
I walk at least 30 minutes a day and do yoga and pilates on a semi-regular basis. What do you suggest that I add to my routine?

0 Answers

  1. PKW wrote on :

    Do something fun, like the Wii Zumba or take a dance class once a week.

  2. Cubie131 wrote on :

    As we get older, weight training is really important to slow down muscle loss and to maintain bone strength. There are many good sculpting/weight training dvds available, and a set of 3-10 lb. weights is not a huge investment.

  3. avonlady wrote on :

    Bicycling/ swimming

  4. Tannis Kobrinsky wrote on :

    Some very good advice from gurus here! It sounds like you’ve created a balanced program. My question, during that 30 minute walk do you walk fast enough to elevate your heart rate enough to achieve a good cardio workout?
    Pilates serves as resistance training. Are you doing mat Pilates, or do you work with an instructor and do Pilates on the equipment? You may want to try that if you haven’t done so yet. Does your yoga include meditation? Some form of relaxation therapy such as meditation completes the wellness package. And then, what activities to you love to do – dance? Hike? Swim? Garden? I’d add something that lifts your spirits, and doesn’t feel like working out. Some activity that makes your soul sing.

  5. rosie battista wrote on :

    Great that you are walking!! Increase your intensity of the walk, power walk for one minute, slow down for 2 and switch back and forth on that for 30 minutes or just step it up and walk a little faster. I suggest strength training with weights as well. Depending on your goal, whether it’s weight loss, toning, staying young, healthy and strong, the weights will do the trick.

  6. Ann Rosenstein wrote on :

    Your routine might be fine just as it is. What is your fitness goal? If you don’t have a fitness goal then anything you do will work since any road will get you there. What you are currently doing is a low level but beneficial routine. If you want to burn more calories, or lose weight this routine is probably not adequate. You will need to add more intensive cardio training like cycling or running or a high energy fitness class at least 2 days a week. If you want to build lean muscle, this routine isn’t adequate. You will need to add some weightlifting to your routine. It’s likely you will want to do upper and lower body lifting to strengthen and tone. This involves moderate weight and numerous reps (12 – 15 per set) probably one or two days a week.
    Set a fitness goal and write me back.

  7. Linda Middlesworth wrote on :

    You need to slowly up your cardio plan. Get a heart rate monitor and start with warm up of walking for the first 5 to 8 minutes. Every other time you do your cardio walk, add in three minutes of brisk walking, and one minute of easy run for at least 35 minutes…building up to 60 mintues over 3 months time. You will make your heart strong and keep your optimal body weight by getting into an aerobic zone at least 5 days a week. Also, I teach both yoga and pilates but you need body sculpting with weights for optimal health. By adding the running in your cardio, you are getting your hips and spine stronger and by adding in weight training three days per week, every other day, you will increase muscel strength. You could do pilates for one of the days, and add in two days per week of weight training. Get a certified personal trainer so you do that correctly.

  8. Gina Parker wrote on :

    I think you’re doing great with walking everyday and yoga & pilates. If I had to suggest something, I would say maybe add a bit of strength training. I love using my resistance bands. They were prettying inexpensive, came with four different bands for various degrees of resistance, and I like them because they’re super easy to travel with. So, no matter where you are, you can get in a little workout. I’ve noticed better tone on my arms since I’ve used them and strength training overall helps you gain lean muscle, so you use up more calories, even at rest!

  9. Tammy Blaker wrote on :

    Please take a day of rest. Walk slow and look around. Read a book. Play with your kids or dog. Give and get hugs. Body and mind need to be taken care of.

    • Cubie131 wrote on :

      Good advice about taking care of the whole person, but exercise is just as important for the mind. Not only is it empowering, but it slows the aging process.

  10. marcy lynch wrote on :

    resistance/weight training at least 2 times a week.

  11. Myrna Lopez wrote on :

    Perhaps it’s good to add strength training to your rountine. Not only is strength training anti-aging, it will build muscle, reduce body fat and increase bone density. This is especially important for women as they get older because women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis.

    You can do strength training about 3x a week and begin using dumbell weights of 5lbs. Try bicep curls, upright rows, lateral raises or tricep extensions. You can do 3 sets of 12 or 15 reps. As you get stronger you can increase the weights or reps. My most favorite (and no equipment needed) is the good-old-fashion pushup. If you’re able to do full body version, that’s probably the best. If not, push-ups on the knees is just as good.
    In addition to using weights or your own body weight, you can explore using resistant bands which are also a great way to work muscles.

    Good luck and have fun!

  12. MaryJayne Johnson wrote on :

    Walking everyday is a marvelous activity. My question to you is, “How regular is ‘semi-regular’?” Keeping yoga and Pilates in a regular routine is essential to your posture, core strength, flexibility and much more! Both Yoga and Pilates offer great things for your wellness routine. Try to incorporate 3-4 sessions per week. You will feel the difference and your walks will take on a new level of awareness!

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