[ANONYMOUS POLL] Has Erectile Dysfunction Entered Your Bedroom?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects nearly 30 million American men, reports the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases at the National Institutes of Health.

A common condition, which can be caused by everything from kidney disease and diabetes to stress and depression, ED can take a toll on a couple’s sex life and relationship. We’re curious whether the men in your life experience ED.

Please take our anonymous poll so we all can learn more.



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Meet Nine Husbands Who Cherish Their Parents

If you were blessed, you had parents who took great care of you and would do almost anything to ensure that you were happy, healthy and prepared to become the person you are today. As the years turn into decades, your parents sometimes become the ones who need you to take care of them.

Some of us are lucky enough to be the wives, the companions, or the sisters of men who help care for their parents (and parents-in-law) as well as they took care of them. Meet some of these great men:

“Yes…One thing I can say about him…he was always very devoted to his parents…saw them every weekend without fail..rang them almost daily…my father-in-law passed away about a year ago..he now sees his mother all the time, and helps where he can…

He is helping to renovate and sell her house at the moment…I have finally admitted he loves his parents a great deal more than his own family..we separated recently..I love his parents too but it came at a cost.” Carine Munro


“My husband was very involved in caring for both of my parents as they became disabled. My mom and dad were both so appreciative and loved him dearly. Very few would have done the things he had to do. It made me love him more.” Carolyn Thomas


In Sickness & In Health: Your Vows in Action

When you marry, you promise to love your partner, unconditionally, through sickness and in health. Given life’s unpredictability, some marriages end, amicably, during hard times; others, not so much. Couples also may choose to endure their hardships together, and may come out stronger.

When a partner takes ill, it can be mentally and physically draining, even downright scary. There’s something noble, however, about being able to unconditionally love someone, especially through the worst of times.

Today, we are pleased to share some comments from our FOFriends who are caring for their sick husbands, as well as from those whose husbands have died. (more…)