
This year I received my 2nd US patent for a woman’s product to be worn during bikini hair removal and tanning. We hope to sell our patents, but meanwhile, how should I best market a new product to salons and spa’s from an unknown source – little ol me!

0 Answers

  1. Redlimemedia wrote on :

    Write a press release and send it to every business magazine, newspaper or blog you can find. Then get a list of salons from your state licensing agent and send them a post card telling about your product and link back to your site.

  2. Jane Angelich wrote on :

    Congratulations on your patents…now the next phase of hard work begins! Having a patented product myself, I agree with Guru Laurie that finding trade shows in your industry is the way to introduce your product to the world of buyers. Get your feet wet by attending smaller shows and learning from people who visit your booth. If your product shows well and is priced correctly, buyers don’t care that you are an unknown source. Perhaps you can shoot a video of your product and show it “in action” in your booth. Make sure you find spa and salon owners who will give you testimonials about the product. That may involve going to your local salons and giving out samples, explaining the product and asking permission to quote the owners about the great qualities inherent in your invention. Without knowing what the product is, it’s hard for me to write about the merits, but you want the salon owners to talk about the benefits to their salon…financial, bringing in new business, etc.

  3. LaurieKahn wrote on :

    Go to trade conventions and show your product. Your passion for the product will be enough to sell them.

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