Last week, FOF founder Geri blogged about the brilliant makeover book Steal This Style by FOF stylist Sherrie Mathieson.
This week, we are giving one lucky FOF a chance to win a makeover with Sherrie! Read on to enter . . .
In Steal this Style, Sherrie worked with twenty sets of FOF moms and their daughters (in some cases grandmother and granddaughter, or mother and daughter in spirit), to remake FOFs with fashion ideas from the younger generation. Admit it, you’ve made a few of these “before” mistakes:
Mother: Yasue, 50, Administrative Assistant, Daughter: Michelle, 21, Medical Student
Before: Sherrie says, this FOF is “so buttoned-up Houdini could not hasten her departure from this conservative cage.”
After: Sherrie says, “A bit edgy yet feminine, they look appropriate for their age and work. These black-and-white outfits are minimalist and fresh.”
Mother: Ifé, 54, Talent manager, Daughter (in spirit, Ifé is friend, mentor and adviser to Nicole): Nicole, 39, Actress and retail sales associate
Before: Sherrie says, “She’s nice, but her look isn’t. From head to toe she needs to rethink her style ingredients. The see-through gathered skirt adds pounds and pulls our gaze down to where it shouldn’t be.”
After: Sherrie says, “Ifé’s outfit is right for her age and particularly right for her figure. A woman into her fifties could wear (daughter) Nicole’s look, as long as she has a similar figure and great legs.”
Mother: Paulette, 55, Dental Assistant, Daughter: Danielle, 24, Journalism student
Before: Sherrie says “A bland color combination that is bad in all ways is punctuated by an unfortunately positioned red fanny pack that all eyes will center on.”
After: “A ripe take on preppy, mother Paulette has been nudged well by slightly mod daughter Danielle.”
In honor of Mother’s Day (and because it seemed fun) we asked Sherrie to give one lucky FOF member a “Steal This Style” makeover. Lucky for us, she agreed.
(To enter, comment below: “Why do your kids think you need a makeover?” We’ll pick three finalists next week. One winner will receive a whole new look, expertly styled by Sherrie. If you don’t have kids, that’s okay—we’re sure there’s a younger person in your life who critiques your look!) Thank you for entering. This contest is now closed.
Images courtesy of Sherrie Mathieson
0 Responses to “{Makeovers} Mother’s Day Must-Ask: Do Your Kids Think You Need a Makeover?”
susan says:
If only I could look as good
Catherine Knabenshue says:
My daughter who is thinking about fashion designer believes I need to think fashion. I wear the same pants and tops I have for years. She wants to take me shopping and pick out a more modern look. She insists I have a poor body image,which I agree with, and need to break out of my mold and be a little daring. I must admit I would love it, but I think I’m too old and bottom heavy.
Gail Barlow says:
As a caregiver of my husband who has had Alzhimers for nearly 10 years now, it would be nice if someone could care for me for a change. My kids think I’m old but I’m only 76. and I don’t really feel that old.
Gail Barlow says:
My kids think I’m old. I don’t feel old yet. I would like to show them that I could look better if I had the right cloths, etc. But I’m a chubby so it’s hard to make me look good. What do you think? Am I fixable? -gb
Julie Moreland says:
I work a great number of stressful hours. Usually exhausted, I put on anything that will fit me in the morning and go right to sweatpants or pajamas when I get home in the evening. I have become a recluse in the last couple of years and don’t feel like doing anything. My kids think that I need a makeover to get me out of my slump. And they are probably right.
Gayle says:
My daughter thinks I need a makeover because I’m self-conscious about my weight so I wear big clothes (mostly sweatshirts) to hide myself. I also do not have a clue as to how to use a straightener and still wear my hair 80’s big style. She thinks this is horrible! I haven’t changed my makeup style since the 90’s.
Lisa Resnick says:
Well, I’ll soon be 57 and hopefully holding. Holding ground for my visits to my son who is a Chef in Las Vegas. Need a update for my visit. Always want to make him proud when I walk into the restaurant & attend function around town with him! I’m over 50 & love being fabulous in his eyes.
Beth Wright says:
I am 62, short and very heavy. I wear the same clothes all the time. I hate to shop because I feel I look so bad and nothing I try on flattters me.
