When is the best time to tour Washington DC? I want to take my grandchildren to visit and see all the sights, but really don’t like hot weather.

When is the best time to tour Washington DC? I want to take my grandchildren to visit and see all the sights, but really don’t like hot weather.
0 Answers
diannerj wrote on :
Spring and fall a great times to visit Washington DC, but my personal favorite time is in the fall. The crowds have thinned out and you can easily get into the museums. You didn’t mention the ages of your grandchilden, if they can be taken out of school in the fall or go on a fall break fall is the best! April and May can be really crowded at times.
Julianne Zausmer wrote on :
The best time is in April when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. The weather will be nice at that time as well. I’m sure your Grandchildren will enjoy the experience. I went when I was 13 yrs old, and it was one of my favorite vacations.
KatyMac wrote on :
Spring is lovely but can be quite crowded…Sept. and Oct. both generally offer nice weather without the intense heat and humidity of summer in DC
freda witt wrote on :
thank you for the information. I’ll take that into consideration when I plan for our vacation.
Marcia Miller wrote on :
April, May or Oct should be nice and not too hot.