
Help my jowels are driving me crazy. what can i do without surgery. Am a super young 53. Any proven ideas. Thanks

0 Answers

  1. mkflaa@hotmail.com wrote on :

    There are several non evasive cosmetic procedures you can do to help:
    Professionally, you can try Thermage – a one time treatment that has showed postive results for many women who have tried it. Here is a link to more info about it Thermage – http://www.thermage.com/.

    You can also purchase a system and do it at home as directed. Here are some links to some of the popular home devices – http://www.primebeautyblog.net/sirius-aurora-led-light-therapy-system/ or

    I also recommend a skin care system and using it regularly! It is a must, especially as our skin changes. I suggest using prodcuts from the same line. They are ph balanced and meant to work in conjunction with the each other so you will see better results.
    I would look for a line that has a gentle cleanser and exfoliant, a night cream, a day cream or lotion with an spf, an eye cream and a serum or product that is made specifically to combat aging and use that at night under the night cream.

    You can also address the issue with makeup. A little shading on the jowls can go a long way to help make them look a little less noticeble.

    Let us know what works for you. Best, Mary
    “Let the beauty of your soul be the beauty you wear!”

  2. drjosie wrote on :

    The “jowls” usually develop because we loose fat in our faces. The fat pads that are lost are in the temples, in front of the ear, mid face, and in the nasolabial folds or “smile lines”. When all of these pads are flatter and gravity pulls on the skin – voila’ the jowls form.
    I usually recommend that we volumize the face with SculptraAesthetic, place Vitamin A cream on the skin every night as that helps collagen to grow and I end the treatments with Skin tightening with my Exilis machine. The result is better than a face lift!
    Good Luck.

  3. Debra Jaliman MD wrote on :

    I would recommend Thermage CPT it tightens the jowl area. It is a radio frequency treatment that stimulates your own collagen production. Results are immediate but then it improves over the next 6 months

  4. Cubie131 wrote on :

    Short of surgery, a treatment product i your best bet. Avon’s Platinum line helps to restore youthful contours-there’s a day and night cream, and a serum. Avon also makes a product called Thermafirm Face Lifting Cream, to visibly tighten skin in 3 days. There is also a moisturizer called Algenist, available at Sephora, that firms and tightens. Your skin can look better, but you aren’t going to get surgical results without surgery. Good luck-and rock your bad self, jowls or not! No one notices flaws to the extent that we notice our own.

  5. TruthinAging wrote on :

    The best thing that I have found so far is microcurrent treatments and LED light therapy. You can do the LED at home with a Sirius or baby Quasar device

  6. Hollis Wagenstein wrote on :

    A skilled dermatologist may be able to use injectiable fillers such as Radiesse or Juvaderm to fill in the creases to create a smoother profile. If you live in NYC, I reommend Dr. Jame Heskett at Wellpath 212 737-9604. There are also non-invasive laser skin tightening procedures that can improve facial contours.

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