
I will be going over to Europe for the first time this fall. Germany will be our home base, but we plan to cover as much ground as possible. What is the most important thing you can tell me as a first time traveler to Europe?

0 Answers

  1. jilljjones wrote on :

    Do your homework. While is sounds great to just land and “see Europe”, it can be daunting. You need to have your infrasture set up. Transportation and and a basic itinerary. It is also VERY helpful to learn a few phases. It shows a respect of their culture and even if your German is terrible, they really appreciate the effort. Of course, being that I am a travel agent, I would say “use a travel agent!”

  2. Travelbydesign wrote on :

    Doy our homework research what you want to see and make sure in your research you understand the nuances of getting around in Europe. Understand the various cultures you will be traveling in and be respectful. Try to get on-line and find good tour companies that you can maybe have an initial tour with and then go out on your own. There is a wealth of information on the internet.

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