What are the best foods are to help offset having eaten too much candy with high fructose in it. Apple cider vinegar? Grapefruit? Help before it all turns to fat!

What are the best foods are to help offset having eaten too much candy with high fructose in it. Apple cider vinegar? Grapefruit? Help before it all turns to fat!
0 Answers
Denise A Wind wrote on :
Perhaps you would consider trying to incorporate more sweet foods into your diet to avoid the sugar cravings. Some terrific choices are sweet potaoes and carrots!!
Gina Parker wrote on :
I say don’t stress about about it! We’ve all said “oh maybe just one or two” and then next thing you know the whole box or bag is gone!! At least you recognize what you ate – lots of people just eat things and they have no idea what was in it – ingredients, calories, etc. The biggest change I made when I decided to get fit and switch the way I was eating, was more water. I try and drink a bottle every hour or so I’m up and stop a couple hours before bed (or else I may as well sleep in the bathroom!!) – I feel fuller throughout the day – so I’m not grazing door treats constantly, it has improved my skin – I no longer look dried out, I’ve lost weight – because it helps eliminate waste more efficiently. It took me a while to he able to stomach water and I still will squirt a little Mi0 in it or a little crystal lite for taste…but it will help you feel less hungry and if you do have some stuff that’s not so good for you, it helps rid it from your body. Now, I know we all need our treats – I like getting the darkest chocolate bar I can find – 85-90% cacao – and have a square of that, or half of it it’s a big square, every night as a treat. Deprivation is no fun and who wants to live without a nice treat. If someone told me I couldn’t eat cake again, I’d go crazy to the point where I’d drive to the bakery and probably scarf one down in the car – but if I knew I could look forward to sharing a slice with some friends, I’d be okay. Everything in moderation I say – and if you fall off the wagon now and then, don’t beat yourself up, just pick up where you left off!
Gina Parker wrote on :
I’d like to add…I hate my auto-“correct” on this iPad! I meant “for treats”, not “door treats”!! At least I caught the “and stop a cowpoke hours before bed” flub!!!
Ann Rosenstein wrote on :
Welcome to Faboverfifty.com and thank you for your question! Think about this logically for a second. You have eaten too much candy which translates into too many calories. Why would consuming even more calories make you lose the ones you have already ingested, or somehow neutralize them? You canât offset overconsumption with more consumption; you can only change that behavior. You canât somehow neutralize high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
Not to worry – we have all done this, me included, and it isnât the end of the world. Since you realize eating too much candy with HFCS isnât healthy and causes weight gain, instead, reach for a healthy alternative. A little dark chocolate, small amounts of dried fruit or better yet, fresh fruit should satisfy your cravings. Also journal your feelings before you reach for something sweet. What drove your desire? Were you really hungry? Were you bored? Were you revisiting a bad time in your past? Were you thirsty? Try waiting 30 minutes before giving into your craving and see if it goes away. Distract yourself by taking a walk or call a friend. If that doesnâtâ work then maybe you really are hungry. If thatâs the case, choose whole unprocessed fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth. In the future, try getting a variety of berries and freeze these. When the sweet tooth attacks, put those frozen berries in a glass of soda water instead of ice. You will have a sweet, low calorie snack that fills you up, hydrates you and gives you a boost of healthy nutrition!
Paulette Talley wrote on :
Some of those things sound good. I have to learn to stop buying candy and cookies because i just eat them all. Thank you!
Nancy Ortiz wrote on :
As the saying goes – “A moment on the Lips – Forever on the Hips” 🙂
Nancy Ortiz wrote on :
There is no such thing as “offsetting” – just continue with a healthy diet – my favorite Mediterranean. Also keep in mind many common drugs react with grapefruit juice and grapefruit. Be sure to check if you take any prescription medications.
Paulette Talley wrote on :
I guess I have to give away the 2nd box free I got with the first box. Thank you.