I am having severe hot flashes but also when i’m flashing I break out into a sweat on my upper lip, hairline and chest area does this happen to anyone else is this normal??

I am having severe hot flashes but also when i’m flashing I break out into a sweat on my upper lip, hairline and chest area does this happen to anyone else is this normal??
0 Answers
Jessica Drummond, MPT, CHC wrote on :
Hi Diane Mary,
I totally understand where you are coming from, I suffered with hot flashes and night sweats as a result of my adrenal fatigue. There are lots of helpful options as others have said, but getting your hormones as naturally supported as possible really helps! I have done this with my own nutrition knowledge, support from an amazing functional medicine doctor (I recommend Dr. Sara Gottfried… love her!), and an acupuncturist that is an expert in hormones/ fertility.
I would love to offer you more specific help… check out my site, jessicadrummond.com for free info, and Dr. Sara’s upcoming course will surely be amazing. I contributed some of my best tools… https://sh965.infusionsoft.com/go/MIELEJam/jdrummond/
TrudyBird wrote on :
Oh yes, indeed! Had a HYS. when I was 27 and had been on HRT until just 3 years ago. I quit the HRT cold turkey and began having ungodly hot flashes from that time on. I believe they are beginning to slow down a bit, (thank goodness) as I am now 60 and would appreciate a little kindness from the sweat gods! (Ha!) I’ve tried everything over the counter for relief, but have found even those wear off in time. That’s just it… time. That’s what we have in our favor. Wear layered clothes that you can take off discreetly and fabric that breaths. Every inch of my body will perspire, Diane Mary. The night sweats are less frequent, but I still have them. I tend to carry a tissue in my pocket to dab away any sign of perspiration on my face. Chest, back, under my breasts… heck… I think my toes even perspire! Often times I go into a chill afterwards. I don’t think this is uncommon either. There are some wonderful posts here and the ladies here have posted great wisdom and experience. Because I work in a professional office I have to be very focused. I hate it when my body tries to take me captive with hot flashes. I’ve decided to simply explain to whom I may be speaking with that I’m having a hot flash should one pop up. It’s life after all and if men wish to blush in response, it’s their problem. My women friends and co-workers simply nod in understanding… and we go on with business. It occurs to me just how strong we females are and what we endure due to our gender. I’m proud of that. Yes, I’ve got a clean, fresh nightgown next to my bed to change into after a night sweat. It’s being prepared that’s half the battle, dear. It never hurts to ask your doctor for assistance if you wish. I decided to let it take its course after many different herbal suggestions and usages. I have personally found that caffeine stimulates hot flashes, perhaps even a distressful thought. Putting my hands in cool water helps and even stepping out on my front porch in some cool air. I think I’ve seen steam actually coming off my body doing just that! We are used to instant relief in this modern world. Remember our bodies are adjusting themselves. This too shall pass. Try some of the natural herbal suggestions posted here. It can’t hurt, but don’t be disappointed if they lose their affect after a while. We are all different. All my best to you fellow sister and sisters in “the flash world”.
Dindy904 wrote on :
Normal for many. This does happen..and it certainly happened to me ! BUT, MOST IMPORTANTLY IT ALSO ENDS….suddenly for me…I am 65 yrs. Of age and have never felt better …no more wet hair…no more dripping face…I can once again wear makeup, and have a dry head of hair.. ( not always perfectly voiced ) 🙂
Your day will come…speak to your Doc….best wishes ! Dindy904
Dindy904 wrote on :
Not always perfectly voiced….SHOULD HAVE READ :COIFFURED…silly ipad2 error ! dindy904
kelly mcnichol wrote on :
I am soooo glad we have this venue to chat with others! I never had problems with sweating in my life…..until I started going through Menopause. At first the symptoms (and there were many) were suttle or sporadic or confusing….so I did not even put it together. Yet when I started having hourly hot then cold sweats every hour on the hour ALL day and taking numerous showers. I was sweating in places I know I never did before. So yes, that could be your “normal” for your hot flashes. I also went to a movie that has been traveling around where they also have dr.s speaking on the topic. Check it out: http://www.hotflashhavoc.net/
Cheryl Wilson wrote on :
LOL! Please forgive my laughing but it’s just that you’re SO normal! I went through menopause at 26 due to surgery. Having severe hot flashes and breaking out into a sweat was an everyday occurrence. The night sweats were the worst and I’d have to change the bed each morning. You don’t say if you have spoken with your doctor or not but he/she needs to know about this. Unlike when all of this happened w/me, there is most definitely help out there for you. Medicine has changed with regard to treating menopausal symptoms and you no longer have to “grin and bear it.” It takes time to get the hormone levels right, though. Have faith that this too will pass and you will be your old self and not have to put up with these things. Life is great for we FOF gals in the 21st century! In the interim, I wish you comfort…
carol lewis wrote on :
I used, and still do, Serenity natural progesterone when I was going through that time and never did that. A life saver for me. Can’t live without it!
