oliviacreamer SAID: Do any women have experiences to share with cutting out gluten? I’ve heard a lot about it and may just try it!
cobrateacher SAID: I’m a confirmed gym-rat. I work out HARD at least twice a day. I have had surgery for TMJ 5 times, and now I need the next one. Is there any effective workout that will not strain my incredibly painful jaws?
terryhavon SAID: I a looking for a yoga or Pilates vacation (prefer all inclusive) in the U.S. I want to go in late December, January or February, so my preference is somewhere a bit warm. Does anyone have a good suggestion.
nidradeb SAID: Flab over Fifty!! Ok, we all have it (or most of us do), that little front paunch or muffin top over our jeans once the hormones abate and the metabolism slows. I work out, eat healthily. How do you get rid of the belly flab?
emfussell_1 SAID: I would love recommendatioons for yoga dvd’s and also is there a good video app for the ipad? thanks
SharonBrowardDavis SAID: Has anyone here used the Bar Method and if so, what are your thoughts and results?
shellyleer SAID: My nephew’s wife opened up a studio that teaches The Dailey Method, a fusion of barre ballet, yoga and pilates. Have you tried this? It is an incredible workout.