was a successful international television executive and producer, living in Paris and flitting back and forth between CDG (Charles de Gaulle airport) and LAX. Her fortunes changed, however, when the writer’s strike hit in 2007-2008 and Marla lost her job. Back in LA with two teenage children to support, she wasn’t the type to wallow in self-pity. But what to do, she thought, accepting the fact that the likelihood of finding a post-strike job was “about as good as finding a natural blonde in Beverly Hills.”

“I’ll buy
a sewing machine”

Marla’s creative juices kicked in and she had one of those “ah-ha” moments. She’d buy a sewing machine, and she’d design clothes for the women being ignored by the big-name fashion designers, the women of her own generation, the boomers. She reasoned that if other women had as hard a time finding affordable fashion as she did, she could develop a viable business. “I wanted to cover all my icky bits, like my sagging underarms and pooching stomach,” Marla told me when we first met three years ago, “but all I could find were moo-moos and over-priced matronly styles that made me feel like a refugee from an artists colony.” So what if she didn’t know how to sew and or design clothes, she thought. She had developed a great appreciation of style, after living in France for 17 years. She knew she was creative. She’d figure it out.

Win a $1,000 wardrobe and personal consult with Marla!


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Smart Women Finish Rich: Discover The 9 Steps To Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals And Dreams

I’ve often joked that I hope my body gives out before my money runs out.

The prospect of ever living from hand-to-mouth is mighty distressing, but I hate thinking about my financial future. I figure I’ll always be able to make an income, no matter how old I am. After all, I’ve been supporting myself since I graduated college. Never needed a man for that.

WRONG! What if I get sick and can’t work? How long will I be able to keep going before my money does, indeed, run out? I feel vulnerable just thinking about it.

And when I look at many of my women friends, whose husbands have handled their finances for decades, they’re in the same boat I am. They avoid talk of money at all costs. It’s too darn intimidating. But what if their hubbies die first? Will they be left financially secure?

One of my closest friends was literally left “holding the bag” when her husband died in his 50s. But the bag was virtually empty because his business was practically under water, and what little he had left went to healthcare costs. My friend had to create a new life on her own: Downsize her home; get a job (she hadn’t worked since college); learn how to live on a budget. It was a scary time for her.

So when the folks from Edelman Financial Services approached us about their 90-minute Smart Women Finish Rich seminars, they got my attention.

Wouldn’t it be worth it to spend such a little amount of time if what I learn could help me to take charge of my financial future, and to feel safer and more secure?