Valerie Schenewerk wrote on :
I knew a woman who was a prisoner in her own home because she couldn’t predict when she’d have a hot flash and when she’d have one, she’d sweat so much that she looked as though she’d just been in the shower fully clothed.
The hot flashes I experienced when I was put into a medicine-induced menopause (I am a breast cancer survivor who cannot have estrogen) were a combo of hot and then cold flashes–one minute freezing, the next woo hoo it’s hot in here! Up, down, up down.
My doctor prescribed Effexor (generic is venlafaxine)–it is an antidepressant found to work on hot flashes. I take one 25 mg tablet per day and have been on this regimen for going on 13 years. It costs less than $10 a month and works for me.
I haven’t purchased any of these products, but I have been seeing various bedding products with Outlast in them (sheets, mattress pads, comforters, etc.). Outlast is a space-age fiber that absorbs your excess body heat and then when you are cool, releases it back to you.
Also, I have seen Chillow pillows and a sleep pad; these gel products promise to keep you cool.
Hope this helps!
Caroline Cederquist M.D. wrote on :
Dear Diane Mary,
It is normal to experience some hot flashes, and I think you will find it encouraging to know that there are some simple dietary changes that you can make to help decrease the frequency and severity of them. Normally when estrogen levels decrease, it’s more difficult for your body to regulate and stabilize your blood sugar.
Often a slight drop in blood sugar can cause the onset of a hot flash, your body panics a bit with this, and so a lot of women find it helpful to eat a little something, like a few apples slices with some low-fat cheese. It’s important to include a protein component in your snack, so that you won’t have another one onset in an hour!
I recommend my patients suffering from hot flashes to make sure they are having an adequate protein intake each day, which is approximately 100-120g of lean protein, divided up throughout the day.
For more info, please see this article about what I lovingly call, “The Menopause Metabolism”. http://www.drcederquist.com/weight-loss-library/best-diet-for-women-in-menopause/the-best-diet-for-menopause.aspx
Dr. Caroline Cederquist
lisa thurman wrote on :
Yes it has!! Especially around my upper lip and chest.
And then I itch the areas! I found a wonderful spray mist that I can use throughout the day whenever I feel the need. For me it does dual duty.
Cools my face and helps moisturize my dry skin. Hope you get some relief!!
Staness Jonekos wrote on :
Each womanâs menopause experience is different. I had a similar experience as you, and also had severe sweating on the back of my neck. I had them every hour and all night long – it was miserable!
During hot flashes many women experience:
-A feeling of warmth spreading through your upper body and face
-A flushed appearance with red, blotchy skin
-Rapid heartbeat
-Perspiration, mostly on your upper body
-A chilled feeling as the hot flash subsides
Hot flashes vary in frequency â you may have many in one day or just a few each week. Each hot flash usually subsides in just a few minutes.
When to see a doctor:
If hot flashes become particularly bothersome and disrupt your daily routines, consider making an appointment with your doctor to discuss treatment options.
According to the North American Menopause Society:
“The best treatment depends on how severe the hot flashes are, how much they interfere with a womanâs quality of life, her personal philosophy and preferences, and her health profile. If treatment is needed, hot flashes can usually be reduced or eliminated completely with lifestyle changes, nonprescription remedies, and prescription therapies. Systemic estrogen therapy is the only therapy approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)âand Health Canadaâfor treating hot flashes.”
I made big lifestyle changes ( starting eating lean proteins, low to medium glycemic carbs and healthy fats, AND added daily exercise) – it made a big difference and I started feeling better. That said, I still suffered from bothersome hot flashes and found relief from a transdermal low dose HT that was FDA approved. We are all different, and treatment is highly individualized.
If you need to consult with a certified menopause expert in your area, click here and enter your zip code:
I interviewed the co-author of my book “The Menopause Makeover,” Dr. Wendy Klein, about hot flashes – lots of great info here:
Hope this helps! Big COOL hugs!
Diane Mary wrote on :
This information definitely helps! I’m glad I finally posted this question. The sweating during the day just started a month or so ago. I have had night sweats on and off (mostly on) for 9 years. This new daytime problem is affecting my life so thank you so much for the wealth of information and the hugs!!!
kemoRN wrote on :
YES! Just in last few months I’ve been having the sweats, mostly at night, but they sometimes occur during the day. I do know they’re worse after coffee, but refuse to give up my morning java. lol. I have no sweating once or twice a week…. but the other 5 nights I have it occur at least once or twice. And then there are nights where it occurs several times and I am drenched! Especially in the chest and around the hairline. It has even DRIPPED off me when I get up. I already take Black Cohosh twice a day which has helped the hot flashing tremendously. I just added a menopausal tonic to my regimen that has herbs and a homeopathic remedy recommended by several medical authorities It’s too soon to determine any effectiveness….. though I do believe I’m noticing a bit of difference…. (fingers crossed)…..
Diane Mary wrote on :
Thank you for your help. I have the drenching nightsweats but for the past month or so I’m sweating during the day. I know when it’s going to start and when I’m home I start taking off the layers! I love homeopathic remedies because of chronic pain. I will now add Black Cohosh and menopausal tonic to my regimen. Thanks again!