
Are there any lipo procedures that are safe for someone who is pre-diabetic and is south asian? I am very concerned with slow healing rates and hyper-pigmentation since I’m darker skinned. I have lost weigh thru diet and exercise but not in my stomach. Help.

0 Answers

  1. kalee123 wrote on :

    I just saw a sign today about laser lipo & also tummy tucks. Worth looking into?

  2. Sharon Giese wrote on :

    Lipo may actually help the pre-diabetes and darker skin in not a problem. Incisions are very small and well hidden. ANy darkening can usually be treated or skin can be pre-treated to decrease color

    • sharon villalobos wrote on :

      Thank you so much for your response. It’s so encouraging to know that this option is available to me. I will be in touch.

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