
Even more bothersome than hot flashes and headaches, I have become extremely irritable and moody. Is there anything natural I can take or do to eleviate this?

0 Answers

  1. teresa tapp wrote on :

    Possibly the most important thing that is overlooked during menopause is the resting glucose rate of your body. Female hormones create continual estrogen/insulin fluctuations. Our bodies are in a constant state of homeostasis, meaning each time our level of estrogen increases, the pancreas reacts by releasing more insulin to maintain hormonal balance. Because insulin is classified as a fat producing hormone, increased estrogen levels trigger a vicious cycle. The increased insulin, produced in reaction to carbohydrate consumption, creates increased estrogen, which then causes even more insulin to be produced!

    Movement matters. Those within the T-Tapp community know that when irritability and moodiness strike, a set of Hoe Downs is just what you need. Check out Hoe Downs here: http://www.youtube.com/ttappercentral

    Also, check out Debbie Davidson’s success (http://www.t-tapp.com/success/debbiedavidson/default.html). She lost a clothing size just doing Hoe Downs in 4 weeks. Plus, it helped her fight against stress while her mother was in the hospital.

    Wishing you well!

  2. zeldie stuart wrote on :

    scream, yell, throw things, have a tantrum? okay…just kidding…we sisters know how you feel…we all go thru this in some regard. You do sound upset by this and it is upsetting. I have found exercise to be very beneficial. Just walking 30 minutes every day helps. eliminate all sugars (no breads, no cakes/cookies, no sweets) and keep the caffeine to a minimum.
    start your day with a wonderful fruit salad (include pineapple, strawberries), lots of veges! when you feel the mood coming, sit down cross legged, close your eyes and breath deeply in and out, count or listen to music. and lastly, for some reason…I find taking one tylenol helps calm me down. with a big glass of water with a lemon squeeze. we are all behind you..cheering you on. hope you feel a bit better.

    • lisa king wrote on :

      Thank you Zeldie. I have long been suspicious of caffeine and sweets – will try to eliminate them but . . .

    • zeldie stuart wrote on :

      54 with a 4 and 7 year old….that is a lot of work and energy. Can you possibly get babysitters several times a week to help out? You certainly need a break every now and then. Children area 24/7 job.

  3. Staness Jonekos wrote on :

    Some perimenopausal women report symptoms of tearfulness, mood swings, and feeling blue or discouraged. It is unclear whether these mood symptoms
    are related to the gradual decline in ovarian hormone levels, but sleep deprivation associated with night sweats often results in fatigue, irritability, and moodiness.

    Other causes of mood disturbances during perimenopause include thyroid disorders, medication side effects, and life stresses.

    My first suggestion is to find time for YOU:

    -Participate in fun activities.
    -Get support from friends.
    -Eat healthy.
    -Exercise daily.
    -Find a creative outlet.
    -Enjoy some pampering time.
    -Get enough sleep.

    There are non-hormonal solutions to hot flashes/night sweats, if lack of sleep is the culprit.

    During menopause life can present many challenges: a change in relationships, career, kids leave or come back home, taking care of parents, struggling with aging, a declining self-esteem, a poor body image.

    Before popping supplements, discuss your options with your practitioner.

    I found it took managing my menopause symptoms, eating healthy, adding daily exercise and making time for me to conquer those moody irritable moments. Menopause was one of the best things that ever happened to me. It forced me to celebrate ME-NO-PAUSE!

    Sending you a big meno-sister hug, you are not alone.

    • lisa king wrote on :

      Thanks. Very helpful information. I already eat healthy and exercise daily. My sleep is certainly disrupted though. Normally I do not resort to pill popping but I have two small children – ages 4 and 7 – and my moodiness and irritability are leaving me short-tempered with them. I need something else to keep me from losing my cool with my kids. A good night sleep and a lot of me time are not an option at the moment. I am soon to be 54.

    • Staness Jonekos wrote on :

      Wow – you are a busy lady with two children at 54. A popular “herbal” option that is standardized and recommended by many doctors is Remifemin.

      “The benefits of Remifemin:

      -Remifemin® has been tested in clinical trials.

      -A reliable, clinically-studied black cohosh extract can provide natural relief from hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings.† It allows you to have a strong alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for the treatment of menopausal symptoms.†

      -It provides time-tested, estrogen-free relief.

      -Remifemin® provides effective relief for a 70% reduction of hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, mood swings and occasional sleeplessness and anxiety.† And it’s more effective than soy in relieving menopause symptoms.† But now, it also helps you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up the next day refreshed, too.†In fact, over 15 clinical studies prove it’s a safe and effective alternative to HRT for the treatment of menopausal symptoms, thanks to its completely estrogen-free RemiSure™ black cohosh.†”


      Please discuss with your doctor. I hope you find relief! 🙂

  4. Helen Kenney-Poore wrote on :

    When I had my full hysterectomy in my early 30’s I was thrown right into menopause in addition to hyperthyroidism, both of which made me extremely irritable. I found vitamin B’s (B5, B12 especially) to help calm down my central nervous system. I’m also a big believer in bio feedback. It’s a great way to self control your moods. Best of luck, and remember, it will pass!

  5. shari nicsevic wrote on :

    I have never given it a try, but I have a girlfriend that swears by St. John’s wort. Maybe do some research on it? Hope that’s a good start…

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