
I have line creases in my forehead. What’s the best way to treat this in the short term. Please do not recommend botox or fillers, as I won’t use any of those treatments. And for the long term, would a forehead lift be the best and what does that entail?

0 Answers

  1. drjosie wrote on :

    I absolutely LOVE my Sciton laser for this. We can combine resurfacing of the skin with Profractional and get results that are better than forehead lifts.
    I also have found that regular Broad band light therapy done at least four times per year can slow skin aging. The mainstay of great skin is good skin hygiene and good products which need to include some firm of Vitamin A – Retin-A being the strongest in that family.

  2. Debra Jaliman MD wrote on :

    The treat this problem at home you can use retinols and growth factors. These are great products which can help soften lines and creases. A forehead lift will not eradicate this issue as it does not target forehead wrinkles and will only lift your brow.

  3. Jessica Krant, M.D. (Derm) wrote on :

    Hi Suzanne,
    When forehead creases are deep, they can be very hard to manage. If that is the case, a surgical forehead lift may end up being your best bet for real improvement. Short of that, you can use tretinoin cream (one brand name of which is Retin-A), the only FDA-approved wrinkle cream, to slowly help soften the lines. You might also consider trying to flex the forehead muscle less often, so you don’t deepen the creases yourself daily, and you can get a Botox-like softening effect without the actual Botox. Don’t forget that moisturizers help plump up lines to make them appear softer (this is actually how many over the counter wrinkle creams do their work), and that sunscreen every single day will help prevent further breakdown of the collagen and elastin under the surface which has contributed to the lines. Good luck!
    Dr. Krant

    • suzanneo wrote on :

      Thank you Dr. Krant, your answer was very helpful! I know I need to stop flexing those muscles every day….I really need to reduce my stress level! Thank you!

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