I need a book about menopause for my husband…fast! I would prefer it not be too over the top with the medical why’s and where fors, and have some humor.

I need a book about menopause for my husband…fast! I would prefer it not be too over the top with the medical why’s and where fors, and have some humor.
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Staness Jonekos wrote on :
There are TWO great books on menopause for our men: “No, It’s Not Hot in Here” by Dick Roth AND “Men-opuase, the book for men” by Michael P. Goodman MD.
Both of these books are fantastic. I purchased them for MY husband, only one problem – he never read them, grrrr. I even highlighted areas of the book so he could quickly scan the info and apply it! The books just collected dust.
This inspired me to write a section in my book “The Menopause Makeover” for our men!
Then I wrote an article for the Huffington Post: “Will Your Marriage Survive Menopause.”
It is so frustrating to go through menopause and not feel supported. Check out a few tips in this article.
Many women have benefited from a “Letter to your Husband” template that I wrote to help out during this challenging time:
The books mentioned above are hilarious and an easy read. Let me know if YOU can get YOUR husband to read them 😉 If not, try a few tricks from my Huffington Post article.