Doreen Luke says:
My daughter thinks I’m too “business up-tight” in my style. Sprayed hair and business suits – that’s me most of the time. I’d love to get a fresh look that’s appropriate for work and makes my daugther more comfortable with my look. 🙂
Buzzie York says:
Ok – I’m over 50….my daughter keeps telling me I wear too much black, my son mostly keeps his mouth shut (smart kid), unless I wear purple or lavender. Then he tells me I look like a smurf! I’m on the short side (5’2″ on a good day), and have mostly given up. I wear jeans, and various t-shirts (mostly black..) and sweaters or hoodies.
Fortunately, I don’t have to dress up for work, but I would like to add some style to my wardrobe.
JoAnn Josemans says:
My daughter is 14 going on 30 and in her eyes I am too old fashioned. When she was smaller, she would borrow son of my things. Now, if and when I suggest it, she rolls her eyes and looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. My son, 15, doesn’t say too much — he is just glad I am there to play driver. Please help me look “cool” in my kids eyes!
Jeanette Hocking says:
I am getting close to 56 year old (July) and I have had
pretty much the same look for over 20 years. I
try to keep up a younger appearance and would like
to keep that look (since I don’t look my age). But
would like a more updated look for my hair, makeup
and “style” thank you for your consideration 🙂
Karen Lazar says:
My 24 year old daughter often gives me excellent fashion tips, but I know she thinks I try to often to make sure that everything “matches”. She’d like to see me broaden my color palette and be a little more adventurous. And as I’m about to retire from a 33 year career in education, I probably need to rethink many aspects of my wardrobe.
April says:
I will shortly be a first time “mother of the bride” and the “mother of the groom” is much better “groomed” and put together than I. It would be sad if I embarrassed my daughter.
Lucy says:
I’m 75, full-time college faculty teaching students from ages 17-55 or greater. I want to stay up to date and fashionable without trying to look like my youngest student!
Geri Brin says:
These comments are wonderful!
Thanks for all of them.
Lorraine Karsten says:
I could really use a makeover.
Tamara says:
I’m 57 and have 4 daughters, the youngest will be a senior next year. I feel worn out some days as we all do,working full time and taking care of family. I could really use a fresh new look and the women in the makeover pics look great!
Shawna says:
I’m Mom to my kids and all the “kids” at my office! I would love to look like a younger, more hip one!
cynthia goldfarb says:
I have lost 140 pounds since retirement. I am changing my life and habits one by one on the road to better health. I want to lose 55 more pounds at least. I am over 5’10”. My inspiration for losing weight was the death knoll ringing in my ear with severe respiratory issues, diabetes, and decreasing mobility.
I now walk a mile a day, work out 3 times weekly. I want to be alive when my son marries and to hold my first grandchild. I want to live and enjoy life with my younger husband who is my strongest support system. This would be one terrific reward on the way.
Sherrie Mathieson says:
I’m so happy to read you’ve read my books–you’re that much ahead already.
No matter who wins there will be much shared.
margara says:
of course our children want the best for us, as we do for them. So why skip the chance of looking even better? My daughter usually coaches me on my look, since I tend to overdress or mixmatch accesories. And also like wearing comfortable shoes… not always the best fashion choice..So yes, I may need a makeover!
Pat Elliott says:
I discovered Sherrie when she came out with Forever Cool and loved her tips, tricks and techniques! I’ve been able to share her “ageless style” concept with many other 50+ women thru my volunteer work for job seekers in Phoenix which has had the highest percentage of job loss in the U.S. It makes a real difference when competing against younger people for a job, especially now. Thanks, Sherrie!!
Now I need help myself due to a serious illness – leukemia – which has sapped my strength and energy for the past six months. I have a form that is treatable, and I will recover, but right now style is not on the top of my priorities. I work as a blogger/advocate for women’s health. I believe a makeover would help me in my own recovery and would also enable me to share what I learn from the experience with others to help them in their own challenges. When you don’t look good it’s hard to feel good. When you don’t feel good you don’t even think about how to look good. I’d love to change that by learning some practical, helpful information…and it would be fun too! Thanks for your consideration.
Kathy says:
My 24 year old daughter would say I need a makeover because I have lost my style confidence. I’m 51 years old and I’ve gained weight since a hysterectomy 18 months ago. I am at a loss on how to dress my heavier body and feel I’ve lost my way, style-wise. I’m having tough time being objective about what styles and colors look good on me now. When I shop, I shop for my former slim body and either buy and return or become frustrated and don’t buy at all. I have a lot of mistakes in my closet and not much to wear.
