
Is it possible for a 60 yr. old woman to lose belly fat…totally through just exercise and nutrition. I mean to actually get a flat stomach

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  1. Annie Q wrote on :

    I had to do some physical therapy to strengthen my core, meaning the transverse abdominus. They can teach you how to isolate it but it’s a little tricky to do on your own. It was amazing how quickly my stomach got flatter, just in a couple of weeks. (Then of course once my physical therapy was over, I stopped and all that nice flatness disappeared.)

  2. Annie Q wrote on :

    You don’t mention whether you’ve had a hysterectomy. That surgery can result in an “apron of fat” that will not respond to diet or exercise. A tummy tuck is the answer.

  3. Menopause Marchesa wrote on :

    Flat Belly Diet? Just heard about it and love the look of the meal plans. Maybe worth a try.

  4. sheilamc wrote on :

    I purchased the 17 Day Diet book after seeing a brief piece about it on Dr Phil (don’t watch regularly, just happened to see this particular segment). I read the book and decided it was time for me to lose that muffin top, using the 17 Day Diet. I was successful! I am down to a size 2, which I have never been in my life, have so much more energy, and have definitely changed some of my eating habits as a result of this. It seems to operate on the theory of body confusion, along the lines of muscle confusion as a way to get in good shape via exercise. The simple fact is that I don’t need to eat as much at age 56 as I did when I was in my 20s or 30s – sad, but true:) So what I eat has to really count – for nutrients, continued good health, and tasting good. I’ve been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for a long time, but have scaled back by cheese consumption to minimal amounts, and don’t eat anything white any more, except cauliflower. I thought I would have to go out and purchase larger size clothes to accommodate my expanding belly, but I got to the size 2 in March of this year and so far have maintained that size. Once in a great while I do have some pizza, and dark chocolate is my special treat. But basically I eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies with tofu and tempeh as my prime proteins. It has definitely worked for me like no other way of eating, so I am committed!

  5. shay mckelvey wrote on :

    The answer is “Yes, absolutely”. The trick is to have the right nutrition and the right exercise. After menopause, many women tend to gain/store fat around their waists. As we know, this abdominal fat is not only aesthetically unpleasing (in other words, we hate it!) but linked to an increased risk of several chronic health issues. So the goal of getting rid of belly fat is a good one for more reasons than just looking better.
    So if you want to lose fat around your waist, you’ll probably lose fat from other places before the stubborn belly fat responds. This may require really taking a look at your diet. A healthy diet is full of fruits & veggies with little to no processed foods. Although you don’t have to give up “animal proteins”, limiting them in your diet will go a long way to giving you the healthy body you want. And, of course, avoid fried foods, sugar snacks and empty calories…but you already knew that!
    As far as exercise goes, you want to burn calories. Any form of aerobic exercise will burn calories – walking, hiking, running, swimming, rowing, biking, etc. But only weight training will burn calories while you’re doing the exercise AND 24/7. Muscle is not only more dense than fat (making you look smaller), but more metabolically active. Adding muscle will help improve your metabolism and make fat loss much easier. And when you see what weight training does to your body, you’re going to love it!!
    Be Your Best – Shay http://www.BFitSanDiego.com

  6. teresa tapp wrote on :

    It is! I specialize in muscle activation fitness for boomers and beyond! T-Tapp is very effective for anyone over the age of 45. Check out Charlotte’s story Mother of 12 who went from a size 22 to a size 6 http://charlottesiems.com/465-2.

    Try full length T-Tapp movements on http://www.youtube.com/ttapercentral

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