
Mom always said that once you’re grown, your body would not or could not physically ‘grow’ any taller. Is it myth or truth that doing certain exercises can make the body taller and more lean? If truth, please share those exercises. Thanks!

0 Answers

  1. Tannis Kobrinsky wrote on :

    I agree with the sound advice offered by my fellow gurus’ explanations and suggestions. I’m a Pilates practitioner in Los Angeles (www.healthabitravels.com) and because clients and students posture improves through consistent Pilates practice it appears they’ve grown taller. With age, if we don’t keep joints mobilized, muscles stretched and our core strong, the vertebra compress. The fascia (think of the outer skin of a sausage) dries and tightens around connective tissues – everything binds. When you keep moving up keep everything oiled up – lengthened – you breath deeper, stand taller, and feel like you’ve found that youth elixir. That leads to improved self image, increased energy, and that leads to standing taller and literally opening up. I mention this in my DVD, WELL worked out with Tannis, which offers a moderate Pilates fusion hour long program for those of us over 40. Enjoy! Tannis

    • my_sandra_dee wrote on :

      Thank you for the response. I’m in the Columbus, OH area and I’m certainly convinced to begin searching for a Pilates practitioner/instructor in my area. This sounds like it will do exactly what I need it to do. Thanks again…

    • Tannis Kobrinsky wrote on :

      I have a cousin in Columbus who’s in he early 60s. Through the years she’s practiced yoga, and this year began using my DVD and discovered she loves Pilates matwork. when you find an instructor in your area you’ll also work on the apparatus – which is a great way to stretch, strengthen and engage your mind. The hour FLIES by. Have fun exploring this new world!

  2. Jillian Hessel wrote on :

    It’s true that you cannot physically grow any taller after a certain age. However, you can certainly shrink through poor muscle conditioning, bad posture, putting on too much weight, pregnancy & giving birth, and of course, the natural aging process. Think of your skeleton as the framework for a suspension bridge, like the Golden Gate. Your muscles are like the guy wires that hold the structure of the bridge upright and taut. If the muscles of the body are not conditioned regularly, the skeletal structure will sag, and you will shrink. Pilates exercise is well known for helping folks to “grow,” because it trains the postural muscles to support the skeletal system. Try Pilates if you want to “grow!” You will stand straighter, appear taller, and look slimmer after only a few weeks. If you have no place to attend classes with a certified teacher, try a DVD or book about the Method. I have a multi-media kit, including a book called “Pilates Basics,” and an instructional DVD called “Pilates For Beginners” with step by step instructions for beginners to study Pilates at home. visit http://www.jillianhessel.com for more information, and good luck!

    • my_sandra_dee wrote on :

      Wow… your response is also what I’m hearing from a sister-in-law who is currently doing Pilates as well. I definitely see a difference in her posture and she appears to be several inches taller and more lean than she’s been over the past 15 yrs. Thanks for the tip about where I would begin to research Pilates. This is great information…

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