Does anyone have an easy to remember tip or a system for remembering passwords? Even here, I could not remember mine, and while I know I have posted before, I had to re-register. Do you tie your password somehow to the website you’re on or use the same pw everywhere for a time?
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cathiec wrote on :
Try acronyms. FOF is a great website for women would be- fofiagwfw
Next, choose 4 or 5 letters that you always capitalize. That goes for all websites- if you choose the letter F, capitalise it on any password you create. It’s easier to remeber that way.
With random seeming captials your FOF password would be FoFiagwFw.
If you need to add symbols or letters, try using ones that give meaning to your acronym- FoFiagwFw! and your age.
Good luck!