
We are a start-up ladies Golf & Tennis apparel company based in Chicago and are looking for Sales Reps for the East Coast and looking for advice on how to find like-minded women. There are 10 Supermodels in the world. Smashing Golf & Tennis design clothes for the other 3 billion women. Made in USA

0 Answers

  1. Chatty Cathy wrote on :

    Smashing sports outfits for women sound promising. Being I own condo’s in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina -golf capital of the world, I would start in MB. I assume you have done your research and know the market and the competition you will face. With that research done –I would contact the various signature name golf courses either in person, by phone or mail them a catalog and informational packet. In the future I would hire sales reps in MB and have them approach all the hundreds of golf courses to display merchandise in the gift shops–only after I made the first contact. I would post the job on Linkedin and other professional job boards. Good luck. Dr. Cathy

  2. Liz Alexander wrote on :

    First step is to articulate exactly what you mean by “like-minded women.” Write out the skills, attitude, and experience you are looking for in as much detail as possible. If you could conjure up your ideal Sales Rep, what would she be like? It’s remarkable how, when we’re clear on what we want, we often stumble across exactly the right individuals in the most unexpected places. And one of these might be your employees’ network. Many companies smartly encourage existing employees to nominate friends, family, or former colleagues etc. for new positions. If someone is like-minded enough to be working for you currently, they’re likely to know people in their circles who would also fit the bill. Don’t forget business-focused social media sites like LinkedIn. Between you, how many connections do you currently have — and who might they know who’d be perfect for this opportunity? Good luck (and love that you’re Made In USA).

  3. gusgus wrote on :

    Congratulations on your company and how wonderful…..MADE IN THE USA. I see that you are selling to Pro Shops. I would call Pro Shops to see if they know anyone who might be looking or get the name of their sales rep for whatever line they carry. Then you can contact them and ask who they know. I would contact the EWGA and see if they would send out an email to their membership. With the economy the way it is they might be willing or you could buy an ad if they have a newsletter. Great way to advertise your company as well as recruit. I would also target golf leagues in the areas that you want to target. Where are you looking for this person? When you say East Coast do you mean the north or more south? Are you looking for commission only people? Business groups are another good recruiting resource. I hope this helps, if it is not the answers you were looking for please be more specific. Thanks!

  4. Jane Angelich wrote on :

    I have just gone through the process of looking for Sales Reps for my pet product company and Banker Barbara and Laurie Kahn have given you great advice. I joined several trade associations and could then advertise for sales reps on their sites. I received a terrific response and have built a network of reps around the country over the last few months. Our product is also made in the USA, in Chicago, and that is a big draw for reps and customers.

    I also joined a few pet-related Linked In Groups and posted our needs there. We didn’t receive a huge response, but did get some interest.

    Finally, I attended several trade shows as an exhibitor and was approached by reps interested in our product. Not the cheapest way to go but certainly gained enough exposure to buyers, consumers and reps to pay for the associated costs.

    Best wishes for a successful 2012!

  5. mraperto wrote on :

    This is hard to answer without a lot more details. As a headhunter, I would go after people at competitors or within similar apparel companies. I’d be happy to give you some ideas on how to find people if you can give me more info.

  6. LaurieKahn wrote on :

    As a new golfer, I can tell you we need cuter golf clothes! There are a variety of ways to find good reps. Have you talked to any industry associations who may be able to recommend reps? What about contacting some potential clients to ask who they would suggest? Recruiters are great if you are willing to pay a fee.

  7. Banker Barbara wrote on :

    If you are looking for sales reps, go to the web site of the USTA, go to the find a court page. Then type in the zip codes of upscale areas you have decided to target, E-mail the managers of those tennis courts. They are sure to know someone who is looking for work. For golf, go to the USGA site. Look at regional state associations, again selecting those states you have targeted. E-mail the managers of local golf courses with the same pitch-looking for reps. In every country club in this country, someone is looking for work.

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