On a positive note, I have almost finished growing out my dyed hair to gray and think that it looks great, although I am unsure about which colors to wear with gary hair (I used to wear warm colors). I’ve ended up wearing a lot of safe & boring colors, probably because I feel safe and I think they hide my weight gain(which they don’t).
I’m a huge fan of Sherrie’s and have read her books, but I need her help and more importantly her objectivity to get me back on track.
Sherrie Mathieson says:
Thank you for underlining the intent of my books’ makeovers.
Often we think we are “OK” with the status quo out there because there has been a gradual, increasingly alarming (to me at least) general downturn in good style (the general public).
The necessary “mirror” is not held up enough. My books were meant as a “mirror” of what many feel is fine, and acceptable–until they see how much better they can truly look.
Sherrie (
Michele says:
I’m feeling like I need a makeover after looking at these makeovers!
barbara says:
I am 50 and just feel “stuck”. I worry about “is that too young for me?” I don’t want to look like an old frumpy lady or a fool who doesn’t know her age! Help!
carol says:
I badly need a makeover and I have gotten to the point where I can cooperate. I have a private church home school and most of my students consider me the oldest hippie alive. I don’t know where to start… I haven’t ever changed anything much my entire life as far as fashion, hair or make up.
Anna says:
I would love a makeover, my style has not changed in 30 years I’ve raised 2 daughters which are in college they would love to see a refresed and instyle mom.
Brigitte says:
I am back to work part time in a bank after many years of being a stay at home Mom or working where there was a uniform. I can’t seem to put together a stylish look. I had style back then but something happened and Poof! I am clueless as to what to wear now to look good and feel good about myself. Please help!
Barbara says:
I am 49 and I would love a makeover. Not sure how to dress and look sharp anymore. I don’t want to look like I am trying dress like a 20 year old but I want to dress nice for my age.
Cat says:
I recently retired and need a new wardrobe. Don’t need the suits and heels – could use some help in creating a new style.
Makeover says:
While I don’t have children, my niece thinks it’s time for me to change my looks even though she thinks I look great. Little hints on her part. I too think I need a makeover because I think my looks are tired.
Scottie Hexter says:
Forgot to say that my daughter and son are too diplomatic to say outright that I need a makeover, but I can read the looks on their faces, which reflect what they’re thinking: Mom, you can do better than that “slop-around-the-house” look most of the time! Help! I don’t know where to begin!
Scottie Hexter says:
I could use a makeover that makes me competitive in looks with my daughter! I should be so lucky as these other women! I hope so, anyway!
Barb says:
My daughter says that I need some pizzazz and when I put on certain outfits my twin granddaughters say “eeeeeeewwwwwwwww” & I don’t think that is a postive comment. Please give me some pizzazz so all of my ladies can struck their stuff with the new me!
Patricia says:
Most of us dont like to admit that we need a little help with style and to keep up with the changing trend. My children look and dont have to say anything for me to know I am off sometimes. I have lost wait since my husband passed so a lot of my things are too big. I could really use the makeover.
bonnie says:
I just turned 60 and I feel great but I really don’t know what my kids think. I wear jeans alot and really have stop shopping for fashionable clothes.
Karen says:
For the past two years I have been trying to recover from a 29yr failed marriage. Although my children haven’t said anything, except my son..”Oh mom doesn’t like to get her picture taken anymore,” I know the stress and lack of funds have taken its tole. My son will be getting married in October and I am dreading having my picture taken. Especially since my ex will be there with his new love who is 20 yrs younger than me. Please help!
Sandy says:
When your 22 year old son tells you; ” Mom I know your trying to look hip, but it’s not working”.
Char says:
My teenage daughters are embarassed to be seen with me at times. After quitting smoking about a year ago, my weight went up 40 lbs. I am determined to lose this weight and won’t but new clothes til I do! The girls are tired of seeing me in sweat pants and old t-shirts. I need help!!!!
Susan says:
I think my kids would like to see me feel good about myself since their father passed away. I have gotten in a rut. I have a pretty good idea of my style but tend to cover up the bulges with blousey tops and don’t know how to cover up and still see my figure.
Annette Riggs says:
Same non-style, neutral colors for lots of years now. With very short, gray hair, I suppose I could use some style. At least that’s what my daughter keeps telling me. Her usual comment is, “You’re not going to wear that, are you?”
Patricia says:
I would love to win this makeover simply because it is finally “me time.” I am 65 years old, never had any type of cosmetic surgery and FATHER TIME has been knocking on my door daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Good luck to all you wonderful ladies.
