
Looking for an 8 to 10 day Spanish language immersion trip? Of course would love it to be relatively inexpensive, yet at the same time don’t want a dump. Any suggestions from FOF? Someone once mentioned Portugal to me, along with Mexico. Thanks girls.

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  1. tiastephanie wrote on :

    Hello and Buenos Dias! Mexico is a Perfect Place for Spanish Immersion Courses. While there are numerous options in places like: Cuernavaca, Puebla, San Miguel Allende, my favorite pick would be to go to Oaxaca. Oaxaca is a charming colonial city in Southern Mexico. Their traditions in art, textiles, food are rich and the ethnic diversity (Zapotec, Mixtec and many other peoples), and Ancient History (Monte Alban, Mitla) make this a fascinating place to not only learn Spanish but to explore in Oaxaca City and surrounding communities in the Oaxaca Valley. I can help you explore specific language schools further, if you would like!

    • SANDRA GRISSOM wrote on :

      Yes Please. That would be most kind.

    • tiastephanie wrote on :

      Great! The School I would recommend is ICO: Instituto Cultural Oaxaca, http://www.icomexico.com/index.php. I have heard very good things about them. If you would like further information or assistance with any planning or other aspects of your plans, please don’t hesitate.

    • SANDRA GRISSOM wrote on :

      Thanks so much.

    • tiastephanie wrote on :

      Better Link (I think it should work!) http://icomexico.com/

    • SANDRA GRISSOM wrote on :

      I was able to get on the website and it does look quite interesting and seems to be reasonably priced compared to one I looked at in Veracruz. Hope to plan my trip for next year. Thanks again for your help.

  2. Mildred Hayden wrote on :

    I believe that they speak Portugese in Portugal, not Spanish. But Spain is right next to Portugal and they definitely speak Spanish there. 8^)

    • SANDRA GRISSOM wrote on :

      Of course Portugese. Don’t know what I was thinking. Thanks for the correction.

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