Kathie Holmes
Age: 45
Are you married?
Yes. This is my second marriage. We met through an online dating site back when online dating sites were considered ‘strange’. We had an instant connection and married four months later. It hasn’t been smooth sailing but then not much in life really is.
What does he do?
He is a counting mutant – aka accountant. We watched the movie Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium, where the eccentric Mr. Magorium (played by Dustin Hoffman) tells his assistant he needs to get an accountant but that he has no idea what that is and he can only imagine it is some kind of counting mutant! My husband now gets this name at every turn.
While we didn’t have children together we do have my beautiful daughters from my first marriage, who my husband has always loved and treated as his own.
It frustrates me that people assume that being creative means to be good at arts or crafts, when, in fact, it’s simply about letting your inner you shine through.
When you embrace your passion, you become creative by default.
Where did you grow up and what did your parents do?
I grew up in an average, suburban family in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, the eldest of three daughters. Both my parents worked in factories throughout my childhood and my parents divorced about 13 years ago. I am now estranged from my father, by choice, but have a fantastic relationship with my mum.
What did you do before becoming a coach?
The question should be what didn’t I do? I have had an amazing life doing lots of different things. I was a legal secretary, then worked in the hospitality field for eight years. After that I trained and worked as a phlebotomist (drawing blood for transfusions, research, donations, tests) until my husband and I opened our first online store in 2006, Sublime Accessories, where we sold unique accessories for the home. It was in the early days of online selling, so he going was tough.
Subsequently, I trained as a Life Coach and studied Reiki (an ancient Japanese spiritual healing modality that allows you to tune into either your own body and soul or that of others to heal illness by eradicating negative beliefs around the affected area of the body) and combined the two together to begin my coaching. My true passion is to help women improve their lives.

Why the Creative Ability Network?
I have always been hands on at the businesses where I worked and have learned about marketing, what makes a business tick and the do’s and don’ts of running a business.
As a phlebotomist I saw people from all walks of life, some chronically and/or terminally ill, and the overwhelming thing I found was that women, in particular, never put their needs first. There was always this sense of sadness about them so I began asking the question ‘what if you could have done anything you wanted?’ and discovered that so many women hadn’t lived the lives they truly wanted, usually because of constraints by others.
Since my passion has always been to help others, I realized I needed to help women to live the best lives possible and to let their inner creativity and passion shine.
What kind of FabOverFifty woman can most benefit from coaching?
Anyone who wants more out of life. She might want a better financial situation, perhaps she just wants to find that burning passion inside her and use it to create her business or she wants to be waking up everyday knowing that the day ahead is one she created and one that she wants.
What is your mission?
To create a worldwide network of inspiring women who support each other from the early stages of starting their business right through to the day-to-day running of the business. A place where women can do what women do best and that is to support each other to benefit each other. A place where friendships will be made, support given and business networking can be combined.
Tell us about a typical client.
My typical clients are women 40+, usually staring at their lives through a window and wondering what the hell happened. Where did their lives go? Women get so absorbed in running a family, raising kids and holding down a job that we forget to take the time for us and allow our inner spark to shine through. My clients are on the precipice of wanting change but not really knowing how or feeling scared to do so without support. They want to do something they love every day but also earn an income from it so they are financially independent.
How did you come up with the Creative Ability Network?
It frustrates me that people assume that being creative means to be good at arts or crafts, when, in fact, it’s simply about letting your inner you shine through. When you embrace your passion, you become creative by default. Your creative ability is your unique way of teaching what you love, sharing your story and helping others with similar interests. I want to guide as many women as possible to pursue that passion and share it with the world.
Creative Ability Network is a place where women find their creative way to express their inner passion and network with other women.
Have you written any books?
I have written many eBooks, both on business and coaching topics, and have been featured in Sprout the Life You Love – Tales and Secrets from Female Entrepreneurs alongside Rhonda Britten, Sandy Forster and other female entrepreneurs.
What’s the greatest piece of advice you can give FOF women?
Just Change It! This is my motto. If your life isn’t making you happy and you are not living what you are passionate about, then Just Change It. You have the power within you to change whatever you need to and there is lots of support there to help you to make it happen. Don’t live a life of regret. Live a life of passion!
How do women most sabotage themselves?
Women fail to acknowledge their own worth. We don’t value our places, not only in our families but also in society. We shrug off compliments and accolades as if they are not warranted instead of embracing them for what they are. We never put ourselves first, which often leads us to a midlife crisis where we question everything about our lives. If we just lived our life with purpose and passion from the start we wouldn’t be looking for that missing piece later in life.
What famous women do you most admire?
I admire any woman who is embracing her life but if I had to pick someone famous I guess it would be Oprah Winfrey. She created an amazing world around her passion and gives back to the world.
Do you have a mentor?
I don’t have one particular mentor but am continuously inspired by people, including Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle, as well as my two beautiful daughters who have grown into amazing young women who inspire me every day.