
I retired a few months ago. Need some updating in my wardrobe and overall self-presentation…the current styles are difficult for me to put together into something that is appropriate AND attractive for me age. Any advice, please?

0 Answers

  1. avonlady wrote on :

    I would recommend looking into Avon’s clothing. I’ve got many avon clothing items and many of them are styled for the mature woman . Also, the shoes are very comfortable. I have a couple of pair of platform sandals that I wear and I just love them. Also, the sizing fits the mature woman very well. Plus, the clothes are very trendy and fashionable and very reasonably priced.

    • stylecoach wrote on :

      I always suggest to my clients that they start with COLOR first! Most people tend to make the same mistake and that is always buying the same fabric (fiber) and not varying the texture of their tops. You don’t need many bottoms but you need multiple tops and layering pieces to create ‘looks’. And you don’t need a lot of pattern. Enjoy your retirement and think of getting dressed in terms of ‘core’-‘accent’-‘accessory’. What are these items…Make sure you have them and play up your accessories. Have fun with it!

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