
I will be traveling with my two kids alone , and I was wondering if you can tell me what to do to be prepared, thank you.

0 Answers

  1. Barbara Torris wrote on :

    I am from Portland…Hi! I tell you I think that video equipment or iphones are a real life saver for a long plane trip. Just get a small DVD player and couple of movies. Even little children will get “plugged in”. Save the good mom stuff for when you land!



  2. Marcia Miller wrote on :

    Be prepared with snacks and diversions. Depending on their ages, have them be responsible for their own things in a small backpack or rolling bag. If you travel by air, split their things between each other’s bags so if one bag is lost there is a backup because some of their items are in another bag.

    • Hanan Ghaddar wrote on :

      Thank you so much for responding. I will take your advise and hopefully there will be no problems. Thanks again.

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