
i am a 5yr breast cancer suvior i have been off of chemo for 1yr, my problem is that my hair is not growing back in it is still falling out & i have a very easily seen bald spot on the front of my scalp. i’m like some little old man lowering the part to cover the bald spot. HELP !!!!

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0 Answers

  1. Hawklady wrote on :

    Hi Mainecoon, love those cats. I will be a five year survivor in October and I also have thinning hair with scalp showing through. Mine is caused by the Aromatase Inhibitor given me to keep me from producing estrogen. Estrogen interferes with the hormone that causes thinning hair. What I have done is disguised the problem. I have used two products. They are Toppik and DerMatch. You an see how they work and order them online. They quite literally rescued me and changed my life. I recommend that you see a dermatologist to determine if there is another issue causing the problem but regardless these products may help you feel less self-conscious. Good luck. I hope this helps.

  2. 3thingsuneed wrote on :

    woo hoo 5 years!! Congratulations. scarfs are really in now and if you are comfortable wearing a scarf that would be fashionable as well. There are many sites on You Tube that show step by step on different knots and ways of wearing scarfs. I am very happy for you plus you have a New Birthday now right? 🙂

  3. ashantia54 wrote on :

    I would try a hari and nail vitamin supplement with 3000mcg Biotin. It takes a couple of months to get results but it is not very costly.

  4. Elline Surianello wrote on :

    if it really bothers you then the easiest thing to do is get a small hair piece, just for that area, we do this all the time, they are not expensive, and they are easy to work with. if you are interested just call me at 212-986-5620 and ask for me elline, and or you can look at my web and see some of our work, http://www.lemetric.com i have been my own client since 1984, so i know how you feel. just call me.

  5. TruthinAging wrote on :

    Hi there, first congratulations for being off chemo for a whole year! I have been developing a product that will help hair grow. It has been tested by 125 members of the Truth In Aging community and 70% of them said that it worked. Please check my website tomorrow (Tues March 6th) when it officially launches. It is called Hair Vitality Complex and uses copper peptides, a safe and effective active.

  6. mkflaa@hotmail.com wrote on :

    I work as a makeup artist/stylist in the film and entertainment industry and a trick most of us use to help fill in hair lines, thinning hair, etc, is to shade the area to match your hair color.
    I even use it on myself as my hair line recedes.
    Here’s what to do…
    Buy an eye shadow the same color as your hair color. I would recommend purchasing it at a department store counter or sephora ( the brands there generally have more pigment in them then so many other brands, which means staying power!). I apply it to the area that needs filling in after styling, and before spraying. I use a makeup sponge, but you can use a brush instead. It just depends on how much shadow you want to apply. Start out light and add layers if you want to darken it. Best to start back in your hair and work forward so that you won’t see a line right at the front of your hair line.
    Good luck. Let us know how it goes!
    “Let the beauty of your soul be the beauty you wear!” Mary

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