
I am 58 and looking for a bronzer for med. skin tone with just a little sparkle. I have tried matte bronzers and they dont look right. Can anyone help me with this?

0 Answers

  1. avonlady wrote on :

    Try Avon’s Bronzing Pearls. they are in the brochure this campaign!!

  2. Marla5115 wrote on :

    My favorite bronzer, and believe me I have tried many, is the one by Edward Bess. Here is my review of this product. It is fabulous and so natural looking.

    • Monika Weidenbach wrote on :

      Oh my goodness I LOVE your reviews on utube!! thank you sooo much for sharing them.

  3. mineralarenim wrote on :

    Try C The Bronze by Larenim! It adds a gorgeous warm glow while treating the skin to the anti-oxidants magnesium ascorbyl phosphate vitamin c & trans-resveratrol. And its 100% natural! 🙂 http://www.larenim.com

  4. Daphne Nassif wrote on :

    I recommend liquid bronzer, or gel. Estee Lauder bronze goddess is very good, and very subtle.

  5. Stacycakes wrote on :

    The problem for me has been too dark or too light bronzing powder. Suffering with much dryer skin since I began my journey in my 50s, I’ve chosen the path of the much easier application of cream bronzer. Currenly I’m using the easy to find cream bronzer products from Target. All the Targets I’ve purchase from have several products you can test. For medium skin I would choose a cream bronzer in a “berry” color or a medium golden color. Make sure you use a face moisturizer before you apply the cream bronzer, easy to blend and leaves a healthy glow. Good luck, and if you want to spend a little more visit cosmetic stores.

  6. Cubie131 wrote on :

    There are lots of great products out there, but one I like is in Avon’s Mark line. It’s called Touch and Glow and it is a palette of 9 gold, pink and bronze hues that you can swirl together for a beautiful, shimmery glow. For $16, you can get a natural-looking, summer radiance.

  7. Kari Solyntjes wrote on :

    Well Monika, I happened to have just written on this! Here you can find my picks.http://www.faboverforty.com/makeup-over-forty/8-fab-finds-must-have-summer-bronzers/

  8. casavon wrote on :

    I’m not sure about department store brands, but Avon has several that would be perfect for you. There are five shades of bronzing powder and one of them will suit your coloring. We also have bronzing pearls that you swirl together to get the perfect shade!

    Check out my website and see if you can find JUST what you want!!

    Good luck! Chris


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