I am the sole owner and employee of “Sharon’s Tutoring” company located in Davie. Florida 33331. I am interested in finding out ways that I can advertise my company for free on the internet. Thanks to anyone who reaches out to help me.
I am the sole owner and employee of “Sharon’s Tutoring” company located in Davie. Florida 33331. I am interested in finding out ways that I can advertise my company for free on the internet. Thanks to anyone who reaches out to help me.
0 Answers
Chatty Cathy wrote on :
Hello Sharon –Assuming that is your first name since you are a sole owner of “Sharon’s Tutoring”. First, congratulations on being an Entrepreneur in today’s tight economy –it is not an easy time. You state that you are located in Florida and interested in advertising on the internet. From the type of business you own you need to concentrate on LOCAL advertising. I would first look at the School Board for Broward County and see if they have any where to list on their website for tutoring services. I would contact the After School Program for the district, which is located at 1250 S. Nob Hill Road and see if you can advertise with a link on their site or physically post advertisements at the various after school sites. I noticed the a site exist for Workforce Employment Solutions http://www.wf1broward.com and they have a way for employers to advertise. Now I wasn’t sure if you were tutoring to elementary, secondary or post secondary–but a tutoring cite exist in your area for college age students. http://www.bcctutors.com
I hope I gave you some areas to start with –Good luck, Dr. Cathy
sjoffey@aol.com wrote on :
Linda Secretan wrote on :
Sharon, don’t forget about LinkedIn.com.
Be sure to update your profiles — with a “gravatar” — on all your social networking sites – including this one! You also might want to start a blog. Start hanging out on home schooling forums as well or other places where your “right customers” gather to exchange ideas.
Good luck to you!
lswart wrote on :
Try putting up you link on free directories like http://manta.com. Do a google search for free directories to add links to, then add your link under the relevant category.
Also look for blogs on tutoring and start answering questions on tutoring. After a while, people will click to see who you are which will lead them to your site.
The FB page is a great idea.
And of course, start to follow tweets on tutoring and they will follow you. Share interesting stats with your followers.
these are just a few free ideas.
Good luck!
Jane Angelich wrote on :
One of the best free ways to go is to look for Facebook’s introductory offer, which is usually $50 of free advertising. You can run an ad in on your geographic location, using the demographics of your target audience.
I did a google search for you and didn’t find much…there are several Sharons who tutor. If you aren’t doing it yet, then set up your own Facebook page and offer Fans who “Like” you periodic specials.
If your specialty is high school students, then I would check into the local high schools and see if you can mention your services on any sites that they may run.
Also, Google offers $50 of free advertising like Facebook. I have used both Google and Facebook, and found Facebook more targeted. But, since it’s free, you should do both.
Good luck!
sjoffey@aol.com wrote on :
Redlimemedia wrote on :
There are plenty of options, give me a call and we can discuss a few 214 774-2194. Red Lime Media, Stephanie Ward