
How can I propagate a clematis plant The one I have is so beautiful and would like to start another from it. Karena Art by Karena

0 Answers

  1. lgbaldwin wrote on :

    Another way(depending on the variety of clematis) is by layering the plant. Bury part of the vine under the dirt and it will root from that spot. You can then cut that piece off and move it and the new root system to another spot. I also like root division as it is a quicker “operation” but find it takes awhile for the essentially two new plants to get back to the size of my original plant…

  2. Helene Wollin wrote on :

    Dig it up, wash off the roots and carefully, with a small knife, split the plant at the roots into as many pieces as you want, 2-3 would be good. Replant the ‘mother’ plant in the ground and pot up the root pieces in good potting mix, water well, keep in a warm sunny spot until they start to sprout. Then you can plant them in the ground again.

    • Karen Albert wrote on :

      Thank you so much!! Is it okay to do this now, or wait until fall. I am in the Kansas City Area Karena

    • Helene Wollin wrote on :

      I’d do it right now but keep the pots out of direct sun and make sure you water them well. Another thing I’d do as a piece of insurance is this: Go to your local home/garden center or nursery and ask for ‘hormone rooting powder’ and once you cut the roots, shake a bit of that on the cut surfaces and THEN I’d put them into pots with potting mix. You want the plants to be in an active growing stage and in the fall, they will be basically shutting down for the winter. So do this now.

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