
I love fresh herbs. I tried growing them but they often parish due to the direct sun. On the seedling label, it states “needs full sun” but they burn in full sun. What should I do?

0 Answers

  1. lgbaldwin wrote on :

    While most herbs like lots of sun they do have different requirements. For example Basil needs more water than creeping thyme or lavender. I am wondering if your seedlings were stressed out by other things(too much water/too little water, too early feeding etc) and then the hot sun did them in. Also newly transplanted seedlings(very young plants) need a day or two to acclimate. They may do well to be planted on cloudy day or kept in pots until they are robust plants…easy on the fertilizing until they have a strong root system-that can kill them and they will look like the leaves have been burned.
    Usually herbs thrive on neglect if planted in the right soil etc. Well drained soil is important for all of them. Maybe a pot of herbs on the porch/deck that you can move around would be easier to start. Happy herb gardening!

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