Hi Janis, When you’ve been on a reduced calorie regime for a long period your body adjusts and begins to burn those calories at a slower rate. There are a couple of things you can do. A five day juice fast will get rid of those last five pounds as well as clearing a lot of toxins from your system. If you have a juicer, juice all the veggies you can handle–canned and bottled juices are not recommended. You can also make clear broths from a variety of vegetables. The other alternative is to trick your body into revving up your metabolism by eating a few of your favorite forbidden foods for one day and then going back on your diet. But congratulations on the 40 pounds–you go girl!
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Shirley Farley wrote on :
Hi Janis, When you’ve been on a reduced calorie regime for a long period your body adjusts and begins to burn those calories at a slower rate. There are a couple of things you can do. A five day juice fast will get rid of those last five pounds as well as clearing a lot of toxins from your system. If you have a juicer, juice all the veggies you can handle–canned and bottled juices are not recommended. You can also make clear broths from a variety of vegetables. The other alternative is to trick your body into revving up your metabolism by eating a few of your favorite forbidden foods for one day and then going back on your diet. But congratulations on the 40 pounds–you go girl!