Marilyn says:
I live in sweats and never take time for myself always everyone else. Although I’ve started exercising at age 55 it is difficult because I have degenerative arthritus! I look tired and could use a fresh new look.
Val Orosa says:
Will be 68 in a few months. I think I am in a rut where clothes are concerned. Nothing seems to fit anymore even when I purchase something new. I need help!
Kalee says:
Can I actually nominate my mother? She doesn’t have enough confidence in herself to make changes to her look, though she always wistfully comments how cute I look! Please help her feel beautiful!
Jane says:
I am stuck in a rut! I have had the same basic long hairstyle for too long and need a change – one that I can actually manage every day before work and look chic. Also, I could really use some wardrobe advice. I tend to wear the same basic styles. I own a lot of clothes, but nothing really seems to go. I stare into my crammed closet every moning and complain that I have nothing to wear. HELP!
Daphne says:
My closet: 30 years of elementary school teacher clothes
My drawers: gym clothes
Retired, 55 (56 on Monday), I spend 6 to 7 days each week at the 24 Hour Fitness across the street.
Would I love a makeover to feel pretty and stylish? You bet!
callelaine says:
I know we all have “problems” with one part of our bodies and think we need to improve. I guess I’m just one of those “we” who think I could use a little improving.
Nancy says:
I’m a mother to all the dogs and house rabbits I rescue, and then foster or adopt. And since I work out of my home office, I’ve gotten into the habit of wearing pjs or sweats, especially since I’m still recovering from a shocking hip replacement at age 54. A makeover would make my year!
Robin Sheeran says:
I have never been a Mom, I have neurofibromatosis which is genetic and I had a 50/50 chance of passing it on. I am 30 years sober and have a wonderful life. I would love a makeover because as I age I get more and more neurofibromas all over. Reading the other ladies stories makes me feel so grateful. Many of them deserve the make over. Could you give away more?Thank you. Robin
Helen says:
I will be turning 58 next month and I need a makeover, badly. Why? Because I feel so old, make it like feeling like 70. Two new grandbabies on the way and looking forward to that but makes me feel even older. HELP !!!
Barbara Humphreys says:
Because I just turned 63 and deperately need a boost! I’m tired of putting on everybody else’s style but my own…trying to find “me”. You’d think I’d have it figured out by now, but I haven’t.
Betty Kelly says:
Because I’m getting ready to retire! My work clothes no longer work for my new life. My daughter, 35, has gone back to school and needs to know how to dress to be a co-ed with a grown-up wardrobe. We BOTH need help!
Sonja Turetsky says:
I am a young 67 and would like a makeover to keep up with both my gals, ages 42 and 45 plus a 21 year old granddaughter. Since I take care of my 7 year old granddaughter I would like to look like her ‘mommy’ instead of her granny…..
Nan Sasso says:
After my husband was out of work for 9 months he and I are still trying to get caught up on paying bills, fixing the roof on our house and paying for his upper dentures. I need a makeover to help me get a job. At 58 I need all the help that I can get!
Julie Willis says:
10 years ago I had a great figure which made the cloths look good. Now I no longer have that good figure, and can’t seem to “figure” out how to dress in a manner that is complementary. Then comes the hair that no longer does what I want it to, and applying makeup with all these lines just doesn’t work. I need help!
f_kranzberg says:
Because I just lost almost 50 pounds, and although I still have another 80 to go it’s been so long since I have seen even a semblance of a shape that I simply do not know what to do! And while my daughter’s are far too kind to tell me I need help, my in-laws aren’t! 🙂
Jackie says:
Because I’m finally getting married to the man of my dreams!
sara says:
This is what my daughters have been waiting on for me a make over ever since I turned 50 five years ago. its well overdo if I say so myself. I need a makeover please.
Esther says:
I’m retired & a breast cancer survivor. I swim & walk, but still need to loose weight. A make-over would boost my enthusiasm for loosing those last pounds!
JoAnn Josemans says:
I need a makeover bad!!!
It seems that what I wear each day varies only in the item that is closest to the closet door when I get up in the morning. And my hair is the same style since High School — except for the occasional gray strands. My completion is worse than in High School and my skin coloring is getting blotchy — Aging was supposed to be graceful. What happened to that?
Linda Odette says:
“Don’t buy me clothes mom. You don’t have very good taste.” Well, thank you very much, my sweet little 16-year-old whom I carried around 9 months in my belly. I turn 50 in June and getting a makeover was on my list of “50 Things To Do When I Turn 50 Because I Might Get Hit by a Bus” list. Seriously. Check out my C.A.F.E. blog at
Rose Linck says:
I’m stuck in 1972 with my hair, make up and yes, even my clothes. Help get me out of this time warp!
