15 Life-Changing Moments

Life-changing events, are, well, life changing, whether they’re helpful or heart breaking.  

Here are some that changed FOF lives.

“The day I discovered Chung King was not real Chinese Food! But on a serious note, when I lost my husband to cancer and then lost my younger brother to cancer 8 months later.”
Lori Logan Goniwicha

“With my husband’s blessing, I finally had enough of my bosses BS, got sick of the supervisors playing God in their own little kingdom. I walked into work, collected my things, turned in my badge, drove away and never looked back…Life is good and my husband is wonderful!!!”
Lyn Gunselman


“There are so many, from meeting my husband to losing my mum. But I think the one that’s helped me to value my life is having a brain hemorrhage at 42. Live life to the fullest.”
Susan Mulroy

“Walking out on a 34-year marriage.”
Jerri Ann Carnefix

“The day my 12-year-old son died, and 8 months later, when my (now) 7-year-old was born.”
Tina M. James-Smith

“Getting a life-saving kidney, almost 4 years ago, from an angel that worked in a restaurant we went to.”
Susie Jones Barnes

“Quietly learning the art of ‘having patience’ while helping to take care of my mother who had lung, brain and liver cancer…at no point in time would I put my mother in a position where her short term memory loss would make her feel awkward or embarrassed. Hard to believe she’s been gone, over 21 years now.  I still miss her every single day….”
Dawnne Schoepske-Sulaitis


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0 Responses to “15 Life-Changing Moments”

  1. Deborah Joan Chadwick says:

    The day I walked away from a 25 year abusive marriage.


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