
Simple: do hot flashes ever end?

0 Answers

  1. Valerie Schenewerk wrote on :

    My doctor prescribed Effexor (generic is venlafaxine)–it is an antidepressant found to work on hot flashes. I take one 25 mg tablet per day and have been on this regimen for going on 13 years. It costs less than $10 a month and works for me.

    I haven’t purchased any of these products, but I have been seeing various bedding products with Outlast in them (sheets, mattress pads, comforters, etc.). Outlast is a space-age fiber that absorbs your excess body heat and then when you are cool, releases it back to you.

    Also, I have seen Chillow pillows and a sleep pad; these gel products promise to keep you cool.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Val Houpt wrote on :

    I started hot flashes at 44 after an endimentrial ablation. I tried all the vitamins, supplements and anything else that was suggested. But the only thing that has gotten rid of my hot flashes is the lowest dosage birth control pill. I don’t need birth control….just the estrogen in it. It’s worth the $10/month to not have sweat dripping down my face 20 times a day. Oh, and the bouts of anger that pop up right before the hot flash! 🙂

  3. Victoria Meacham wrote on :

    I think it just depends on the person. I have hot flashes but for me they are not bad. I would much rather have a hot flash than have to buy tampax again! lol

  4. Cheryl Wilson wrote on :

    I had a forced menopause at 26 because of a hysterectomy necessitated by ovarian cancer. FORTY years later, I still have hot flashes! Admittedly, they are not nearly as bad as they were and I no longer have the dreaded night sweats but, all the same, they still hit me now and then. At this late stage of my life, one would think I’d be through with them but they still appear. I’m resigned to them now, along with my white hair and my wrinkles!

  5. zipporahs wrote on :

    I went through menopause at the ripe old age of 39. Mine ended by about 41. If you’re finding that after a long time you’re still suffering, I’d suggest going to a women’s wellness doctor. They may be able to suggest something to help with the hot flashes. I go to http://www.bodylogicmd.com for bioidenticals to help me with the “side effects” of menopause.

  6. Staness Jonekos wrote on :

    I know women who slid though menopause without a hot flash – lucky them! I know some women who still have them in their 60s.

    Many women reach post menopause and celebrate an end to hot flashes. Other women suffer with hot flashes for years — every woman’s menopause is different.

    Menopause-related hot flashes usually follow a consistent pattern unique to each woman. Some hot flashes are easily tolerated, others are annoying or embarrassing, and still others can be debilitating. Most women experience hot flashes for 3 to 5 years before they taper off. Although some women never have a hot flash or have them only for a few months, others may have them for many years, even into their 70s or beyond. There is no way of predicting when they will start—or stop. 🙁

    Good news! Hot flashes typically stop on their own over time, and may not require any treatment. If treatment is needed, hot flashes can usually be reduced or eliminated completely with one or more of the options listed here:


    The best treatment depends on how severe the hot flashes are, how much they interfere with a woman’s quality of life, her personal philosophy and preferences, and her health profile.

    If you need a certified menopause expert in your area, please click here:


    Fingers crossed your hot flashes end naturally, if not, do not suffer there are options from lifestyle adjustments to alternative to medical. I had terrible hot flashes AND night sweats, it took a combination of the above to manage them.

    Hope this helps 🙂

  7. MOBNKY wrote on :

    Holy cow – that was going to be my question! Going on 11 years here. I just want it to be over!!! Hot flashes, night sweats… enough already

    • Marcia Bacon wrote on :

      goodnighties sleepwear help me sleep deeper, keep me dry and wake refreshed even with these horrible flashes!! 🙂

  8. lea_avon wrote on :

    I’d like to know, too! I’ve never really had the hot flashes….night sweats are my issue….but, the same question applies!

    • Marcia Bacon wrote on :

      One word :goodnighties.com The best moisture wicking sleepwear on the market 🙂 sweet dreams

  9. dianne conner wrote on :

    great question….do they?

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