Bonnie says:
I lost my job to Hurricane damage and then the following year had a heart attack, the next year I took care of my mom as she fought cancer, I no longer work outside the home and being what you may call a homebody I also lost my sense of style. I spent so much time trying to heal myself and my mother I didn’t think of my appearance. I would once again like to be able to turn a head or two, My husband would love it I am sure.
Barbara Betts says:
I am a great grandmother of 6 little ones. My daughter and granddaughter tell me that I could do with a good makeover. My wrinkles show to much. Golly they should know they helped me get them. I really would like a different hair style and make up going over. See what you could do for me
Patricia says:
Because they think that I shouldn’t wear those 70’s Jordache or Sasoon Jeans.
Elizabeth says:
One word says it all: HELP!
Liz says:
My closets are full but I seem to wear the same thing over and over. I”m a pack-rat when it comes to clothes but I never have anything to wear. I cannot seem to find the right combination to bring out my shape or my vibrancy or my smile.
Grammarista says:
My daughter is a fashionista with a great sense of style. I share her love of clothes, fashion and shopping, but I just don’t have that knack of putting together a smashing outfit. Both my daughter and my son think I’m attractive and look young for my age, and they get frustrated with me when I dress like MY mother! I’m single, living in a new city, looking for a new job – in essence, starting over again – and I want to learn how to dress fabulously for my age and my figure.
Terri says:
I think I need a makeover because I work two jobs and I really don’t do anything to myself. I don’t have the time.
Dorothy says:
Is it Halloween. I have no style so I would be an open canvass. My kids think I need help. I wore a uniform for 20 years so anything will look better.
Janine says:
The past five years have been challenging-health (breast cancer and other), loss of significant others, family and job crises. Crisis has touched every aspect of my life. I am proud to have survived the challenges but attention to my physical appearance has been last on the list, and self-confidence about my body is lacking. Breast cancer treatment has changed my body shape, so my old style just doesn’t do much for me, and I just don’t have the eye or “know-how” of what to do now. I need an expert with an eye for style to help me find a new look as I start this new phase of my life. I need a “queen for a day” boost.
Susan says:
I just started a new job and new career less than 2 months ago and could use a younger, fresher look. My kids make plenty of jokes about my clothes and outdated hair style, so they would be the first to say this is a great idea!
fwcons_judy says:
I’m 59, an Administrative Assistant, and would LOVE to win a make-over. My daughter says I look fine, but she helps me shop for clothes, and they don’t always fit my body. Thanks.
becky willard says:
At 64, I have become really lethargic about my wardrobe and revert to jogging outfits for all occasions (except, of course, jogging!). My children think there is a diva hidden beneath the scruffy exterior.
Debbie says:
My daughter is always telling me that I should go on that what not to wear show, she tells me that I am not in style and need a new look, I thought that I look good for my age and take good care of my self working out and using skin products to keep the wrinkles at bay and I do have a lot of people that do not believe that I have a 25 and 28 year old kids because I look younger that I am, but this would be such a boost to have someone who would tell me what I need and what to parts to bring out, I am sure I need new makeup and new techniques
Seastri says:
At 55, 56 next week, most of what I see in stores is either too young or too old. I’m not good at putting together things on my own. My two 20 something daughters have all but given up.
srbartz says:
I know I need a makeover. I wear my hair the same way I have since I was a teenager, and don’t where any makeup at all. Style? What’s that. I’m over 50 with two grown children and other than the natural aging process my looks and style have never changed. I need help!
froggylady says:
I would to get a make-over. Haven’t had new make-up ideas in years and as far as clothes go too long to remember!
Mona says:
my daughter would say that i am a 53 year old woman who isn’t sure what her style should be for her age since i still fell 22. I manage a farm and work 7 to whenever in a male dominated construction industry job. I need ro still fell feminine and stylish but on occasion i need to be in charge and masculine – help
kdivasilver says:
Because then my kids can’t criticize me for looking like a schlump!
Margarida says:
These ladies all look fabulous, stylish, chic and younger! The makeovers both physically and emotionally recharge them!
Kimberly Madrid says:
Because “dressing up” for me means I wear a necklace with my t-shirt and jeans. I’ve gained a bit of weight and I just don’t know what else to wear. None of the “cute” stuff fits me anymore. 🙁
Melanie says:
I have to say that I am confused as to what I can and can’t wear at 50. I haven’t changed or updated my style in over a decade so I am sure I could use a makeover.
