
Can I plant outdoor seeds in a pot on my balcony with positive results?

0 Answers

  1. Debbie Nye wrote on :

    Yes depending upon what the plant is tomatoes and beans will be find.

  2. Kylee Baumle wrote on :

    Absolutely you can! It depends on where you live and what exposure your balcony has. If it receives 6 hours of sun a day, you should be able to grow most things. If it’s on the north side of the building, then you will be limited as to what will do well. There’s a great website called “Life On the Balcony,” where gardener Fern Richardson writes all about her balcony gardening experiences. You can find it at http://www.lifeonthebalcony.com and she is very helpful to others who want balcony gardens. Tell her Kylee sent you! 🙂

  3. lgbaldwin wrote on :

    Absolutely…I always start my seeds in pots (sometimes indoors if it is too cold and on the patio when it is warmer) This way I can water the seeds more easily. The seeds dont need alot of soil base but they do need sun and water-
    Think of the pot as a “mini garden”
    When they germinate I transplant to the garden or to a larger pot. Different plants germinate at different times …peppers are notoriously slow, while others may pop up almost over night. It can be a lot of fun when those tiny little seeds start to grow. ENJOY!

  4. Helene Wollin wrote on :

    A depends on your definition of ‘positive results’. If you mean, “will they germinate and come up?” As long as you keep the seeds moist and warm, the answer is yes. Does it mean “will I get a plant that looks like what’s on the seed packet?” Well, mostly, again, but you have to keep the pot in a sunny spot, and well watered. A lot depends on what sort of seeds you are talking about, actually.

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