The actual product that is sprayed on the skin is safe. It is an inert dye that attaches to the outer layer of skin but is not absorbed into the body. However, there are some concerns regarding inhalation from the spray. I always recommend trying to hold your breath or keeping a mask on if possible to minimize the risk for this.
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Debra Jaliman MD wrote on :
A fake tan is always better than a real one. One that is applied by hand is better than spray as it won’t get in your lungs. An occasional spray is ok
Amy Forman Taub MD wrote on :
The actual product that is sprayed on the skin is safe. It is an inert dye that attaches to the outer layer of skin but is not absorbed into the body. However, there are some concerns regarding inhalation from the spray. I always recommend trying to hold your breath or keeping a mask on if possible to minimize the risk for this.