Margaret Graczyk says:
(As it seems we are all in need of makeovers)
Good Luck! and let’s see MORE before and afters!!!!
Lily says:
I have put on weight and at 55, the cute styles I wore at 40 don’t quite cut it any more.
Donna says:
I just lost my mother on December 26. She was my best friend and mentor. This will be a tough mothers day for my sister borhter and me. I would love a make over as this is something my mom and I did often. I need to feel whole again and this might just be what I need.
My mother was the most wonderful artistic best friend and my heart is empty.
F. Krasowska says:
We have some joke catchphrases in my family: “Well, it’s not what _I_ would wear” and “Don’t worry mom — nobody looks at you anyway!” Both come from my now-17-year-old who has fantastic fashion sense and tries to advise me … but with my confused wardrobe, she doesn’t have much to work with.
eileenrosado says:
My 2 children are my constant “critics”. They continue to try to keep their mother modern. They would love to see their mother refreshed withour having to get on my case. I have returned to the gym but my hair and makeup, and wardrobe need help or so they say
E.D. Green says:
I used to be a stylish dresser, from head to toe. I developed foot problems and was unable to walk any distance; was given steroid shots (21 to date) which put on over 60 lbs — none of my clothes fit and am not able to work = style has “gone out the window.”
chaneyfamily7 says:
According to my kids, I wear “granny clothes”, so they definitely think a style change is in order
Sara W. says:
This is cool! says:
My daughter says, “I see you’re wearing your uniform again.” I own 50 pairs of black slacks and 50 white shirts. Who says I have nothing to wear?
Help me out of this rut, please!
Skye Wentworth
admin says:
What a great idea!
Deborah Marie says:
I’ve always made up myself for many years especially now that i’m over FOF it would be a pleasure to have someone make me up for a change . That would be a blessing in my eyes. Thank you Kindly
Mary Jo says:
Because I wear uniforms to work (I’m a Flight Attendant), and pack lightweight comfy clothes for my layovers, when it comes to day to day clothing choices, I’m at a loss.
While I was once on top of fashion and how to pull it off, I’ve lost it. As an older step-mother, I’d really like to look smart and hip when I go to pick my little guy up at school.
Julie says:
I have been wearing the same styles for years and have had some major set backs over the past couple of years. I am hoping a new look will give me a new attitude and confidence i need to get back on track.
gimme0410 says:
My daughters sometimes don’t agree with my choice of clothing, but for the most part we agree. Right now times are tight for us all. My two daughters, plus myself are attending college, so there’s no extra funds available for shopping right now. I knew if they could financially they would love to give me a makeover.
Noreen B says:
My kids are so happy I’ve dropped 20 pounds, but not happy that I now have droopy drawers pants. I am now bigger on top than on the bottom which makes finding things that look flattering difficult.
Vera says:
I’m going to Hilton Head Island in a few months, where the chic, well-dressed people live, and I would like to not stick out like a sore thumb!
sisterjtc says:
Who couldn’t benefit from a bit of professional assistance with their look? I know I could. When I have tried new looks I have been disapionted, to fussy, not comfortable. I would like something that would fit my personality and life, yet fasionable.
Jenia says:
My daughter is always complaining that all I wear is black. I never put on mascara and wear the wrong color of lipstick. Guess I am in a stuck in the same old rut routine! Help Me!
Darcy La Fountain says:
I lost my job in January and am struggling with inertia. I think a makeover would give me the confidence to overcome some of my self doubt and kick my new start into overdrive!
Sara says:
The one with the fanny pack is great!
admin says:
Love these makeovers!
wgatoor says:
I think I need a make over as my childeren would love to see me in the best fashion of the day…
Alice Ondrusek says:
My kids think I need a makeover because I’ve seen the eyerolls and the head shakings as we shop……I’m torn between not wanting to dress “old” but not wanting to dress like I’ve borrowed something from my daughers’ closets. Help!!!!
Pam says:
My daughter always makes fun of me for wearing monochromatic velour pantsuits. It’s hard for me to dress for my shape, and I never know how to work with what I have. I am overweight and it makes it hard to get dressed and still feel attractive, so I usually don’t try very hard.
connie says:
Because I have to get ready for the first wedding of one of my children. I am 60 and ready to rock as a Mother-of-the-bride!