
I am 76 and my face is starting to have a few pimples. Is this a normal thing? I never had any breaking out as I was growing. Thanks

0 Answers

  1. dssarnoff wrote on :

    Could it be “pimples” around hair follicles or the chin that you plucked? Could it be a result of a change of environment with impurities — do you have a new hobby or did you just move from the suburbs to the city? Check it out with a board-certified dermatologist. Maybe the “pimples” are not really acne but something else that looks like “pimples” to you.

  2. Jessica Krant, M.D. (Derm) wrote on :

    Pimples can be caused by a few different things, and some of the bumps that can appear on the face later in life may not be “true acne” but rather, some conditions like milia or folliculitis, which are curable. Adult acne is more common lately (no one is exactly sure why) but in many cases can be managed well by a conscientious dermatologist. I recommend being evaluated first to see what is really going on, and then pursue treatment, which may be simple. Yes, hormones may be a factor in any of these things–hormones control us more than we sometimes realize!

  3. Dr Fardad Forouzanpour DO, FACOS wrote on :

    it is possible. need to look and if there has been any changes in your medications, diet, skin care products, …. if it continues and becomes worse may have to see your dermatologist.

  4. drjosie wrote on :

    Adult acne can occur at anytime during adult life, although 76 is on the higher end of the spectrum. At this age it is extremely important that you see a primary care doctor and have a full work-up to ensure that this is not a sign of some underlying disease that needs to be attended to. Hormones and medications can also be responsible as well as skin care products that are recommended for more mature skin.

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