
Has anyone ever used turmeric for its beauty benefits? (i.e. a turmeric face mask, turmeric on their skin, etc.)

0 Answers

  1. mkflaa@hotmail.com wrote on :

    Sorry I have never used it, nor a product containing the ingrediant. Let us know if you try something with tumeric in it and how it works.
    Best, Mary

  2. Maria Comfort wrote on :

    Turmeric is traditionally used for curative purposes, including infections, burns, rashes, etc. It will soften the skin, and is especially good with acne. However, remember that turmeric has a strong yellow dye in it. Before you begin to use it as a mask, do a patch test and see if it affects your olive skin in any adverse way. If it doesn’t, apply it evenly onto the skin using a brush. You may want to mix it with yogurt or honey for best results. Good luck.

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