
I’ve always weighed 125. In my 40s & now my 50s I am 35 lbs. heavier. I’m into health, nutrition and exercising. Last month I even joined a gym, met with a personal trainer who has me doing various machines & cardio. I still have not lost weight & have a muffin top that won’t go away. HELP!!!!!

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  1. cindy stachowski wrote on :

    I am a firm believer that Atkins for 2 weeks (strict) starts the weight loss. Then you can add fruits and vegetables and oatmeal. Works for me.

  2. teresa tapp wrote on :

    Welcome to the Estrogen Trap (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http://ttapp.com/articles/healthandfitnessmag3/default_files/health_feature_Oct03.htm&rct=j&q=the estrogen trap&ei=DMwUTtKIBIOEsALFpeTUDw&usg=AFQjCNGC3d8CdNLnIsmL2jdrPxP8BTPOYQ&sig2=AtMkXa32fQoV1TkU9bVjmg&cad=rja). Muscle activation techniques can offset hormonal gain. Check out T-Tapp and try some of the movements for free on my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/ttappercentral.

    • wrote on :

      Thank you. I didn’t realize muscle activation techniques can offset hormonal gain. I will be checking out your T Tapp movements for sure.

    • teresa tapp wrote on :

      🙂 Let me know if you need any help! My email is teresatapp@yahoo.com.

  3. shay mckelvey wrote on :

    Hi Joni – You must be frustrated! It’s hard to feel you’re doing all the right things and not getting the results you want. I am so glad you found a trainer to help you sort this out.
    Have you ever heard of the term “creeping obesity”? Don’t panic. I’m not calling you obese!! It’s a clinical term for what happens as we age and lose muscle mass, lowering our metabolism. Women generally attack this problem by doing more cardio…and more cardio…and starving themselves…and getting more frustrated!
    Getting some sound advise on your diet is the first step. I agree with the advise of doing a diet diary with your trainer. You may be surprised at what actually goes into your mouth between your oh-so-healthy meals. Studies have shown that health conscious women tend to reward themselves for eating healthy at mealtime.
    And adding muscle mass will definitely help you rev up your metabolism. Don’t give up. It’s a slow and steady process but you’re building a strong and healthy foundation that will soon be free of your muffin top!
    Be Your Best! Shay http://www.bfitsandiego.com

    • wrote on :

      Thank you. Your statement about being surprised at what actually goes into my mouth between healthy meals is right on. You just don’t pay any attention to it. I feel since I’m working out so hard that a handful of chips here and there won’t be a big deal. I also read somewhere that the cup of coffee in the morning may not be a good thing either. It actually keeps the muffin top from going away. Who would have thought one cup of coffee?

  4. Ann Rosenstein wrote on :

    I am glad you joined a gym and hired a personal trainer. I am also very glad that you wrote in, however, this question is really one for your trainer. Please let your trainer know exactly what you are eating by keeping a very accurate food journal along with an accurate schedule of your workouts. The more information your trainer has about what you are doing and how you are doing it will help that trainer help you. Also remember, it took time to gain the weight, it will take time and a commitment to a lifestyle change (both exercise AND diet) to take that weight off.

    • wrote on :

      I have to keep reminding myself that it took the time to gain the weight and now it will take the time to lose it. This is the biggest challenge because I want it all to come off now!

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