
I have a formal wedding to attend later this year and i’m not sure what denotes “formal” these days. Also, i know this isn’t FOF for men, but my husband was asking what he has to wear. He’s hard to fit and can’t stand the thought of wearing another boring tux. Please help.

0 Answers

  1. Julia Ray wrote on :

    No matter what the affair..formal or otherwise the little black dress with heaps of pearls will do it every time..and evening clutch will give that bit of extra formality and heels will do wonders for for the overall effect..don’t forget to put your hair up…even loosely to one side…this will look great on you…some rich red lippy and voila you are set to you..for some amazing shots of girls wearing pearls…please feel free to get some ideas at my website.. go to the “gallery” and wee how wearing pearls can be done in different ways…enjoy..and have a blast at the wedding..

    • Julia Ray wrote on :

      that should read SEE… how wearing pearls…:)

    • Lorebee wrote on :

      Julia you’re so right about pearls and the clutch. Your website does have great pix and beautiful pieces. Thanks for the great suggestions.

    • Julia Ray wrote on :

      you are most welcome..enjoy the wedding….am sure you will…

  2. mzloveyd1 wrote on :

    Formal is not black tie nor white tie.. when you hear that, its time to get out your gowns and fancy wear, However, in this day and age one, can wear cocktail attire to black tie events. SOooooo its basically how you feel and how you migt think your host or hostess might feel if you were to do your own thing..
    As far as your man is concerned……. There is no need for men to be bored with the same old same old…. Go to my web site…..loveydashformen.com and that im sure will make him feel good about his choices…enjoy the wedding……..

    • Lorebee wrote on :

      Thanks mzloveyd1!!! I’m so happy to hear i can wear a chic little dress and it doesn’t have to be, as you said, a “gown”! Your menswear line is fabulous! I had trouble getting hubby to look at the pix on the computer, but once he did he said “call her!” You’ll be hearing from Marc very soon. Thank you so much for all your help!

    • mzloveyd1 wrote on :

      u r so welcome….. enjoy the wedding

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