
Kentucky Derby dress

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  1. Mary Montgomery wrote on :

    Wow I’ve alway’s wanted to go to that. I see a navy blue poka dot dress. V neck fitted bodice and sash waist with a flared skirt bottom a vibrant yellow handbag and shoes. Oh yes…a wide brim navy blue hat will set it off just right. Thats very Kentuck Derby with a contemporary twist. Makeup should be light and airy. Have you tried the mineral makeup? They cover nicely for most women and are not heavy or overdone. Have a great time.

  2. Susan Hersh wrote on :

    Hi Vickie,
    The hat is more important than the dress at the Derby these days, getting wilder and more expensive every year. If you have a hat already it is not possible for me to recommend a dress without knowing what the hat looks like? I realize this is debatable & there will be women who feel the outfit is more important.

    The question is what comes first, and only you can determine this based on your personal style. Being that a hat is mandatory & follows the tradition the hat & dress are contingent upon each other.

    Please visit my website or You Tube channel for beauty and interviews geared towards Baby Boomers.

    http://www.susanhersh.com or http://www.youtube.com/user/MeetTheExperts


  3. Sherrie Mathieson wrote on :

    It’s hard to be so general without knowing your height, weight, true coloring etc.
    Generally speaking a knee length shift–A-line sleeveless with boatneck or V-necked and often sleeveless (but can have 3/4 length sleeves)–is classic (“classy” too) and a forever modern design. Choose a solid or print. Don’t forget the gorgeous hat!
    Sherrie (www.sherriemathieson.com)

  4. hisybil wrote on :

    Hi Vicki,
    The Kentucky Derby is a great opportunity to have fun with your most feminine style. The best dresses for the occasion: bright solid colors or floral prints, lightweight fabrics and cocktail length (just above or below the knee). Have a great time!

  5. Linda Storto wrote on :

    Last week in Phoenix I bought a Pretty Woman Julia Roberts Horse Racing Brown with white dots at Ross for $15. Maybe the cuteness of that is too much for you, but perhaps you could find something similar for a good deal.

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