I have real fine hair. I call it cobwebs not hair. What cut do you recommend? I have no curl to my hair. It is limp and totally lifeless.

I have real fine hair. I call it cobwebs not hair. What cut do you recommend? I have no curl to my hair. It is limp and totally lifeless.
0 Answers
SIXKIDS51 wrote on :
I also have very thin limp hair, but, I’ve learned a few tricks. When you finish blow drying your hair it look great,then all goes to crap.. My trick that I’ve used for years is keep it no longer than ear length and “NEVER” comb it. After I blow dry to the style I want, I gently lift sections of the hair spraying just the roots with hairspray. I personally have not owned a comb since I was 20. I’ve recieved many compliments on my aging hair, i’s all tricks… Also creme rinse is a no no.. Use it prior to shampooing and only once a week… It’s much to heavy for our hair…
Peg55 wrote on :
I have used Samy Fat Hair products and Organix Thick and Full Biotin and Collagen products with good results. They are reasonably priced and work better for me than volumizing hair products.
stella111 wrote on :
This is how I went from your situation to pretty good, if not great, hair, starting when I was about 60. First, I had it cut short and layered and learned that it was curly when it was short! What a shock! It also looked thicker when it was short. I wore it short for quite a while and started taking Biotin, which is a B vitamin. You must start a low dose, 1000 mg per day. After one month, you can move up to 2,000 per day. One month later, 3,000 mg per day. On up to 5,000 mg per day. It’s very cheap – I get mine at Walmart for roughly $3 a month.
I am now 66. My hair has gotten thicker, my balding areas started growing hair again, and my eyelashes and eyebrows are thicker.
In the last two years, I grew out my hair, which is now below my shoulders and cut in layers. The layers make a LOT of difference.
Any Biotin (remember, it’s a B vitamin) your body doesn’t use, it excretes in your urine. As far as I know, B vitamins are harmless to the body. But you MUST MUST MUST start with a LOW dose or you will have a terrible reaction.
Good luck.
p.s. I am also diabetic and the Biotin has completely reversed my neuropathy, i.e., serious pains in my legs and feet.
ciaobella70 wrote on :
If your hair is also thin, try finding an MD who does PRP ACell. It’s a stem cell procedure that uses your own blood plasma– thus, it stands for platelet rich plasma plus stem cells. It’s not too expensive–$2000-3500–and lasts a lifetime. Maybe, in the long run, it’s less expensive than all the stuff one must buy.
Lorraine53 wrote on :
Hi Baybah, you may want to try some of the hair thickening products, (shampoos & conditioners) first to give you some Va-Voom Volume. Nexxus has a great product out, Diametress; John Frieda’s, Luxurious; or Pantene Pro-V which runs around $4.00. Also Aveda’s Invati Thickening Conditioner would help. These are all great shampoos, (and conditioner), and as you see, Pro-V is pretty inexpensive. I would go for a shorter cut, something that can be set on smaller rollers, or curled with a smaller barrelled curling iron, to make your curls last & you can finger fluff & GO & not have your hair lying limp & lifeless. (You may also want to use a little Nivea Volume Sensation Thickening Balm to give your curls more dimension and polish). Check with your stylist, (or find one perhaps recommended by an FOF), for a perfect easy- care- cut!
Baybah wrote on :
Thank you. I have written down all your helpfull hints 🙂
Elline Surianello wrote on :
Hi Baybah, do you have a skype account? I would be able to give you a better recommendation if I can see what your hair looks like. Skype or send your photos to me at elline@lemetric.com. I can also be reached at 212-986-5620.