
What would be a safe location for a single woman travelling alone? Internationally or within the States….

0 Answers

  1. Sheryl Kayne wrote on :

    Anywhere and everywhere that you want to go — your safety is much more of a mind awareness and planning than anything else. I believe in traveling and not letting anything stop me. I do my homework to find out what’s recommended when visiting a particular location and then make my plans. One lifetime goal was to visit the Amazon. I selected a package deal for staying on the Amazon River in a hut on stilts which included every detail of planning and transportation so that I didn’t have to figure out what I wasn’t familiar with. As long as I was going to the Amazon, I wanted to visit Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, but there are parts of Rio that you really need to know where you are going for safety considerations if you are a part of a couple or extended group or on your own. With the help of a Brazilian travel agency, I hired a guide to meet me at the airport. She then helped me plan out my time. There were places I could go on my own and times I needed her and a driver — which was very inexpensive and worth the time and money. Don’t give up what you want to do, just figure it out! Volunteer vacations are particularly wonderful for singles since most of them are groups, and you just join in and they do not charge a singles fee. Best, Sheryl

    Sheryl Kayne
    author Immersion Travel USA and Volunteer Vacations Across America

  2. Kathleen Langdon wrote on :

    thanks to all for the ideas,suggestion and options available for single travel. They all were helpful!

  3. casavon wrote on :

    I think you should decide WHAT you want to see and then, as others have suggested, see what’s available there. Personally, I LOVE Nice, France and Dakar, Senegal but it’s fun to travel with a group or partner-being alone can be great but you might wish for someone to eat with or ask “does this look good on me?”. Safety can be an issue in ANY city-even my small town has areas I tend to avoid. I’ve hear single’s cruises can be LOTS of fun-friends when you need them and alone time when you want it. Good luck!!

  4. Alexis Marnel wrote on :

    Santa Fe, New Mexico (but I would wait till September -heat is vile)
    Doing a great drive down and stops along the way from San fransisco to Malibu
    If you are interested in Greece, let me know and I can give you off beat islands that are great to stay at and if you look up Skyros Greece I can hook you up with people to meet, who will make sure you have what you need, etc as I have done alot of work there.
    and if you are a theatre/museum person – New York City can be fine if you are alone and again I would be happy to help guide you – in fact I live here, so I can help with tix, accomodations, etc. Also spa destinations are great. Check out fairmont.com for the hotels that have Willow Stream Spas. I also like Franconia New Hampshire. I try to take a solo vacation once a year, and these aare some of the places I have stayed. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Also check out http://www.askelena.com – and believe it or not San Jose California is great (I stay at the Fairmont) for cultural and sports activities

  5. lucy@whereonearthtravel.com wrote on :

    Ojai, California is a very safe chance. One hour and change Northeast of Los Angeles, it is a charming town filled with art galleries, restaurants, cute country inns and the occasional horse. You can safely go anywhere without locking your car! Internationally, the Scandinavian countries are very secure for female travelers. The fjords of Norway are consistently rated one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, and the cruise line Hurtigruten has many different ships traveling there this time of year-and they are affordable, too!

  6. Karen Canning-Millar wrote on :

    Sydney, AUS would be a good choice. People are so friendly (they like Americans… though they think we’re a bit “stiff”) and open. It has a great vibe and there is much to see and do. Nova Scotia is so pretty and Halifax is a great, fun city where men aren’t threatening but are not afraid to start a conversation with a woman either. Happy trails!!

  7. Marcia Miller wrote on :

    Honey – you need a good travel agent. That depends on so many different factors. What is your tolerance for being alone, what do you like to do, what are your interests, what is your budget etc. A good travel agent will help you zero in on somewhere that will be perfect for you. Expect to the agent will ask you loads of questions but the process will help target that spot. Ask friends to recommend an agent and look for one with certifications. I hope this helps. It is easy for me to tell you my favorite places but you need to find ones that are right for YOU. Happy and safe travels. You Go Girl!

  8. Dralene "Red" Hughes wrote on :

    Do research on the area you plan to travel too – that always helps and make sure the hotel you stay at has great accommodations, amenities and security to make you feel safe. There are so many great places to travel to alone and if you don’t feel comfortable traveling alone – try a tour or cruise to a place you would love to see. Feel comfortable and safe where you go – if you don’t, it may not be the place for you to travel.

  9. Joann King wrote on :

    I love Tokyo. I felt (and was) safe walking alone there any time of day or night. There’s lots to see and do. You can also consider a river cruise if you want to explore Europe. Many have smal single suppliments and you have instant camaraderie with felow passenegrs as a result of shared experiences on the included daily tours. Some lines even offer the opportunity to bike from one location to the next for a change of pace!

  10. jilljjones wrote on :

    As a travel agent, I travel alone all the time. I have found that they key to traveling alone is to do some homework on the destination before I get there. I pay close attention to hotel security as that is where problems can happen for single travelers. Make friends with the concierge who can give you stellar advise on where to and where not to go. Whereever you are, pay attention to your surroundings. If it doesn’t “feel right”…leave!

  11. Jeanna Hofmeister wrote on :

    Naturally, I HAVE to say Spokane, Washington! Lovely little city on the sunny side of Washington State. Great Washington wineries, boutique shopping, whitewater rafting, historic hotels and new resorts, fabulous outdoor adventures from cycling to some of the country’s best golf… Need I say more. Check it out at http://www.visitspokane.com!

  12. PatWalkerSF wrote on :

    Cape Town – I think is great town for single travelers. Easy to meet people, sophisticated environment, fabulous food and lots to do (everything from tours of the wine country, a visit to Cape Pt. or diving with the sharks in False Bay). The flight over is long but once you get there — its easy to get around and there so much to see.

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