
How can I help my daughter lose her post-baby weight? He’s 4 months old already, but she still looks 6 months pregnant!

0 Answers

  1. Ann Rosenstein wrote on :

    Since this is your daughter’s problem, she has to make the decision to take off the weight. If it isn’t her decision, nothing you do will make her change her mind or her body. She must want to lose the weight, you can’t lose it for her. You can only support her as a new mother, encourage her to consider her weight and health, and be there when she needs help. I understand your concern but you simply cannot live her life. Be supportive and available. If or when she decides to make a lifestyle change, you can be there. If you nag at your daughter or make her weight the only point of conversation it will backfire and only cause hard feelings. Right now, she is overwhelmed with being a new mother and any help on that end would be the best kind of help you could give her.

    I know what I am talking about from direct experience. Even though my family and I follow a healthy lifestyle, I have people that I am close to who are smokers, heavy drinkers and others that are overweight. I can only be there for them, I can’t change them and neither can you. However, you can be there for support. Until then, live YOUR life, be a good influence and enjoy your grandchild.

  2. Paula Peterson wrote on :

    It’s summer…suggest taking the baby out for morning and afternoon strolls. Fresh air and a walk is a great way to add a little exercise without taking the time to go to the gym. Also, there are “Fitness for Mom’s/Post Pregnancy” exercise books and dvd options to consider.

  3. MaryJayne Johnson wrote on :

    Oh Mama! That is a tricky situation. I understand your concern, but you don’t want her to feel you are disapproving. Some things to consider are: How much weight did she gain during pregnancy? Has she been exercising? Does she have diabetes?
    As a caring mother, you might be able to counsel her about the importance of losing the pregnancy weight. Perhaps you could watch the baby so she can enjoy a walk or some “active-me-time”.

  4. Geri Brin wrote on :

    Is she breast feeding? What exercise does she do? and what is she eating?

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